

Swedish eIDAS Connector Audit Logging


The application produces audit log entries using Spring Boot’s auditing support, see Spring Boot Authentication Auditing Support.

If you want to be able to obtain audit logs via Spring Boot Actuator you need to:

The eIDAS Connector produces two types of Audit events: System Audit Events and User Audit Events.

All audit events will contain the following fields:

System Audit Events

System Audit Events are events that are logged to inform about events relating to the application/system and not a specific user event.

EU Metadata Change


Description: The aggregated metadata containing the SAML metadata entities for all foreign eIDAS Proxy Services are periodically updated. This event is signalled when something of the following happens:

Audit data: eu-metadata-change

Parameter Description Type
removed-countries A list of country codes for countries that previously appeared in the EU metadata, but were removed after the last update. If no removed countries were detected, this field is not included. List of strings
added-countries A list of country codes for countries that previously did not appear in the EU metadata, but were added in the last update. If no added countries were detected, this field is not included. List of strings
info Textual information from the update. Contains information that may be of interest. String
error-info Textual information from the update if an error occurred. String

User Audit Events

User Audit Events are events that are logged as a result of an authentication request being processed.

The Swedish eIDAS Connector is built using the Spring Security SAML Identity Provider library. The Identity Provider Auditing page describes all the SAML-related audit events that are logged also by the eIDAS Connector.

These are:

Common for all User Audit Events is that the authentication data contains the following items:

Before Foreign Authentication


Description: An event that is logged after the SAML authentication request that is to be sent to the foreign Identity Provider has been compiled, but before it is sent. This audit event will display in detail how the connector requests authentication based on the SAML request received from the Swedish SP and the country selection by the user.

Audit data: eidas-authn-request

Parameter Description Type
country The country code of the country that was selected by the user and to where the request is being sent. String
authn-request-id The ID of the authentication request that is sent to the foreign IdP. Note that this is not the same ID as the top-level authn-request-id, which is the ID for the original request from the Swedish SP. String
relay-state The RelayState variable used in the request. String
destination-url The URL to where the request is being sent. String
method Tells whether a redirect (GET) or a HTTP POST (POST) is used to send the request. String
requested-authn-context The requested authentication context of the authentication request. Contains the comparison field telling exact or minimum and a authn-context-class-refs field that is a list of URI:s for each requested authentication context class ref URI. See desc.
eidas-sp-type The type of SP that we are requesting authentication for (public or private) String
requested-attributes The SAML attributes that are requested to be delivered in the assertion. A list of objects holding the fields name (for attribute name) and is-required (telling whether the attribute is required to be present).

Foreign Authentication Success


Description: An event that is logged when a successful SAML response message has been received from the foreign IdP. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the entire operation succeeded, since the received assertion needs to be translated into a Swedish response. The Successful SAML Response will indicate a successful authentication overall.

Audit data: saml-response - See Successful SAML Response.

Audit data: saml-assertion - See Successful SAML Response.

Foreign Authentication Failure


Description: A SAML error response was received from the foreign IdP.

Audit data: saml-response - See Error SAML Response.

Processing Error of Foreign Response


Description: If the processing of the response received fails this event is logged. This typically happens if the foreign IdP has issued a SAML assertion that does not meet the requirements. Note that this event may follow a CONNECTOR_SUCCESS_RESPONSE. This may happen in cases where the SAML processing is successful, but further processing such as mapping contexts and attributes fails.

Audit data: processing-error

Parameter Description Type
error-message Textual description of the error. String

Audit data: saml-response - See Error SAML Response.

Note: If CONNECTOR_SUCCESS_RESPONSE was previously logged, this data is not included.


Description: When an authentication is requested from a signature service, the user will be displayed a signature consent dialogue. This event is logged to state the result of this dialogue (consent or reject).

Audit data: signature-consent-result

Parameter Description Type
signature-consented Tells whether the user consented to the signature. Boolean
user The eIDAS PersonIdentifier of the user that accepted/rejected the signature. String


Description: If the user has an Identity Matching record stored at the Identity Matching service, the connector needs to obtain the user’s consent before reading this record and including the Swedish identity number in the resulting SAML assertion. This event is logged to tell whether the user gave his or hers consent to this, or whether the consent was rejected.

Audit data: idm-consent-result

Parameter Description Type
idm-consented Tells whether the user consented to releasing his/her Identity Matching record to the connector. Boolean
user The eIDAS PersonIdentifier of the user that consented/rejected the IdM query. String

Identity Matching Record Obtained


Description: If the user has an Identity Matching record at the Identity Matching service, and has consented to that the contents of this record (i.e., the Swedish identity number) may be used in the resulting SAML assertion, this event is logged to signal that the record was obtained.

Audit data: idm-record

Parameter Description Type
user The eIDAS PersonIdentifier of the user. String
swedish-id The Swedish identity number of the user read from the IdM record. String
record-id The unique ID of the IdM record. String

Identity Matching Record Error


Description: If there is a problem communicating with the Identity Matching service this will not be visible in the flow. Therefore, a separate audit event is created.

Audit data: idm-error

Parameter Description Type
user The eIDAS PersonIdentifier of the user. String
error-message The error message. String

Copyright © 2017-2025, Myndigheten för digital förvaltning - Swedish Agency for Digital Government (DIGG). Licensed under version 2.0 of the Apache License.