Interface PemCredentialConfiguration

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public interface PemCredentialConfiguration extends BaseCredentialConfiguration
Configuration interface for creating a PkiCredential using PEM-encoded certificate(s)/public keys and private keys.
Martin Lindström
  • Method Details

    • publicKey

      Optional<String> publicKey()
      Location or content of the public key in PEM format.

      This setting is mutually exclusive with the certificates() setting.

      the location or content of the public key
    • certificates

      Optional<String> certificates()
      Location or content of the certificate or certificate chain in PEM format.

      If more than one certificate is supplied, the entity certificate, i.e., the certificate holding the public key of the key pair, must be placed first.

      This setting is mutually exclusive with the publicKey() setting.

      the location or content of the certificate or certificate chain in PEM format
    • privateKey

      String privateKey()
      Location or content of the private key in PEM format.
      the location or content of the private key in PEM format
    • keyPassword

      Optional<String> keyPassword()
      Password used to decrypt an encrypted private key.
      key password