Attribute Specification for the Swedish eID Framework
Version 1.8 - 2024-05-10 - Draft version
Registration number: 2019-310
Copyright © The Swedish Agency for Digital Government (DIGG), 2015-2024. All Rights Reserved.
Table of Contents
1.1. Terminology
1.4. Structure
2.1. Pseudonym Identity
2.2. Natural Personal Identity without Civic Registration Number
2.3. Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number
2.4. Organizational Identity for Natural Persons
3.1. Attributes
3.1.1. Attribute String Values
3.1.2. Multi-valued Attributes
3.1.3. Scoped Attributes
3.2.1. The authContextParams Attribute
3.2.2. The userCertificate, userSignature and authServerSignature Attributes
3.2.3. The sad Attribute
3.2.4. The signMessageDigest Attribute
3.2.5. The orgAffiliation Attribute
3.2.6. The previousPersonalIdentityNumber Attribute
3.3. Attributes for the eIDAS Framework
3.3.1. The prid and pridPersistence Attributes
3.3.2. The mappedPersonalIdentityNumber and personalIdentityNumberBinding Attributes
3.3.3. Conversion of eIDAS Attributes Conversion of eIDAS CurrentAddress
1. Introduction
This document specifies an attribute profile for the Swedish eID Framework. The attribute profile defines attributes for use within the Swedish eID Framework, and a number of defined attribute sets that may be referenced by other documents as means to specify specific attribute release requirements.
1.1. Terminology
Term | Defined meaning |
Attribute | A property, quality or characteristic of a person, thing or object. This term is used in general in this specification to denote an attribute of a person/entity that is represented by a set of attributes in a SAML attribute statement (see SAML Attribute). This term is also used in this specification when describing XML syntax to denote an attribute (property) of an XML element. |
SAML attribute | An attribute of an entity represented by a set of attributes in a SAML attribute statement (<saml:AttributeStatement> element). |
IDP | Identity Provider |
SP | Service Provider |
Natural person | Natural person is legal term for a real human being, as opposed to a legal person, which may be a private (i.e., business entity) or public (i.e., government) organization. |
Civic registration number | A unique identifier assigned to each natural person in a national population register. Within the context of this specification this is a Swedish ”personnummer” or ”samordningsnummer” according to [SKV704] and [SKV707]. |
1.2. Requirement key words
The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
These keywords are capitalized when used to unambiguously specify requirements over protocol features and behavior that affect the interoperability and security of implementations. When these words are not capitalized, they are meant in their natural-language sense.
1.3. Name space references
Conventional XML namespace prefixes are used throughout the listings in this specification to stand for their respective namespaces as follows, whether or not a namespace declaration is present in the example:
Prefix | XML Namespace | Comments |
saml |
urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion |
The SAML V2.0 assertion namespace, defined in the schema [SAML-XSD]. |
xs | |
The XML Schema namespace, representing definitions of data types in [XML-Schema]. |
1.4. Structure
This specification uses the following typographical conventions in text: <ns:Element>
, Attribute
, Datatype, OtherCode
2. Attribute Sets
This section defines attribute sets based on attribute definitions in
section 3. Common to all attribute sets is that each attribute MUST NOT
be present more than once. An attribute that has more than one value
MUST be provided as one attribute with multiple <AttributeValue>
sub-elements in accordance with section 3.1.
An identifier, named “Attribute Set Identifier”, and an URI, are defined for each attribute set as means for other documents to reference specific attribute sets.
Each attribute set defines a number of mandatory attributes that MUST be released by an Attribute Provider* that provides attributes according to the given attribute set, and optionally recommended attributes that SHOULD be released as part of the attribute set if they are available to the provider.
Note: An Attribute Provider may also release other attributes, not specified by the defined attribute sets it supports. See further section 6.2.1, “Attribute Release and Consuming Rules”, of “Deployment Profile for the Swedish eID Framework” ([EidDeployProf]).
In order to comply with a defined attribute set, the following attribute requirements apply:
Attribute requirement | Definition |
REQUIRED | Attributes that MUST be present. |
RECOMMENDED | Attributes that SHOULD be present, if available. |
A defined attribute set does not define any rules for attributes other than those listed as required or recommended.
[*]: An Attribute Provider is an entity that releases attributes to a requesting entity. In all practical cases within the Swedish eID Framework this entity is an Identity Provider or an Attribute Authority. Within the eIDAS Framework, the Swedish eIDAS node acts as the Attribute Provider for the Service Providers.
2.1. Pseudonym Identity
Attribute set identifier: ELN-AP-Pseudonym-01
This attribute set specifies the condition where there are no mandatory or recommended attributes.
Typical use: In a pseudonym attribute release policy that just provides a persistent NameID
identifier in the assertion but no attributes.
2.2. Natural Personal Identity without Civic Registration Number
Attribute set identifier: ELN-AP-NaturalPerson-01
The “Personal Identity without Civic Registration Number” attribute set provides basic natural person information without revealing the civic registration number of the subject.
Attribute requirement | Attributes |
REQUIRED | sn (Surname) givenName (Given name) displayName (Display name) |
Typical use: In an attribute release policy that provides basic user name information together with a persistent NameID
identifier in the assertion.
2.3. Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number
Attribute set identifier: ELN-AP-Pnr-01
The “Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number” attribute set provides basic personal identity information including a Swedish civic registration number of the subject.
Attribute requirement | Attributes |
REQUIRED | sn (Surname) givenName (Given name) displayName (Display name) personalIdentityNumber (National civic registration number) |
RECOMMENDED | dateOfBirth (Date of birth) |
Typical use: In an attribute release policy that provides basic user name information together with the person’s Swedish civic registration number.
2.4. Organizational Identity for Natural Persons
Attribute set identifier: ELN-AP-OrgPerson-01
The “Organizational Identity for Natural Persons” attribute set provides basic organizational identity information about a person. The organizational identity does not necessarily imply that the subject has any particular relationship with or standing within the organization, but rather that this identity has been issued/provided by that organization for any particular reason (employee, customer, consultant, etc.).
Attribute requirement | Attributes |
REQUIRED | displayName (Display name)* orgAffiliation (Personal identifier and organizational identifier code)** o (Organization name) |
RECOMMENDED | organizationIdentifier (Organizational identifier code)*** |
Typical use: In an attribute release policy that provides basic organizational identity information about a natural person.
The "Organizational Identity for Natural Persons" attribute set defines a minimum set of attributes needed to provide organizational identity information about a person. Should an attribute consumer require additional attributes, such as surname and given name, the personal identity number or an organizational unit name, this can be achieved by either requesting other attribute sets or by explicitly requesting individual attributes. See further section 6.2.1, “Attribute Release and Consuming Rules”, of “Deployment Profile for the Swedish eID Framework” ([EidDeployProf]).
[*]: The
attribute MAY contain personal information such as the given name or surname, but it MAY also be used as an anonymized display name, for example, "Administrator 123". This is decided by the issuing organization.
[**]: See section 3.2.5.
[***]: The organizational identifier can always be derived from the mandatory
attribute, but an attribute provider supporting the "Organizational Identity for Natural Persons" attribute set SHOULD also release theorganizationIdentifier
attribute individually.
2.5. eIDAS Natural Person Attribute Set
Attribute set identifier: ELN-AP-eIDAS-NatPer-01
The “eIDAS Natural Person Attribute Set” provides personal identity information for a subject that has been authenticated via the eIDAS Framework.
Attribute requirement | Attributes |
REQUIRED* | prid (Provisional ID) pridPersistence (Provisional ID persistence indicator) eidasPersonIdentifier (Mapping of the eIDAS PersonIdentifier attribute) dateOfBirth (Date of birth) sn (Surname) givenName (Given name) c (Country code for the eIDAS country that authenticated the subject) transactionIdentifier (ID of assertion issued by the member state node)** |
REQUIRED (if available)*** |
birthName (Birth name) placeOfBirth (Place of birth) eidasNaturalPersonAddress (Address for natural person) gender (Gender) |
RECOMMENDED | mappedPersonalIdentityNumber (Mapped national civic registration number) personalIdentityNumberBinding (National civic registration number Binding(s)) |
Typical use: In an attribute release policy implemented by an eIDAS connector that provides a complete set of attributes to a requesting Service Provider.
Note: The mappedPersonalIdentityNumber
and personalIdentityNumberBinding
attributes will be part of the attribute release if the attribute
provider has access to enough information to provide a binding
between eIDAS attributes and a Swedish identity number (see section
The eIDAS attribute set comprises of “added” and “converted” attributes.
Added attributes: Attributes that are not provided by the member
state node, but added by the
Swedish eIDAS node in order to provide additional information about
the authenticated subject obtained from relevant domestic attribute
sources. The prid
, pridPersistence
and personalIdentityNumber
attributes are “added attributes”.
Converted attributes: Attributes that are the result of a
conversion process where an eIDAS attribute is converted into a
single-value string type attribute defined within the Swedish eID
Framework (see section 3.3.3, “Conversion of eIDAS Attributes”). The
reason for the conversion is to facilitate processing for attribute
consumers. The eIDAS attributes are not simple string types, and this
affects interoperability in a negative way since standard SAML
software need to be modified to support these attributes. Therefore,
the Swedish eID node will convert eIDAS attributes to their
corresponding string value-typed attributes. The
, sn
, givenName
and dateOfBirth
attributes are
examples of “converted attributes”.
[*]: Attributes “added” by the Swedish eID node and converted attributes for the mandatory attributes of the eIDAS minimum data set for natural persons.
[**]: The transaction identifier attribute will contain the unique ID of the assertion that was issued by the member state node. This information together with the entityID of the member state node (found in the
element of an assertion) give a reference to the original assertion and authentication process.
[***]: Converted attributes for the optional attributes of the eIDAS minimum data set for natural persons.
2.6. Natural Person Identity with HSA-ID
Attribute set identifier: DIGG-AP-HSAid-01
The “Natural Person Identity with HSA-ID” attribute set provides basic personal identity information including a HSA-ID of the subject (see [SambiAttr]).
Attribute requirement | Attributes |
REQUIRED | sn (Surname) givenName (Given name) displayName (Display name) employeeHsaId (HSA-ID) |
RECOMMENDED | dateOfBirth (Date of birth) |
Typical use: In an attribute release policy that provides basic user name information together with the person’s HSA-ID.
3. Attribute Definitions
3.1. Attributes
The following attributes are defined for use within the attribute profile for the Swedish eID Framework:
Attribute abbreviation | SAML attribute name | Description | Use within this specification | Multi-valued | Scoped | Example |
sn | urn:oid: | Surname | Registered surname. | No | No | Lindeman |
givenName | urn:oid: | Given Name | Registered given name. | No | No | Valfrid |
displayName | urn:oid:2.16.840.1. 113730.3.1.241 |
Display Name | A name in any preferred presentation format. | No | No | Valfrid Lindeman |
gender | urn:oid: | Gender | A one letter representation (“M”/”F”/”U” or “m”/“f”/”u”) representing the subject’s gender, where “M” represents male, “F” represents female and “U” is used for unspecified, or unknown, gender. | No | No | M |
personalIdentity- Number |
urn:oid:1.2.752.29.4.13 | National civic registration number/code | Swedish ”personnummer” or ”samordningsnummer” according to SKV 704 and SKV 707. 12 digits without hyphen. | No | No | 195006262546 |
previousPersonal- IdentityNumber |
urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.15 | A user's previous national civic registration number, see section 3.2.6 below. | See personalIdentityNumber above. |
No | No | 197010632391 |
dateOfBirth | urn:oid: | Date of birth | Date of birth expressed using the format YYYY-MM-DD. | No | No | 1950-06-26 |
birthName | urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.8 | Name at the time of birth | Full name of a person at birth. | No | No | Valfrid Danielsson |
street | urn:oid: | Street address | Street address. | No | No | Mosebacke torg 3 |
postOfficeBox | urn:oid: | Post box | Post box. | No | No | Box 1122 |
postalCode | urn:oid: | Postal code | Postal code. | No | No | 11826 |
l | urn:oid: | Locality | Locality. | No | No | Stockholm |
c | urn:oid: | Country | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 [ISO3166] two letter country code. | No | No | SE |
placeOfBirth | urn:oid: | Place of birth | A string representing the place of birth | No | No | Stockholm |
countryOfCitizenship | urn:oid: | Country of citizenship | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 [ISO3166] two letter country code representing a country of citizenship. | Yes | No | SE |
countryOfResidence | urn:oid: | Country of Residence | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 [ISO3166] two letter country code representing the country of residence. | No | No | SE |
telephoneNumber | urn:oid: | Telephone number | Telephone number. | Yes | No | +46890510 |
mobile | urn:oid:0.9.2342. 19200300.100.1.41 |
Mobile number | Mobile number. | Yes | No | +46703419886 |
urn:oid:0.9.2342. 19200300.100.1.3 |
E-mail address | E-mail address. | Yes | Yes/No* | | |
o | urn:oid: | Organization name | Registered organization name. | No | No | Skatteverket |
ou | urn:oid: | Organizational unit name | Organizational unit name. | Yes | No | IT-Avdelningen |
organizationIdentifier | urn:oid: | Organizational identifier code | Swedish “organisationsnummer” according to SKV 709. 10 digits without hyphen. | No | No | 5562265719 |
orgAffiliation | urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.1 | <uid>@<orgnr> | Personal ID @ Swedish ”organisationsnummer” according to SKV 709. 10 digits without hyphen. | Yes | Yes | vlindman@5562265719 See section 3.2.5 below. |
transactionIdentifier | urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.2 | Transaction identifier | Transaction identifier for an event, e.g. an authentication process. | No | No | 9878HJ6687 (arbitrary string) |
authContextParams | urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.3 | Authentication Context Parameters. | Key-value pairs from an authentication process. Defined by issuing entity. | No | No | See section 3.2.1 below. |
userCertificate | urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.10 | User certificate | Base64-encoding of a user certificate. | No | No | See section 3.2.2 below. |
userSignature | urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.11 | User signature | Base64-encoding of a signature object applied by the user. | No | No | See section 3.2.2 below. |
authServerSignature | urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.13 | Authentication server signature | Base64-encoding of a authentication server signature. | No | No | See section 3.2.2 below. |
sad | urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.12 | Signature activation data | Signature activation data required by signature services. | No | No | See section 3.2.3 below. |
signMessageDigest | urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.14 | Sign message digest | Included in assertions as a proof that a user sign message was displayed. | No | No | See section 3.2.4 below. |
prid | urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.4 | Provisional identifier | Unique identifier for an authentication performed against the eIDAS Framework. See section 3.3.1 below. | No | No | NO:5068907693 |
pridPersistence | urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.5 | Provisional identifier persistence indicator | Indicator for the expected persistence of the prid attribute. See section 3.3.1 below. | No | No | A |
personalIdentity- NumberBinding |
urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.6 | National civic registration number/code binding URI | URI(s) identifying the binding process(es) performed of the mappedPersonalIdentityNumber attribute added by eIDAS connector. See section 3.3.2 below. |
No | No | id-binding/process/populationregister |
mappedPersonal- IdentityNumber |
urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.16 | Mapped national civic registration number | A "mapped" personalIdentityNumber, see section 3.3.2. | No | No | 195006262546 |
eidasPersonIdentifier | urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.7 | eIDAS uniqueness identifier for natural persons | Maps the eIDAS PersonIdentifier attribute to a string attribute within the scope of the Swedish eID Framework attribute set. | No | No | ES/AT/02635542Y (Spanish eID number for an Austrian SP) |
eidasNatural- PersonAddress |
urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.9 | eIDAS Natural Person Address | Attribute for converting the eIDAS CurrentAddress attribute into an attribute having a string type value. | No | No | See section below. |
employeeHsaId | urn:oid:1.2.752. | HSA-ID | Person identifier used by Swedish health care organizations. | No | No | See [SambiAttr]. |
[*]: The
3.1.1. Attribute String Values
All attributes, unless stated otherwise in this table, holds string values using the UTF-8 character set using the xs:string
data type. Certain attributes such as mail
, personalIdentityNumber
, organizationIdentifier
, telephoneNumber
and mobile
use a restricted character set according to its defined usage within this specification.
All attributes use the “caseIgnoreMatch” matching rule as defined by X.520 [X.520]. That is, case-insensitive comparison where insignificant spaces are ignored.
3.1.2. Multi-valued Attributes
Attributes with a “No” value in the column "Multi-valued" MUST NOT have more than one <AttributeValue>
sub-element. Attributes with a “Yes” value in the column "Multi-valued" MAY have one or more <AttributeValue>
3.1.3. Scoped Attributes
Attributes with a "Yes" value in the column "Scoped" are scoped attributes. A scoped attribute expresses values in a string-valued attribute of the form value@scope
, where scope
takes the form of a domain name or something similar such as an organizational identifier.
An Identity Provider wishing to release scoped attributes must register the scopes with the federation operator. After the federation operator has authorized the Identity Provider for the given scopes, they are declared in the Identity Provider's metadata entry. See section of [EidDeployProf] for details.
A Service Provider consuming a scoped attribute SHOULD assert that the issuing Identity Provider is authorized to issue attributes with the given scope by checking the Identity Provider's metadata entry as described in section 6.2.1 of [EidDeployProf].
3.2. SAML Attribute Format
The <saml:Attribute>
element representing an attribute in 3.1 SHALL comply with the following requirements:
attribute SHALL have the valueurn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri
attribute SHALL hold a URI according to the table in section 3.1.The
attribute is OPTIONAL.All
sub-elements SHALL, unless stated otherwise in the table in section 3.1, have anxsi:type
attribute specifying the type"xs:string"
The following is an example of the surname attribute. Its name is “urn:oid:”, its friendly name is “sn” and the value is represented using a string type.
<saml2:Attribute xmlns:xsi=""
<saml2:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">Eriksson</saml2:AttributeValue>
3.2.1. The authContextParams Attribute
The attribute authContextParams
holds key-value pairs. Its purpose is to store key-value pairs representing data from an authentication process. The data stored in this attribute is generally not defined by the Swedish eID Framework, but instead by the issuing party (i.e., the Identity Provider).
The authContextParams
attribute is a non-empty single-value attribute where the attribute value contains the key-value pairs separated by semicolons. The key and value of each pair is separated by a ‘=’ character and both the key and value MUST be URL-encoded.
Below follows an example of how the authContextParams attribute is populated with two key-value pairs, "foo" that stores the value "ÅÄÖ", and "bar" that stores the value "123".
<saml2:Attribute xmlns:xsi=""
<saml2:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">foo=%C3%85%C3%84%C3%96;bar=123</saml2:AttributeValue>
3.2.2. The userCertificate, userSignature and authServerSignature Attributes
Identity Providers that implement a PKI-based authentication method may
make use of the userCertificate
and userSignature
The userCertificate
attribute holds, as its value, a base64-encoding of
the X.509 certificate presented by the subject during authentication.
The userSignature
attribute contains a base64-encoding of a signature
object that was created by the subject during the authentication*
The authServerSignature
may be included in assertions in cases where there are requirements to include a digitally signed proof from the authentication server at which the end user authenticated. This is mainly useful in cases where the SAML Identity Provider delegates end user authentication to a subordinate authentication server.
[*]: Note that an authentication process, may be “authentication for signature” as specified in section 7 of [EidDeployProf].
3.2.3. The sad Attribute
The sad
attribute holds Signature Activation Data that is required by a
signature service in order to service a signature request in accordance
with CEN EN 419 241-2. The sad
attribute holds a single string
attribute value. The format of the string value is defined in the "Signature Activation Protocol
for Federated Signing" specification [SigSAP].
3.2.4. The signMessageDigest Attribute
The signMessageDigest
attribute is included in an assertion as a proof that an Identity Provider displayed
a sign message for the user and that the user actively confirmed acceptance of this sign message. This sign
message is the SignMessage
extension that may be included in an authentication request by Signature Service
Service Providers. See section 7 of [EidDeployProf] for details.
The attribute value format for the signMessageDigest
attribute is digest-algorithm-identifier;sign-message-digest
, where
is the XML Security algorithm URI identifier of the selected digest algorithm and
is base64(digest(msg))
. The msg
is the UTF-8 encoded bytes of the sign message that was displayed. It equals the csig:Message
element value of the csig:SignMessage
([DSSExt]). Thus, if the csig:Message
element is encrypted into a csig:EncryptedMessage
, the element value after decryption should be used.
Entities compliant with this specification MUST use
as the digest algorithm,
unless the recipient of the signMessageDigest
attribute has declared another digest algorithm as preferred in its
metadata entry (see section of [EidDeployProf]). In those cases this algorithm MAY be used.
Suppose that the unencrypted message is "I hereby confirm that I want to join as a customer". This is represented as:
The input to the digesting operation is the value bytes of the csig:Message
element which is UTF-8 encoded bytes
of the actual sign message*.
The signMessageDigest
attribute for the above example will then be:
<saml2:Attribute FriendlyName="signMessageDigest" Name="urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.14"
<saml2:AttributeValue xsi:type="xsd:string">;0yKaSVsYeh+PX2Q6diqO2w89+a3Dm303tp3AVjgxwj0=
3.2.5. The orgAffiliation Attribute
The orgAffiliation
attribute is intended to be used as a primary identity attribute for personal organizational identities. It consists of a personal identifier and an organizational identifier code (organizationIdentifier
This specification does not impose any specific requirements concerning the personal identifier part of the attribute other than that it MUST be unique for the given organization.
Note: In the general case, an attribute consumer MUST NOT assume a particular format or meaning of the personal identifier part since different organizations may use different formats. An attribute consumer should also be aware that a personal identifier separated from its organizational identifier code can not be regarded as unique.
Note: The orgAffiliation
is a scoped attribute meaning that producing and consuming such an attribute MUST follow the rules given in sections and 6.2.1 of [EidDeployProf].
3.2.6. The previousPersonalIdentityNumber Attribute
The personalIdentityNumber
attribute can contain a Swedish personal identity number (personnummer), [SKV704], or a Swedish coordination number (samordningsnummer), [SKV707]. All individuals born in Sweden or moving to Sweden with the intention
of staying one year or longer is assigned a personal identity number and registered in the
population register. A coordination number may be assigned to a person that is not registered,
but has the need to communicate with various government authorities, healthcare institutions,
higher education and banks.
In some cases a person may hold a coordination number during a period before he or she is assigned a personal identity number. A typical use case is a person that seeks asylum and later is given a residence permit. In this case the person first may hold a coordination number and if a residence permit is given a personal identity number will be assigned.
For a service provider this may lead to problems since the primary identifier for a person has changed. A login with the newly assigned identifier will not match the user account previously used by this individual.
This profile defines the previousPersonalIdentityNumber
attribute to enable matching a
previously held identity number to a newly assigned identity number. The previousPersonalIdentityNumber
attribute is typically released together with the "new"
attribute in order to facilitate account matching at a service provider.
This attribute is not part of any attribute sets defined in the profile. Attribute consumers
wishing to receive the attribute should declare the these requirement in their metadata entries
(using a <md:RequestedAttribute>
3.3. Attributes for the eIDAS Framework
3.3.1. The prid and pridPersistence Attributes
Assertions (with attribute statements) issued from a member state eIDAS node contain a set of attributes identifying the authenticated subject. Attributes obtained from other conformant eIDAS nodes will provide an eIDAS unique identifier but it can not be ruled out that the Swedish eIDAS node may be adopted to accept authentication from non eIDAS compliant nodes, such as when accepting authentication from countries outside of EU such as the USA.
Therefore, the Swedish eIDAS connector enriches attribute statements
with the provisional ID (prid
) and provisional ID persistence
) attributes.
The prid
attribute is designed to provide one common unique attribute of
the user in a common format regardless of the composition of the
original attributes received from the authenticating source. The prid
attribute value is not stored in any registry, but derived from the
received attributes at each authentication instant according to defined
algorithms specified in [ConstructedAttr]. The algorithm ensures that
each prid
is unique for each authenticated entity, but does not ensure
persistence. If the attributes received for an entity changes over time,
the prid
attribute may also change dependent on the defined prid
generation algorithm for that attribute source.
The pridPersistence
attribute provides an indication of the expected
persistence over time for a present prid
attribute value. The value of
this attribute is determined from the selected prid
generation algorithm
in combination with the attribute source. For example, a prid
from a Norwegian eIDAS unique identifier has longer persistence
expectancy than a prid
derived from the same attribute from the UK or
Germany. This attribute helps Service Providers to apply different UI
and service functions for users with different persistence expectancy.
This may assist users with low persistence expectancy to regain control
of their user account, should their prid
change in the future.
The specification “eIDAS Constructed Attributes Specification for the
Swedish eID Framework”, [ConstructedAttr], declares the details for
how the prid
and pridPersistence
attributes are generated and how they
should be processed.
3.3.2. The mappedPersonalIdentityNumber and personalIdentityNumberBinding Attributes
When an authentication for a natural person is performed against the
eIDAS Framework, the Swedish eIDAS connector will query the Identity Binding Service
for a binding between the attributes found in the assertion received from the foreign
eIDAS-node and a Swedish personal identity number. If such a mapping exists, and the user consents to it being used, the assertion will be extended with a mappedPersonalIdentityNumber
attribute holding the "mapped" Swedish civic registration number ("personnummer" or "samordningsnummer").
This mapping, or binding, can be performed using a number of different processes,
each identified by a URI. Therefore, if the eIDAS connector extends an assertion with a
attribute, it MUST also include the personalIdentityNumberBinding
attribute. This attribute contains a semicolon separated list of URI:s that identify the binding process applied to obtain the binding. See [ID-Binding] for the possible values.
If these bindings are acceptable for a Service Provider processing an assertion (containing the mappedPersonalIdentityNumber
attribute), the Service Provider MAY treat the contents of the mappedPersonalIdentityNumber
attribute as it would have received the personalIdentityNumber
attribute, otherwise the Service Provider SHOULD NOT use the identity found in the mappedPersonalIdentityNumber
attribute to login the user.
Note: The reason that an ordinary
attribute is not used to represent a mapped civic registration number is that it is essential that the consuming entity always verifies that the binding process under which the mapping was performed is acceptable, before proceeding with the authentication process.
3.3.3. Conversion of eIDAS Attributes
The attributes specified within eIDAS ([eIDAS_Attr]) does not use simple string type values. Instead each attribute is represented using its own dedicated XML data type. This affects interoperability in a negative way since most standard SAML software need to be modified to support these attributes. Therefore, the Swedish eID Framework defines mappings for all eIDAS attributes to attributes having definitions that are more suitable for processing using standard SAML software.
Below follows a listing of how the attributes for the eIDAS minimum data set for Natural Persons are converted into attributes supported by the Swedish eID Framework.
eIDAS attribute | Swedish eID attribute |
PersonIdentifier |
eidasPersonIdentifier urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.7 |
FamilyName |
sn urn:oid: |
FirstName |
givenName urn:oid: |
DateOfBirth |
dateOfBirth urn:oid: |
BirthName |
birthName urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.8 |
PlaceOfBirth |
placeOfBirth urn:oid: |
CurrentAddress |
eidasNaturalPersonAddress urn:oid:1.2.752.201.3.9 See section below. |
Gender |
gender urn:oid: |
Note: When converting an eIDAS attribute that makes use of
“transliteration” (as described in section 2.4 of [eIDAS_Attr])
attribute values having the LatinScript
attribute set to false
will not
be part of the resulting attribute. Conversion of eIDAS CurrentAddress
The eIDAS attribute CurrentAddress
is defined in section 2.2.9 of
[eIDAS_Attr]. Its value is a Base64-encoding of an XML-structure of
the type CurrentAddressStructuredType.
<xsd:complexType name="CurrentAddressStructuredType">
Current address of the natural person.
<xsd:element name="PoBox" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="LocatorDesignator" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="LocatorName" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="CvaddressArea" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="Thoroughfare" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="PostName" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="AdminunitFirstline" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="AdminunitSecondline" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="PostCode" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
An example of an instance of a CurrentAddress attribute would look as follows:
<saml2:Attribute xmlns:xsi=""
<saml2:AttributeValue xsi:type="eidas:CurrentAddressType">
The value is the Base64-encoding of the following XML-snippet:
<eidas:Thoroughfare>Arcacia Avenue</eidas:Thoroughfare>
<eidas:PostCode>SW1A 1AA</eidas:Postcode>
This is not easily processed by standard SAML-software, and requires
several steps including XML-decoding of an incomplete XML-snippet.
Therefore, the Swedish eID Framework defines the
attribute to be used when the Swedish eIDAS
node converts the eIDAS CurrentAddress
The eidasNaturalPersonAddress
attribute is defined to be a non-empty
single-value attribute containing key-value pairs separated by
semicolons. The keys are element names from the
type and the value-parts are their
corresponding values. The key and value of each pair is separated by a
‘=’ character and both the key and value MUST be URL-encoded.
The eIDAS-attribute CurrentAddress
above will thus be converted to the
following attribute:
<saml2:Attribute xmlns:xsi=""
<saml2:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">
4. References
Bradner, S., Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, March 1997.
OASIS Standard, SAML V2.0 Subject Identifier Attributes Profile Version 1.0, January 2019.
Binding of eIDAS Attributes to Swedish Personal Identity Numbers
ITU-T X.520 - Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory: Selected attribute types.
S. Cantor et al., SAML assertions schema. OASIS SSTC, March 2005. Document ID saml-schema-assertion-2.0. See
XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, W3C Recommendation, 28 October 2004. See
Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions Part 1: Country codes, ISO standard, ISO 3166-1.
eIDAS Constructed Attributes Specification for the Swedish eID Framework.
5. Changes between versions
Changes between version 1.7 and version 1.8:
Updated link to Sambi attribute specification.
Section 3.3.2, "The mappedPersonalIdentityNumber and personalIdentityNumberBinding Attributes", was updated.
Changes between version 1.6 and version 1.7:
Section 2.4, "Organizational Identity for Natural Persons", was updated to define a minimum set of attributes for providing personal orgazational identity information.
Section 3.2.5, "The orgAffiliation Attribute", was introduced.
The concept of "scoped attributes" was introduced, see section 3.1.3.
attribute was added, see section 3.2.6.The
attribute was added (see section 3.3.2), and the attribute set "eIDAS Natural Person Attribute Set" (section 2.5) was changed so that amappedPersonalIdentityNumber
attribute is delivered instead of apersonalIdentityNumber
attribute if the eIDAS identity can be mapped to a Swedish identity number.
Changes between version 1.5 and version 1.6:
References were updated to point at the latest versions of the "Tillitsramverk för Svensk e-legitimation" and "eIDAS SAML Attribute Profile" specifications.
Section 2.5, "eIDAS Natural Person Attribute Set", was updated so that the
(country) attribute is a required attribute for this attribute set.The attribute
was introduced (see section 3.2.4).The HSA-ID attribute was specified.
Changes between version 1.4 and version 1.5:
- Section 3.2.3 was updated with a reference to the SAP specification as source for defining the content of the
attribute. - Fix of invalid links for SKV704 and SKV707.
- Section 2.3, "Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number (Personnummer)", was updated so that the
-attribute is listed as a recommended attribute for the attribute set
Changes between version 1.3 and version 1.4:
Attributes for mapping eIDAS-attributes have been defined (section 3.1 and 3.3).
The eIDAS Natural Person Attribute Set has been defined (section 2.5).
The definition of the
-attribute was extended to also include “U” (for unspecified or unknown).For interoperability and implementations reasons, the definition of the
-attribute has been changed so that it is represented as anxs:string
type on the format YYYY-MM-DD, instead of thexs:date
were added.
Changes between version 1.2 and version 1.3:
This specification no longer uses the term “attribute profile” for named collections of attributes for different scenarios. Instead the term “attribute set” is used.
Definitions of attribute sets (profiles) have been changed to be more flexible and to focus only on which attributes that should be included in an attribute release. Attribute set requirements now include “required” and “recommended” attributes instead of “required”, “allowed”, “if requested” and “prohibited”. See section 2.
The contents of the previous chapter 2, “NameID”, were moved to the “Deployment Profile for the Swedish eID Framework” document.
The attribute
is now specified as “required” for the “Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number (Personnummer)” (ELN-AP-NaturalPerson-01) attribute set (profile). See section 2.3.The attributes
(Organization) anddisplayName
are now specified as “required” for the “Organizational Identity for Natural Persons” (ELN-AP-OrgPerson-01) attribute set (profile). See section 2.4.The attributes
(surname) are now specified as “required” for the “Natural Personal Identity without Civic Registration Number” (ELN-AP-NaturalPerson-01) attribute set (profile). See section 2.2.The attributes
were introduced (see sections 3.1 and 3.2.1).
Changes between version 1.1 and version 1.2:
- Attribute Profiles are now also represented with valid URIs as well as their textual identifiers.
Changes between version 1.0 and version 1.1:
- In chapter 3.4, “Organizational Identity for Natural Persons”, some attributes were listed as both prohibited and allowed. This has been fixed.