Class EntityCategoryConstants


public class EntityCategoryConstants extends Object
Represents the Entity Categories defined by the Swedish eID Framework.
Martin Lindström (
  • Field Details


      public static final String SERVICE_ENTITY_CATEGORY_PREFIX
      The prefix for Service Entity categories.
      See Also:

      public static final String SERVICE_ENTITY_CATEGORY_PREFIX_SC
      The prefix for Service Entity categories defined by Sweden Connect.
      See Also:

      public static final String SERVICE_PROPERTY_CATEGORY_PREFIX
      The prefix for Service Property categories.
      See Also:

      public static final String SERVICE_TYPE_CATEGORY_PREFIX
      The prefix for Service Type categories.
      See Also:

      public static final String SERVICE_CONTRACT_CATEGORY_PREFIX
      The prefix for Service Contract categories.
      See Also:

      public static final String GENERAL_CATEGORY_PREFIX
      The prefix for General categories.
      See Also:

      public static final ServiceEntityCategory SERVICE_ENTITY_CATEGORY_LOA2_PNR
      Service entity category: User authentication according to assurance level 2 and attribute release according to the attribute set "Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number".

      public static final ServiceEntityCategory SERVICE_ENTITY_CATEGORY_LOA3_PNR
      Service entity category: User authentication according to assurance level 3 and attribute release according to the attribute set "Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number".

      public static final ServiceEntityCategory SERVICE_ENTITY_CATEGORY_LOA4_PNR
      Service entity category: User authentication according to assurance level 4 and attribute release according to the attribute set "Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number".

      public static final ServiceEntityCategory SERVICE_ENTITY_CATEGORY_EIDAS_PNR_DELIVERY
      Service entity category: For asserting a Swedish identity to a foreign service provider via the Swedish eIDAS Proxy Service. This entity category MUST NOT be set by any entity other than Identity Provider providing identity assertions to the Swedish eIDAS Proxy Service and by the Swedish eIDAS Proxy Service itself.

      Note that the Identity Providers release attributes according to the "Natural Personal Identity with Civic Registration Number" attribute set. It is the responsibility of the Swedish eIDAS Proxy Service to transform these attributes into eIDAS attributes.


      public static final ServiceEntityCategory SERVICE_ENTITY_CATEGORY_EIDAS_NATURAL_PERSON
      Service entity category: User authentication according to any of the eIDAS assurance levels and attribute release according to "eIDAS Natural Person Attribute Set".

      public static final ServiceEntityCategory SERVICE_ENTITY_CATEGORY_LOA2_ORGID
      Service entity category: User authentication according to LoA 2 and attributes release according to "Organizational Identity for Natural Persons" (

      public static final ServiceEntityCategory SERVICE_ENTITY_CATEGORY_LOA3_ORGID
      Service entity category: User authentication according to LoA 3 and attributes release according to "Organizational Identity for Natural Persons" (

      public static final ServiceEntityCategory SERVICE_ENTITY_CATEGORY_LOA4_ORGID
      Service entity category: User authentication according to LoA 4 and attributes release according to "Organizational Identity for Natural Persons" (

      public static final ServiceEntityCategory SERVICE_ENTITY_CATEGORY_LOA2_NAME
      Service entity category: User authentication according to LoA 2 and attributes release according to "Natural Personal Identity without Civic Registration Number" (

      public static final ServiceEntityCategory SERVICE_ENTITY_CATEGORY_LOA3_NAME
      Service entity category: User authentication according to LoA 3 and attributes release according to "Natural Personal Identity without Civic Registration Number" (

      public static final ServiceEntityCategory SERVICE_ENTITY_CATEGORY_LOA4_NAME
      Service entity category: User authentication according to LoA 4 and attributes release according to "Natural Personal Identity without Civic Registration Number" (

      public static final EntityCategory SERVICE_PROPERTY_CATEGORY_MOBILE_AUTH
      Service property category: For a providing service, i.e. an Identity Provider, inclusion of the mobile-auth category states that the Identity Provider supports authentication using mobile devices, and that the end-user interface of the Identity Provider is adapted for mobile clients.

      Note that an Identity Provider may of course support authentication for both desktop and mobile users. In these cases the service must be able to display end user interfaces for both types of clients.


      public static final EntityCategory SERVICE_PROPERTY_CATEGORY_SCAL2
      Service property category: A service property declaring that the service is adapted to support Sole Control Assurance Level 2 (SCAL2) in accordance with the "Signature Activation Protocol for Federated Signing" specification.

      For a providing service, i.e. an Identity Provider, inclusion of the scal2 service property states that the Identity Provider will return a "SAD" in response to a SADRequest in an authentication requests from a signing service.

      For consuming services, Signature Services MAY include this service property if all authentication requests from the particular Signature Service include a SADRequest extension. A Service Provider that is not declared as a Signature Service MUST NOT include this service property in its metadata.


      public static final EntityCategory SERVICE_TYPE_CATEGORY_SIGSERVICE
      Service type category: A service type for a Service Provider that provides electronic signature services within the Swedish eID framework.

      public static final EntityCategory SERVICE_TYPE_CATEGORY_PUBLIC_SECTOR_SP
      Service type category: A service type that indicates that a Service Provider is a "public sector" SP. This category MUST be used by public sector Service Providers wishing to use eIDAS authentication so that the Swedish eIDAS connector may include this information in the eIDAS authentication request.

      public static final EntityCategory SERVICE_TYPE_CATEGORY_PRIVATE_SECTOR_SP
      Service type category: A service type that indicates that a Service Provider is a "private sector" SP. This category MUST be used by public sector Service Providers wishing to use eIDAS authentication so that the Swedish eIDAS connector may include this information in the eIDAS authentication request.

      public static final EntityCategory SERVICE_CONTRACT_CATEGORY_SWEDEN_CONNECT
      Service contract category: A service contract type that indicates that the holder has signed the Sweden Connect federation contract.

      public static final EntityCategory SERVICE_CONTRACT_CATEGORY_EID_CHOICE_2017
      Service contract category: A service contract type that indicates that the holder has signed the "eID system of choice 2017" (Valfrihetssystem 2017) contract.

      public static final EntityCategory GENERAL_CATEGORY_SECURE_AUTHENTICATOR_BINDING
      General category: A category that indicates that secure authenticator binding is requested (SP) or is supported (IdP).

      public static final EntityCategory GENERAL_CATEGORY_ACCEPTS_COORDINATION_NUMBER
      General category: A category that indicates that the SP accepts a Swedish coordination number.

      public static final EntityCategory GENERAL_CATEGORY_SUPPORTS_USER_MESSAGE
      General category: A category that indicates that a declaring IdP supports the umsg:UserMessage authentication request extension.