Class SignatureMessageExtension

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SignatureMessageExtension extends Object implements Serializable
A representation of the SignMessage extension as specified in section 3.1.2 of DSS Extension for Federated Central Signing Services.

The {code SignatureMessageExtension} holds the decrypted version of a SignMessage object.

Martin Lindström
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SignatureMessageExtension

      public SignatureMessageExtension(String message, se.swedenconnect.opensaml.sweid.saml2.signservice.dss.SignMessageMimeTypeEnum mimeType, Boolean mustShow)
      message - the unencrypted sign message (in base64)
      mimeType - the message MIME type - if null, SignMessageMimeTypeEnum.TEXT is assumed
      mustShow - whether the caller has indicated that the sign message MUST be displayed for the user
  • Method Details

    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
      Gets the (base64 encoded) sign message.
      the sign message
    • getMimeType

      public se.swedenconnect.opensaml.sweid.saml2.signservice.dss.SignMessageMimeTypeEnum getMimeType()
      Gets the MIME type of the sign message. Defaults to SignMessageMimeTypeEnum.TEXT.
      the sign message MIME type
    • isMustShow

      public boolean isMustShow()
      Whether the caller has indicated that the sign message MUST be displayed for the user.
      true if the message must be displayed for the user and false otherwise
    • getProcessedMessage

      public String getProcessedMessage()
      Gets the processed message. If a SignatureMessagePreprocessor is installed, the processedMessage will contain the result from this processing, i.e., a string that is prepared for display (on a web page, on a device, ...).
      a message prepared for display
    • setProcessedMessage

      public void setProcessedMessage(String processedMessage)
      Assigns the processed message. If a SignatureMessagePreprocessor is installed, the processedMessage will contain the result from this processing, i.e., a string that is prepared for display (on a web page, on a device, ...).
      processedMessage - a message prepared for display