Class DefaultConfigurationResourceLoader

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultConfigurationResourceLoader extends Object implements ConfigurationResourceLoader
An implementation of ConfigurationResourceLoader that supports file:, http:, https: and classpath: prefixes.
Martin Lindström
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultConfigurationResourceLoader

      public DefaultConfigurationResourceLoader()
  • Method Details

    • getStream

      @Nonnull public InputStream getStream(@Nonnull String location) throws IOException
      Gets an InputStream for the resource. Supports file:, http:, https: and classpath: prefixes. For location strings that does not begin with a prefix, the following rules apply:
      • If the string starts with a "/", it is assumed to be a file resource with a full path.
      • If the string starts with a ".", it is assumed to be a file resource with a relative path.
      • If the string does not start with a "/", it is assumed that it is a classpath resource.
      Specified by:
      getStream in interface ConfigurationResourceLoader
      location - resource location
      an InputStream
      IOException - for failures to open the stream