Class AttributeSetConstants


public class AttributeSetConstants extends Object
Defines all Attribute Set defined in section 2 of "Attribute Specification for the Swedish eID Framework".
Martin Lindström (
  • Field Details


      public static final AttributeSet ATTRIBUTE_SET_PSEUDONYM_IDENTITY
      Pseudonym Identity - This attribute set specifies the condition where there are no mandatory or recommended attributes.

      Typical use: In a pseudonym attribute release policy that just provides a persistent NameID identifier in the assertion but no attributes.


      public static final AttributeSet ATTRIBUTE_SET_NATURAL_PERSON_NO_PERSONAL_ID
      Natural Personal Identity without Civic Registration Number - The “Personal Identity without Civic Registration Number” attribute set provides basic natural person information without revealing the civic registration number of the subject.

      Typical use: In an attribute release policy that provides basic user name information together with a persistent NameID identifier in the assertion.


      public static final AttributeSet ATTRIBUTE_SET_NATURAL_PERSON_WITH_PERSONAL_ID
      Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number - The “Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number” attribute set provides basic personal identity information including a Swedish civic registration number of the subject.

      Typical use: In an attribute release policy that provides basic user name information together with the person’s Swedish civic registration number.


      Organizational Identity for Natural Persons - The “Organizational Identity for Natural Persons” attribute set provides basic organizational identity information about a person. The organizational identity does not necessarily imply that the subject has any particular relationship with or standing within the organization, but rather that this identity has been issued/provided by that organization for any particular reason (employee, customer, consultant, etc.).

      Typical use: In an attribute release policy that provides basic organizational identity information about a natural person.


      public static final AttributeSet ATTRIBUTE_SET_EIDAS_NATURAL_PERSON
      eIDAS Natural Person Attribute Set - The “eIDAS Natural Person Attribute Set” provides personal identity information for a subject that has been authenticated via the eIDAS Framework.

      Typical use: In an attribute release policy implemented by an eIDAS connector that provides a complete set of attributes to a requesting Service Provider.