Class SADParser.SADValidator

Enclosing class:

public static class SADParser.SADValidator extends Object
A validator for verifying the SAD JWT.
Martin Lindström (
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final Duration
    Default allowed clock skew.
  • Constructor Summary

    SADValidator(X509Certificate... certificates)
    Constructor initializing the validator with a set of certificates that are to be used for JWT signature validation.
    SADValidator(org.opensaml.saml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptor idpMetadata)
    Creates a SAD validator initialized with the IdP EntityDescriptor (metadata) from which the IdP signing key/certificate will be read (needed for JWT signature validation).
    SADValidator(MetadataProvider metadataProvider)
    Constructor creating a SAD validator initialized with a MetadataProvider instance.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    setAllowedClockSkew(Duration allowedClockSkew)
    Assigned the allowed clock skew.
    validate(String sadJwt, String idpEntityID, String expectedRecipientEntityID, String expectedSubject, String expectedLoa, String sadRequestID, int expectedNoDocs, String signRequestID)
    Validates a SAD based on expected data.
    validate(org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.AuthnRequest authnRequest, org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.Assertion assertion)
    A method that validates the SAD issued in an Assertion based on the AuthnRequest containing a SADRequest.
    verifyJwtSignature(String sadJwt, String idpEntityID)
    Verifies the signature on the supplied SAD JWT.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final Duration DEFAULT_ALLOWED_CLOCK_SKEW
      Default allowed clock skew.
  • Constructor Details

    • SADValidator

      public SADValidator(X509Certificate... certificates)
      Constructor initializing the validator with a set of certificates that are to be used for JWT signature validation. These certificates are the IdP signing certificates obtained from the IdP metadata entry.
      certificates - certificate(s) to be used when verifying the JWT signature
    • SADValidator

      public SADValidator(MetadataProvider metadataProvider)
      Constructor creating a SAD validator initialized with a MetadataProvider instance. During JWT signature validation the IdP signature certificate will be obtained from the IdP metadata entry held by the metadata provider.
      metadataProvider - metadata provider
    • SADValidator

      public SADValidator(org.opensaml.saml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptor idpMetadata)
      Creates a SAD validator initialized with the IdP EntityDescriptor (metadata) from which the IdP signing key/certificate will be read (needed for JWT signature validation).
      idpMetadata - the IdP metadata
  • Method Details

    • validate

      public SAD validate(org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.AuthnRequest authnRequest, org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.Assertion assertion) throws SADValidationException, IllegalArgumentException
      A method that validates the SAD issued in an Assertion based on the AuthnRequest containing a SADRequest.
      authnRequest - the AuthnRequest holding the SADRequest
      assertion - the Assertion holding the sad attribute (as a encoded JWT)
      a SAD object, or null if no SAD was requested (and issued)
      SADValidationException - for SAD validation errors
      IllegalArgumentException - if the supplied AuthnRequest does not contain a SADRequest extension, or is invalid by other means (e.g., missing LoA)
      See Also:
    • validate

      public SAD validate(String sadJwt, String idpEntityID, String expectedRecipientEntityID, String expectedSubject, String expectedLoa, String sadRequestID, int expectedNoDocs, String signRequestID) throws SADValidationException
      Validates a SAD based on expected data. If the AuthnRequest and issued Assertion is available, the method validate(AuthnRequest, Assertion) is a better option.

      Note: It is assumed that the supplied expectedSubject parameter is a attribute value read from the assertion having the attribute name indicated in the 'attr' field of the SAD. If this attribute name is not known in advance, the SAD needs to be parsed (SADParser.parse(String)) so that the 'attr' field can be read, and the correct attribute value be located from the assertion.

      sadJwt - the encoded SAD JWT (found in the sad attribute of a received assertion)
      idpEntityID - the entityID of the issuing IdP (the issuer of the received assertion holding the sad attribute)
      expectedRecipientEntityID - the entityID of the recipient (the signature service SP that issued the SADRequest)
      expectedSubject - the expected subject name (user ID). See note above
      expectedLoa - the expected level of assurance to be found in the SAD (should be the LoA found in the assertion)
      sadRequestID - the ID of the SADRequest extension that was sent to the IdP
      expectedNoDocs - expected number of documents (from the DocCount element of the SADRequest)
      signRequestID - ID for the SignRequest that was included in the SADRequest
      a SAD object
      SADValidationException - for validation errors
    • verifyJwtSignature

      public void verifyJwtSignature(String sadJwt, String idpEntityID) throws SADValidationException
      Verifies the signature on the supplied SAD JWT.
      sadJwt - the SAD JWT
      idpEntityID - the entityID of the IdP that signed the JWT
      SADValidationException - for signature validation errors
    • setAllowedClockSkew

      public void setAllowedClockSkew(Duration allowedClockSkew)
      Assigned the allowed clock skew. The default is DEFAULT_ALLOWED_CLOCK_SKEW.
      allowedClockSkew - allowed clock skew