Entity Categories for the Swedish eID Framework

Version 1.9 - 2024-05-20 - Draft version

Registration number: 2019-311

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

    1.1. Requirements Notation

    1.2. References to SAML 2.0 Standards and Profiles

    1.3. Consuming and Providing Services

    1.4. Use in Discovery

    1.5. Representation of Entity Categories in Metadata

  2. Definitions for Service Entity Categories

    2.1. Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number

    2.1.1. loa2-pnr

    2.1.2. loa3-pnr

    2.1.3. loa4-pnr

    2.1.4. eidas-pnr-delivery

    2.2. eIDAS Natural Person Attribute Set

    2.2.1. eidas-naturalperson

    2.3. Organizational Identity for Natural Persons

    2.3.1. loa2-orgid

    2.3.2. loa3-orgid

    2.3.3. loa4-orgid

    2.4. Natural Personal Identity without Civic Registration Number

    2.4.1. loa2-name

    2.4.2. loa3-name

    2.4.3. loa4-name

  3. Definitions for Service Property Categories

    3.1. mobile-auth

    3.2. scal2

  4. Definitions for Service Type Entity Categories

    4.1. sigservice

    4.2. public-sector-sp

    4.3. private-sector-sp

  5. Service Contract Categories

  6. General Entity Categories

    6.1. secure-authenticator-binding

    6.2. accepts-coordination-number

    6.3. supports-user-message

  7. References

  8. Changes between versions

1. Introduction

This specification contains the Entity Category definitions that are defined for the Swedish eID Framework and that should be supported by Service Providers and Identity Providers that are part of the federation.

The use of Entity Categories for the Swedish eID Framework is restricted to SAML metadata where Entity Categories are placed as SAML attributes under the <mdattr:EntityAttributes> element ([SAML2MetaAttr]) for an <md:Extensions> element ([SAML2Meta]).

<md:EntityDescriptor entityID="https://eid.example.com/entityid">
    <mdattr:EntityAttributes xmlns:mdattr="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:metadata:attribute">
      <saml:Attribute Name="http://macedir.org/entity-category"
        <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:type="xs:string">

The Entity Category identifier http://id.elegnamnden.se/ec/1.0/loa3-pnr specified as an entity attribute for a Service Provider or Identity Provider.

Five types of Entity Categories are used within the federation:

1.1. Requirements Notation

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

The use of SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, and RECOMMENDED reflects broad consensus on deployment practices intended to foster both interoperability and guarantees of security and confidentiality needed to satisfy the requirements of many organizations that engage in the use of federated identity. Deviating may limit a deployment's ability to technically interoperate without additional negotiation, and should be undertaken with caution.

1.2. References to SAML 2.0 Standards and Profiles

When referring to elements from the SAML 2.0 core specification [SAML2Core], the following syntax is used:

When referring to elements from the SAML 2.0 metadata specifications, the following syntax is used:

1.3. Consuming and Providing Services

Entity categories are mainly used for service matching. This allows matching of a consuming service with an appropriate providing service. A consuming service in this context is an assertion or attribute consuming service of a service provider (Service described through an <md:SPSSODescriptor> element in the federation metadata). A providing service in this context is a service, represented in the federation metadata, providing assertions to a service provider.

The entity categories defined in this document have different meaning depending on whether they are declared by a consuming or a providing service. Further, different types of entity category identifiers defined in this document have different matching rules to determine whether particular providing service matches the requirements of a consuming service.

These differences are outlined in the following table:

EC type Consuming service Providing service Service matching rule
Service Entity Category Each declared category represents a set of requirements for the service. Represents the ability to deliver assertions in accordance with each declared category. At least one of the service entity categories declared by the consuming service MUST be declared by the providing service.
Service Property Represents a property of this service. Represents the ability to deliver assertions to a consuming service that has the declared property. All properties declared by the consuming service MUST be declared by the providing service.
Service Type Declares the type of service provided by this consuming service. Not applicable. No matching rule.
Service Contract Each declared category represents a contract, or business agreement, that the service is affiliated to. Represents the contracts, or business agreements, under which the providing service may deliver services. At least one of the service contract identifiers declared by a providing service must be declared by the consuming service. A providing service that does not declare any service contract identifiers match all consuming services regarding service contract matching.
General An entity category type for miscellaneous purposes. An entity category type for miscellaneous purposes. No general matching rule.
However, the meaning of a general entity category may be such that it affects matching.

1.4. Use in Discovery

Entity Categories in metadata are declarations of requirements and capabilities of Service Providers and Identity Providers. A discovery process may make use of these declared Entity Categories when performing filtering, i.e., when deciding which Identity Providers to present for the end-user. The filtering algorithm is very simple:

For a Service Provider requesting discovery its metadata entry is scanned for Entity Category identifiers of the type Service Entity Category, Service Contract and Service Property. The algorithm then iterates over all Identity Providers found in the metadata repository for the federation. The discovery process SHOULD display Identity Providers as a plausible choice, if and only if, the following conditions apply;

1.5. Representation of Entity Categories in Metadata

Entity categories defined in this document are placed in an entity’s metadata record as an attribute value within an entity category attribute (SAML attribute with name http://macedir.org/entity-category). If more than one entity category identifier is included in the metadata of a service, it MUST be placed as multiple attribute values within a single entity category attribute.

<md:EntityDescriptor entityID="https://eid2.example.com/entityid">    
    <mdattr:EntityAttributes xmlns:mdattr="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:metadata:attribute">    
      <saml:Attribute Name="http://macedir.org/entity-category"
        <saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">
        <saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">
        <saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">

Example of how entity categories are represented in metadata.

2. Definitions for Service Entity Categories

This section contains a listing of Service Entity Categories that are defined within the Swedish eID Framework. This listing may not be complete, and the federation operator may define additional categories.

All service entity category identifiers are prefixed with http://id.elegnamnden.se/ec or http://id.swedenconnect.se/ec (defined after Aug. 2018).

A service entity category identifies an arbitrary set of requirements and conditions that is required by the consuming service and provided by the providing service. Each service entity category specifies its own set of requirements and conditions. Typically such requirements and conditions include requirements on level of assurance (LoA) and requirements on mandatory attributes. For contract- or business agreement requirements Service Contract Categories should be used.

A providing service declaring a service entity category that consists of both a level of assurance requirement and an attribute set MUST guarantee that the release of the given attributes are consistent with the level of assurance requirement.

This specification does not impose any other limitations on what requirements or conditions that can be identified by a service entity category and there are no defined technical mechanisms to ensure that any service correctly implement any of these requirements. The main purpose of the service entity category is service matching in accordance with section 1.3 and any requirements and conditions that serves this purpose are considered valid.

Note: A providing service that does not comply with any of the defined service entity categories may define its own service entity category identifier in order to utilize the entity category matching rules. Any service entity category identifier defined outside of this specification should use the prefix http://id.swedenconnect.se/ec/<org>, where org is the defining organization's identifier.

2.1. Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number

This section define Service Entity Categories that has attribute requirements according to the "Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number" (http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/pnr-01) attribute set as defined in section 2.3 of [EidAttributes].

Note: The http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/pnr-01 attribute set includes the personalIdentityNumber attribute. See section 6.2, "accepts-coordination-number", for specific requirements concerning delivering a coordination number in this attribute.

2.1.1. loa2-pnr

URL: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ec/1.0/loa2-pnr

Description: User authentication according to assurance level 2 [EidTillit] and attribute release according to the attribute set “Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number”.

LoA-identifier: http://id.elegnamnden.se/loa/1.0/loa2

Or a corresponding LoA 2 URI (see section 3.1.1 of [EidRegistry].

Attribute requirements: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/pnr-01

2.1.2. loa3-pnr

URL: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ec/1.0/loa3-pnr

Description: User authentication according to assurance level 3 [EidTillit] and attribute release according to the attribute set “Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number”.

LoA-identifier: http://id.elegnamnden.se/loa/1.0/loa3

Or a corresponding LoA 3 URI (see section 3.1.1 of [EidRegistry].

Attribute requirements: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/pnr-01

2.1.3. loa4-pnr

URL: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ec/1.0/loa4-pnr

Description: User authentication according to assurance level 4 [EidTillit] and attribute release according to the attribute set “Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number”.

LoA-identifier: http://id.elegnamnden.se/loa/1.0/loa4

Attribute requirements: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/pnr-01

2.1.4. eidas-pnr-delivery

URL: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ec/1.0/eidas-pnr-delivery

Description: For asserting a Swedish identity to a foreign service provider via the Swedish eIDAS Proxy Service. This entity category MUST NOT be set by any entities other than Identity Providers providing identity assertions to the Swedish eIDAS Proxy Service and by the Swedish eIDAS Proxy Service itself.

Attribute release is based on the "Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number" attribute set with the addition of a mandatory dateOfBirth-attribute (urn:oid: The reason for the mandatory dateOfBirth-attribute is that this information is required by the eIDAS minimum dataset and therefore must be obtained by the receiving eIDAS Proxy Service. Date of birth can not always reliably be derived from the personalIdentityNumber attribute.

It is the responsibility of the Swedish eIDAS Proxy Service to transform these attributes into eIDAS attributes.

LoA-identifier: Not applicable

An Identity Provider delivering assertions to the eIDAS framework is obliged to announce which levels that it supports by including the corresponding eIDAS authentication context URIs defined in section 3.1.1 of [EidRegistry] as assurance certification attributes in its metadata as described in section 2.1.3 of [EidDeploy].

Attribute requirements: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/pnr-01 where the dateOfBirth attribute (urn:oid: is mandatory.

2.2. eIDAS Natural Person Attribute Set

2.2.1. eidas-naturalperson

URL: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ec/1.0/eidas-naturalperson

Description: User authentication according to any of the eIDAS assurance levels and attribute release according to “eIDAS Natural Person Attribute Set” (see section 2.5 of [EidAttributes]).

LoA-identifier: Not applicable

It does not make sense to specify the level of assurance for a Service Entity Categories intended for eIDAS since this information is not known to the Swedish eIDAS-node.

Attribute requirements: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/eidas-natural-person-01

Note: Attribute release according to the http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/eidas-natural-person-01 attribute set may include the mappedPersonalIdentityNumber attribute. See section 6.2, "accepts-coordination-number", for specific requirements concerning delivering a coordination number in this attribute.

2.3. Organizational Identity for Natural Persons

This section define Service Entity Categories that has attribute requirements according to the "Organizational Identity for Natural Persons" (http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/org-person-01) attribute set as defined in section 2.4 of [EidAttributes].

2.3.1. loa2-orgid

URL: http://id.swedenconnect.se/ec/1.0/loa2-orgid

Description: User authentication according to assurance level 2 [EidTillit] and attribute release according to the attribute set “Organizational Identity for Natural Persons”.

LoA-identifier: http://id.elegnamnden.se/loa/1.0/loa2

Or a corresponding LoA 2 URI (see section 3.1.1 of [EidRegistry].

Attribute requirements: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/org-person-01

2.3.2. loa3-orgid

URL: http://id.swedenconnect.se/ec/1.0/loa3-orgid

Description: User authentication according to assurance level 3 [EidTillit] and attribute release according to the attribute set “Organizational Identity for Natural Persons”.

LoA-identifier: http://id.elegnamnden.se/loa/1.0/loa3

Or a corresponding LoA 3 URI (see section 3.1.1 of [EidRegistry].

Attribute requirements: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/org-person-01

2.3.3. loa4-orgid

URL: http://id.swedenconnect.se/ec/1.0/loa4-orgid

Description: User authentication according to assurance level 4 [EidTillit] and attribute release according to the attribute set “Organizational Identity for Natural Persons”.

LoA-identifier: http://id.elegnamnden.se/loa/1.0/loa4

Or a corresponding LoA 4 URI (see section 3.1.1 of [EidRegistry].

Attribute requirements: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/org-person-01

2.4. Natural Personal Identity without Civic Registration Number

This section define Service Entity Categories that has attribute requirements according to the "Natural Personal Identity without Civic Registration Number" (http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/natural-person-01) attribute set as defined in section 2.2 of [EidAttributes].

2.4.1. loa2-name

URL: http://id.swedenconnect.se/ec/1.0/loa2-name

Description: User authentication according to assurance level 2 [EidTillit] and attribute release according to the attribute set “Natural Personal Identity without Civic Registration Number”.

LoA-identifier: http://id.elegnamnden.se/loa/1.0/loa2

Or a corresponding LoA 2 URI (see section 3.1.1 of [EidRegistry].

Attribute requirements: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/natural-person-01

2.4.2. loa3-name

URL: http://id.swedenconnect.se/ec/1.0/loa3-name

Description: User authentication according to assurance level 3 [EidTillit] and attribute release according to the attribute set “Natural Personal Identity without Civic Registration Number”.

LoA-identifier: http://id.elegnamnden.se/loa/1.0/loa3

Or a corresponding LoA 3 URI (see section 3.1.1 of [EidRegistry].

Attribute requirements: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/natural-person-01

2.4.3. loa4-name

URL: http://id.swedenconnect.se/ec/1.0/loa4-name

Description: User authentication according to assurance level 4 [EidTillit] and attribute release according to the attribute set “Natural Personal Identity without Civic Registration Number”.

LoA-identifier: http://id.elegnamnden.se/loa/1.0/loa4

Or a corresponding LoA 4 URI (see section 3.1.1 of [EidRegistry].

Attribute requirements: http://id.elegnamnden.se/ap/1.0/natural-person-01

3. Definitions for Service Property Categories

A Service Property Entity Category identifier is specified as an attribute value in the entity category attribute in the federation metadata and has the purpose of representing a particular service property.

All Service Type identifiers are prefixed with http://id.elegnamnden.se/sprop.

3.1. mobile-auth

URL: http://id.elegnamnden.se/sprop/1.0/mobile-auth

Description: A service property declaring that the service is adapted to mobile clients and MUST allow users to authenticate using a mobile device that is used to access such service.

For a providing service, i.e. an Identity Provider, inclusion of the mobile-auth category states that the Identity Provider supports authentication using mobile devices, and that the end-user interface of the Identity Provider is adapted for mobile clients.

Note that an Identity Provider may of course support authentication for both desktop and mobile users. In these cases the service must be able to display end user interfaces for both types of clients.

A discovery process will use this Service Property when performing filtering of possible Identity Providers, as described in 1.4, “Use in Discovery”. This means that a consuming service may include the mobile-auth category in its metadata in order to have the discovery process especially displaying Identity Providers that offer authentication using mobile devices.

3.2. scal2

URL: http://id.elegnamnden.se/sprop/1.0/scal2

Description: A service property declaring that the service is adapted to support Sole Control Assurance Level 2 (SCAL2) in accordance with [SigSAP].

For a providing service, i.e. an Identity Provider, inclusion of the scal2 service property states that the Identity Provider will return a "SAD" in response to a SADRequest in an authentication requests from a signing service.

For consuming services, Signature Services MAY include this service property if all authentication requests from the particular Signature Service include a SADRequest extension. A Service Provider that is not declared as a Signature Service MUST NOT include this service property in its metadata.

4. Definitions for Service Type Entity Categories

A Service Type Entity Category identifier is specified as an entity attribute in the federation metadata and has the purpose of representing a particular service type.

All Service Type identifiers are prefixed with http://id.elegnamnden.se/st.

4.1. sigservice

URL: http://id.elegnamnden.se/st/1.0/sigservice

Description: A service type for a Service Provider that provides electronic signature services within the Swedish eID framework.

4.2. public-sector-sp

URL: http://id.elegnamnden.se/st/1.0/public-sector-sp

Description: A service type that indicates that a Service Provider is a "public sector" SP. This category MUST be used by public sector Service Providers wishing to use eIDAS authentication so that the Swedish eIDAS connector may include this information in the eIDAS authentication request. For other types of Service Providers its use is determined by the federation policy.

4.3. private-sector-sp

URL: http://id.elegnamnden.se/st/1.0/private-sector-sp

Description: A service type that indicates that a Service Provider is a "private sector" SP. This category MUST be used by private sector Service Providers wishing to use eIDAS authentication so that the Swedish eIDAS connector may include this information in the eIDAS authentication request. For other types of Service Providers its use is determined by the federation policy.

5. Service Contract Categories

Service Contract Entity Category identifiers are indented for performing service matching based on contracts, or business agreements, between providing and consuming services.

All Service Contract identifiers are prefixed with http://id.swedenconnect.se/contract/<org>, where org is identifier for the defining organization.

The meaning of different contracts and business agreements are out of scope for this specification. Instead the federation operator, or other parties, may define identifiers suitable for representing how consuming and providing services should be matched based on their respective agreements.

6. General Entity Categories

An entity category of the General Entity Category type is a category that does not fit into any of the other category types regarding definitions and matching rules.

General category identifiers are prefixed with http://id.swedenconnect.se/general-ec.

6.1. secure-authenticator-binding

URL: http://id.swedenconnect.se/general-ec/1.0/secure-authenticator-binding

Description: Some authentication schemes use an authentication device (authenticator) that is external, i.e., not bound to the user agent. These types of authentication schemes may be vulnerable to certain types of phishing attacks where a fraudster who controls the user agent can trick, or persuade, the user to initiate an operation on the authentication device.

A typical example of the threat described above is where an Identity Provider implements an authentication scheme that uses a mobile app as the authenticator. In those cases the user normally enters some input (often the user identity) in the web browser (user agent) that is then used by the Identity Provider to initiate an authentication session against the app running on the user's mobile device. The problem here is that there is no way we can now that the person initiating the operation in the web browser by entering a user identity is the same person who opens, and performs the authentication in the app.

In order to prevent attacks of this type many authentication schemes offer alternative ways of initiating authentication (or signature) sessions, where some sort of binding between the user agent and the authentication device is performed. An good example of this is when Identity Providers prompt the user to scan a QR-code displayed in the web browser using the authentication app instead of prompting for the user identity. This effectively binds the user agent to the same physical location as the authentication device, and in practice makes the attacks described above impossible.

This profile defines the http://id.swedenconnect.se/general-ec/1.0/secure-authenticator-binding entity category to be declared by Service Providers that require that a secure authenticator binding is performed by the Identity Providers supporting this.

An Identity Provider that supports different methods of initiating authentication, or signature, operations, and where at least one of these methods is a "secure authenticator binding" SHOULD declare the http://id.swedenconnect.se/general-ec/1.0/secure-authenticator-binding entity category in its metadata.

An Identity Provider that has declared the http://id.swedenconnect.se/general-ec/1.0/secure-authenticator-binding category in its metadata MUST perform a secure authenticator binding for requests sent from Service Providers that have declared this entity category in their metadata entries.

6.2. accepts-coordination-number

URL: http://id.swedenconnect.se/general-ec/1.0/accepts-coordination-number

Description: A special purpose entity category that is declared by Service Providers to announce that they accept a Swedish coordination number (samordningsnummer), [SKV707], being delivered in the personalIdentityNumber (urn:oid:1.2.752.29.4.13) attribute.

The personalIdentityNumber is defined in section 3.1 of [EidAttributes] to contain either a Swedish personal identity number, [SKV704], or a Swedish coordination number, [SKV707]. However, how to utilize coordination numbers in electronic services is, or has been, unclear. Not all Service Providers want, or are able to, use these types of identifiers. Therefore, this specification defines the "accepts coordination number" category as an opt-in feature for those Service Providers that can accept a personalIdentityNumber attribute to contain a coordination number as well as a personal identity number.

An Identity Provider conformant with this specification MUST NOT deliver a coordination number in the personalIdentityNumber attribute unless the receiving Service Provider has declared the http://id.swedenconnect.se/general-ec/1.0/accepts-coordination-number entity category in its metadata.

Note: This entity category does not apply to the eIDAS specific attribute mappedPersonalIdentityNumber, see section 3.3.2 of [EidAttributes]. Thus, a coordination number may be included in this attribute even if the Service Provider has not declared the entity category.

6.3. supports-user-message

URL: http://id.swedenconnect.se/general-ec/1.0/supports-user-message

Description: Service Providers may include the <umsg:UserMessage> extension in authentication requests for the purpose of displaying a custom "user message" for the authentication users, see [UserMessageExt]. An Identity Provider announces support for this extension by declaring the http://id.swedenconnect.se/general-ec/1.0/supports-user-message entity category.

7. References


Bradner, S., Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, March 1997.


OASIS Standard, Assertions and Protocols for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0, March 2005.


OASIS Standard, Metadata for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0, March 2005.


OASIS Committee Specification, SAML V2.0 Metadata Extension for Entity Attributes Version 1.0, August 2009.


RFC8409 - The Entity Category Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) Attribute Types.


Skatteverket, SKV 704 Utgåva 8, Personnummer.


Skatteverket, SKV 707, Utgåva 2, Samordningsnummer.


Tillitsramverket för Svensk e-legitimation.


Deployment Profile for the Swedish eID Framework.


Swedish eID Framework - Registry for identifiers.


Attribute Specification for the Swedish eID Framework.


Signature Activation Protocol for Federated Signing.


User Message Extension in SAML Authentication Requests.

8. Changes between versions

Changes between version 1.8 and version 1.9:

Changes between version 1.7 and version 1.8:

Changes between version 1.6 and version 1.7:

Changes between version 1.5 and version 1.6:

Changes between version 1.4 and version 1.5:

Changes between version 1.3 and version 1.4:

Changes between version 1.2 and version 1.3:

Changes between version 1.1 and version 1.2:

Changes between version 1.0 and version 1.1: