Interface StoreCredentialConfiguration

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public interface StoreCredentialConfiguration extends BaseCredentialConfiguration
Configuration interface for creating a PkiCredential backed by a Java KeyStore.
Martin Lindström
  • Method Details

    • store

      Configuration for the KeyStore holding the key pair entry.
      key store configuration
    • storeReference

      Optional<String> storeReference()
      As an alternative to giving the key store configuration, a reference to a key store configuration may be given. This feature may be used when one key store holds several keys.
      a key store reference
    • monitor

      Optional<Boolean> monitor()
      Whether the credential should be prepared for monitoring. If set, a test function and a KeyStoreReloader will be assigned.

      If not present, the default should be true for PKCS#11 stores, and false otherwise

      whether the credential should be prepared for monitoring
    • key

      Configuration for the key pair entry of the store.
      the key entry configuration