

Identity Provider Configuration and Deployment

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By including the SAML IdP Spring Boot starter as a dependency you basically get a ready-to-go SAML IdP.


You will need to supply application properties (described in Configuration Properties below) and also define at least one UserAuthenticationProvider bean. This bean contains the logic for user authentication. Normally, we need to redirect the user agent (browser) to a separate endpoint where user authentication is performed. In those cases the UserRedirectAuthenticationProvider is used.

See the supplied example IdP in this project (demo-boot-idp), or perhaps even better the Swedish eID Reference IdP.

Configuration Properties

This section documents all properties that can be provided to configure the IdP.

Property Description Type Default value
saml.idp.entity-id The Identity Provider SAML entityID. String Required - No default value
saml.idp.base-url The Identity Provider base URL, i.e., the protocol, domain and context path. Must not end with an ‘/’. String Required - No default value
saml.idp.hok-base-url The Identity Provider base URL for Holder-of-key support, i.e., the protocol, domain and context path. Must not end ‘/’. This setting is optional, and if HoK is being used and that requires a different IdP domain or context path this setting represents this base URL. String -
saml.idp.requires-signed-requests Whether the IdP requires signed authentication requests. Boolean true
saml.idp.clock-skew-adjustment Clock skew adjustment (in both directions) to consider for accepting messages based on their age. Duration 30 seconds
saml.idp.max-message-age Maximum allowed age of received messages. Duration 3 minutes
saml.idp.sso-duration-limit Based on a previous authentication, for how long may this authentication be re-used? Set to 0 seconds to disable SSO. Duration 1 hour
saml.idp.credentials.* Configuration for IdP credentials, see Credentials Configuration below. CredentialConfigurationProperties No default value, but named beans may be provided (see below).
saml.idp.endpoints.* Configuration for the endpoints that the IdP exposes, see Endpoints Configuration below. EndpointsConfigurationProperties See below.
saml.idp.assertions.* Configuration for IdP Assertion issuance, see Assertion Settings Configuration below. AssertionSettingsConfigurationProperties See below.
saml.idp.metadata.* Configuration for the SAML metadata produced (and published) by the IdP, see MetadataConfiguration below. MetadataConfigurationProperties See below.
saml.idp-metadata-providers[].* A list of “metadata providers” that tells how the IdP downloads federation metadata. See Metadata Provider Configuration below. MetadataProviderConfigurationProperties See below.
saml.idp.audit.* Audit logging configuration. See Audit Configuration below. AuditRepositoryConfigurationProperties See below.
saml.idp.replay.* Configuration for message replay checking. See Replay Checker Configuration below. ReplayCheckerConfigurationProperties See below.
saml.idp.session.module The session module to use. Supported values are “memory” and “redis”. Set to other value if you extend the IdP with your own session handling. String -

Credentials Configuration

The IdP needs to be configured with at least one credential (private key and certificate). Each of the credential types below may be created by declared named beans instead of using the property configuration.

See the credentials-support library for details about the PkiCredential type and how it is configured.

Property Description Type
default-credential.* The IdP default credential. This will be used if no specific credential is defined for the usages sign, encrypt or metadata signing.
It is also possible to define the default credential by declaring a bean of type PkiCredential and name it saml.idp.credentials.Default.
sign.* The credential the IdP uses to sign (responses and assertions).
It is also possible to define the signing credential by declaring a bean of type PkiCredential and name it saml.idp.credentials.Sign.
future-sign A certificate that will be the future signing certificate. Is set before a key-rollover is performed.
It is also possible to define the future signing certificate by declaring a bean of type X509Certificate and name it saml.idp.credentials.FutureSign.
Resource (pointing at a certificate resource) or a string that holds the PEM encoding of the certificate.
encrypt.* The IdP encryption credential. This will be used by SP:s to encrypt data (the certificate) for the IdP (for example sign messages), and by the IdP to decrypt these messages. If no Sweden Connect features are used, no encrypt-credential is needed.
It is also possible to define the encrypt credential by declaring a bean of type PkiCredential and name it saml.idp.credentials.Encrypt.
previous-encrypt.* The previous IdP encryption credential. Assigned after a key-rollover of the encrypt credential.
It is also possible to define the previous encrypt credential by declaring a bean of type PkiCredential and name it saml.idp.credentials.PreviousEncrypt.
metadata-sign.* The credential the IdP uses to sign its published metadata.
It is also possible to define the metadata signing credential by declaring a bean of type PkiCredential and name it saml.idp.credentials.MetadataSign.

If no metadata sign credential is configured, the default credential will be used. If no default credential exists, metadata published will not be signed.

:raised_hand: It is recommended to use the Credential Bundles feature when configuring credentials. See the example below:

        location: file:/opt/config/idp-credentials.jks
        password: secret
        type: JKS
        name: "IdP Signature Credential"
        store-reference: idp-store
          alias: sign
          key-password: secret
        name: "IdP Encrypt/decrypt Credential"
        store-reference: idp-store
          alias: encrypt
          key-password: secret
        name: "IdP Metadata Signing Credential"
        store-reference: idp-store
          alias: metadata
          key-password: secret
        bundle: sign
        bundle: encrypt
        bundle: metadata

There are many benefits in configuring all credentials in the same place, and for future versions of this library, this may be the only way to configure credentials.

Endpoints Configuration

Property Description Type Default value
redirect-authn The endpoint where the Identity Provider receives authentication requests via HTTP redirect. String /saml2/redirect/authn
post-authn The endpoint where the Identity Provider receives authentication requests via HTTP POST. String /saml2/post/authn
hok-redirect-authn The endpoint where the Identity Provider receives authentication requests via HTTP redirect where Holder-of-key (HoK) is used. String -
hok-post-authn The endpoint where the Identity Provider receives authentication requests via HTTP POST where Holder-of-key (HoK) is used. String -
metadata The SAML metadata publishing endpoint. String /saml2/metadata

Assertion Settings Configuration

Property Description Type Default value
encrypt Tells whether the Identity Provider encrypts assertions. Boolean true
not-after A setting that tells the time restrictions the IdP puts on an Assertion concerning “not on or after”. Duration 5 minutes
not-before A setting that tells the time restrictions the IdP puts on an Assertion concerning “not before”. Duration 10 seconds.

Metadata Configuration

Property Description Type Default value
template A template for the SAML metadata. This is an XML document containing (partial) SAML metadata. Resource (pointing at a XML-file resource). -
cache-duration Tells how long the published metadata can remain in a cache. Duration 24 hours
validity-period Tells for how long a published metadata entry should be valid. Duration 7 days
digest-methods[] A list of algorithm URI:s representing the alg:DigestMethod elements to include in the metadata. List of strings. -
Tells whether alg:DigestMethod elements should be placed in an Extensions element under the role descriptor (i.e., the IDPSSODescriptor). If false, the alg:DigestMethodelements are included as elements in the Extensions element of the EntityDescriptor. Boolean false
signing-methods[].* The alg:SigningMethod elements to include in the metadata. Each element is configured with algorithm that identifier the algorithm by means of the URL defined for its use with the XML Signature specification, and optionally min-key-size which is the smallest key size, in bits, that the entity supports in conjunction with the algorithm and max-key-size which is the largest key size, in bits, that the entity supports in conjunction with the algorithm. List of MetadataConfigurationProperties.SigningMethod -
Tells whether alg:SigningMethod elements should be placed in an Extensions element under the role descriptor (i.e., the IDPSSODescriptor). If false, the alg:SigningMethodelements are included as elements in the Extensions element of the EntityDescriptor. Boolean false
encryption-methods[].* The md:EncryptionMethod elements that should be included under the md:KeyDescriptor for the encryption key. Note that these algorithms must match the configured encryption key. See Encryption Methods below. -
ui-info.* Configuration for the metadata UIInfo element. See the UIInfo class in MetadataConfigurationProperties for details. MetadataConfigurationProperties.UIInfo -
organization.* Settings for the Organization metadata element. See the Organization class in the MetadataConfigurationProperties for details. MetadataConfigurationProperties.Organization -
contact-persons.* A map of the metadata ContactPerson elements, where the key is the type and the value is a ContactPerson. MetadataConfigurationProperties.ContactPerson -

Encryption Methods
Property Description Type Default value
algorithm The algorithm URI of the encryption method. String -
key-size The key size. Integer -
oaep-params The OAEP parameters (in Base64-encoding). String -
digest-method If algorithm indicates a key transport algorithm where the digest algorithm needs to be given, this field should be set to this algorithm URI. String -

Metadata Provider Configuration

Property Description Type Default value
location The location of the metadata. Can be an URL, a file, or even a classpath resource. Resource -
https-trust-bundle If location is an HTTPS resource, this setting may be used to specify a Spring SSL Bundle that specifies the trusted root certificates to be used for TLS server certificate verification. If no bundle is given, the Java trust defaults will be used. String -
backup-location If the location setting is an URL, a “backup location” may be assigned to store downloaded metadata. File -
mdq If the location setting is an URL, setting the MDQ-flag means that the metadata MDQ ( protocol is used. Boolean false
validation-certificate The certificate used to validate the metadata. Resource pointing at the certificate resource. -
http-proxy.* If the location setting is an URL and a HTTP proxy is required this setting configures this proxy.

Note: This setting is only needed if you require another HTTP proxy that what is configured for the system, or if the system HTTP proxy settings are not set. If Java’s HTTP proxy settings are set (see Java Networking and Proxies), these settings will be used by the metadata provider.
MetadataProviderConfigurationProperties.HttpProxy -

Audit Configuration

The SAML IdP Spring Boot starter offers automatic support for setting up a AuditEventRepository bean based on the below settings. Also see the Identity Provider Auditing page.

Property Description Type Default value
file.log-file For audit logging to a file. String -
log-system.logger-name For audit logging using the underlying logsystem. The logger-name property tells the name of the logger. This name is used when configuring the log system appender, for example to use Syslog. String -
log-system.log-level The log level to use. Possible values are “error”, “warn”, “info”, “debug” and “trace”. The default is “info”. String “info”
in-memory.capacity For audit logging to an in-memory repository. Sets the capacity (number of stored events) of this repository. Integer - For logging to Redis. The name of the Redis list/time series object that will hold the audit events. String -
redis.type For logging to Redis. The type of Redis storage - “list” or “timeseries”. Note that Redisson is required for Redis Timeseries. String -
include-events[] A list of event ID:s for the events that will be logged to the repository. If not set, all events will be logged (except to excluded by the exclude-events). List of strings Empty list
exclude-events[] A list of event ID:s to exclude from being logged to the repository. See also the include-events setting. List of strings Empty list

If no repository is configured and no AuditEventRepository bean exists, an in-memory repository with the capacity set to 1000 will be created.

Replay Checker Configuration

The SAML IdP makes use of a MessageReplayChecker to protect against replay attacks (i.e., that an authentication request is “replayed”).

If no MessageReplayChecker bean is provided by the application the IdP Spring Boot starter will create this bean (using the configuration settings below).

Property Description Type Default value
type The type of replay checker. Supported values are “memory” and “redis”. If set to “redis”, Redis must be available and configured. String -
expiration For how long should authentication request ID:s be stored in the cache before they expire? Duration 5 minutes
context Under which context should the cache be stored? Applies to repositories that persist/distribute the cache. String idp-replay-checker

Redis Configuration

Redis may be used for session handling and/or replay checking.

How Redis is configured and setup for Spring Boot is described here:

:raised_hand: If you are not using Redis, but have Redis on your classpath make sure to disable the Redis health check by setting the setting to false.

The SAML IdP Spring Boot Starter defines a few extensions to the core Spring Redis configuration:

The setting may be set to false in order to turn off hostname verification when SSL/TLS is configured (using SslBundles) for the Redis connection. This can be useful during testing.


        enabled: true        
        bundle: redis-tls-bundle
        enable-hostname-verification: false

It Redisson is used for the Redis client, the starter also adds extended support to configure Redis clusters:

In order to configure Redis Clusters NAT translation for addresses have been added. This is done so that the application knows how to reach the Redis cluster if it is not located on the same network. This can be done under the key This property key is a list of entries as described below:

Property Description Type
nat-translation[].from Address to translate from. e.g. “”. String
nat-translation[].to Address to translate to, e.g., “”. String
read-mode Set cluster read mode to either SLAVE, MASTER or MASTER_SLAVE. The default value is MASTER since read/write is highly coupled in Spring Session, selecting SLAVE can result in race-conditions leading to the session not being synchronized to the slave in time causing errors. String


The three Redis nodes are exposed via NAT to the application on redis(1-3) But internally they refer to eachother as When the application connects to the first node, it will reconfigure itself by reading the configuration from redis1.

Since the application is not located on the same network the connection will fail since those addresses are not located on the same network.

This solution is to add the configuration below that will re-map outgoing connections to the correct node.

          - from: ""
            to: ""
          - from: ""
            to: ""
          - from: ""
            to: ""

Copyright © 2022-2025, Myndigheten för digital förvaltning - Swedish Agency for Digital Government (DIGG). Licensed under version 2.0 of the Apache License.