All Classes and Interfaces

The AdminunitFirstline element of the CurrentAddressStructuredType.
Builder for AdminunitFirstline.
Implementation of AdminunitFirstline.
The AdminunitSecondline element of the CurrentAddressStructuredType.
Builder for AdminunitSecondline.
Implementation of AdminunitSecondline.
Constant values for attribute names defined in eIDAS SAML Attribute Profile.
Utility methods for handling attributes and attribute values.
The eIDAS BirthNameType.
Builder for BirthNameType.
Implementation class for BirthNameType
The eIDAS type CurrentAddressStructuredType.
Builder for CurrentAddressStructuredType.
Implementation of CurrentAddressStructuredType.
Marshaller for CurrentAddressStructuredType.
Thread safe unmarshaller for CurrentAddressStructuredType.
The eIDAS CurrentAddressType.
Builder for CurrentAddressType.
Implementation of CurrentAddressType.
The marshaller for CurrentAddressType.
Thread safe unmarshaller for CurrentAddressType.
The eIDAS CurrentFamilyNameType.
Implementation class for CurrentFamilyNameType
The eIDAS CurrentGivenNameType.
Implementation class for CurrentGivenNameType
The CvaddressArea element of the CurrentAddressStructuredType.
Builder for CvaddressArea.
Implementation of CvaddressArea.
The eIDAS DateOfBirthType.
Builder of DateOfBirthType objects.
Implementation of DateOfBirthType.
Thread-safe marshaller of DateOfBirthType objects.
Thread-safe unmarshaller for DateOfBirthType objects.
Representation of the DistributionPoint element.
Builder for DistributionPoint objects.
Implementation class for DistributionPoint.
The <ser:DistributionPoints> element.
Builder for DistributionPoints.
Implementation of DistributionPoints.
A thread safe Marshaller for DistributionPoints objects.
A thread safe unmarshaller for DistributionPoints.
A security configuration for OpenSAML according to version 1.4 of "eIDAS - Cryptographic requirements for the Interoperability Framework".
The bad decision of using dedicated XML types for each and every eIDAS attribute makes it hard for profiles that want to convert eIDAS attributes to their own definitions.
Constants for the OpenSAML eIDAS extension library.
Enumeration representing an eIDAS Level of Assurance.
A security configuration for OpenSAML according to version 1.3 of "eIDAS - Cryptographic requirements for the Interoperability Framework" (and earlier versions).
Definition of the MsEndpointType type.
Builder for Endpoint objects.
Implementation class for Endpoint.
A marshaller for Endpoint.
Unmarshaller for Endpoint.
The eIDAS GenderType.
Builder for GenderType.
Enumeration of the <eidas:GenderType> type.
Implementation of GenderType.
A thread safe Marshaller for GenderType objects.
Thread-safe unmarshaller for GenderType objects.
Internal class used for serialization across library classes.
The LocatorDesignator element of the CurrentAddressStructuredType.
Builder for LocatorDesignator.
Implementation of LocatorDesignator.
The LocatorName element of the CurrentAddressStructuredType.
Builder for LocatorName.
Implementation of LocatorName.
Definition of the MetadataSchemeEndpointListType type.
Builder for MetadataList objects.
Implementation class for MetadataList.
A marshaller for MetadataList.
A thread safe unmarshaller for MetadataList.
Definition of the MetadataLocation type.
Builder for MetadataLocation objects.
Implementation class for MetadataLocation.
A marshaller for MetadataLocation.
Unmarshaller for MetadataLocation.
Definition of the MetadataServiceListType type.
Builder for MetadataServiceList objects.
Implementation class for MetadataList.
A marshaller for MetadataServiceList.
Utility bean for validating signatures on a MetadataServiceList object.
A thread safe unmarshaller for MetadataServiceList.
A type safe SAML MetadataServiceList enumeration.
* The eIDAS <eidas:NodeCountry> element.
Builder for NodeCountry objects.
Concrete implementation of NodeCountry.
A thread safe Marshaller for NodeCountry objects.
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for NodeCountry objects.
The eIDAS PersonIdentifierType.
Implementation of the PersonIdentifierType interface.
The eIDAS PlaceOfBirthType.
Builder for PlaceOfBirthType.
Implementation of the PlaceOfBirthType interface.
The PoBox element of the CurrentAddressStructuredType.
Builder for PoBox.
Implementation of PoBox.
The PostCode element of the CurrentAddressStructuredType.
Builder for PostCode.
Implementation of PostCode.
The PostName element of the CurrentAddressStructuredType.
Builder for PostName.
Implementation of PostName.
The algorithm requirements from version 1.2 of "eIDAS - Cryptographic requirements for the Interoperability Framework" leaves out some of the commonly used algorithms which most likely will lead to interoperability issues if we implement them strictly.
The eIDAS <eidas:RequestedAttribute> element.
Builder for RequestedAttribute.
Implementation of RequestedAttribute.
The eIDAS <eidas:RequestedAttributes> element.
Builder for RequestedAttributes.
Implementation of RequestedAttributes.
A thread safe Marshaller for RequestedAttributes objects.
A thread safe unmarshaller for RequestedAttributes.
Utility methods for use when RequestedAttribute elements are inserted in an AuthnRequest extension.
Definition of the SchemeInformation type.
Builder for SchemeInformation objects.
Implementation class for SchemeInformation.
Marshaller for SchemeInformation objects.
Unmarshaller for SchemeInformation objects.
The eIDAS <eidas:SPType> element.
Builder of SPTypeImpl.
An enumeration of the <eidas:SPType> element.
Concrete implementation of SPType.
A thread safe Marshaller for SPType objects.
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for SPType objects.
The Thoroughfare element of the CurrentAddressStructuredType.
Builder for Thoroughfare.
Implementation of Thoroughfare.
Interface for eIDAS attribute values that may be represented as non-Latin scripts.
Abstract implementation class of TransliterationStringType.
Unmarshaller for TransliterationStringType.
XMLObject provider initializer for this module.