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Package Summary
Support for building a SignService application.
Interfaces and classes that may be used when building a frontend/backend deployment of the Signature Service.
API:s for audit logging.
Spring Actuator implementation for audit logging
Base classes for audit loggers.
SignService Audit Events
Definition and implementation of an audit logger listener and audit logging using callbacks.
Definition and implementation of file based audit logger.
AuditLogger implementations for a Log system audit logger.
SignService Authentication Support.
Implementations of authentication data types.
A mocked authentication handler that may be used in testing scenarios.
SAML Authentication Handlers.
Configuration classes for SAML handlers.
Spring specific classes.
API:s for signing certificates.
Attribute mapping support.
Base implementations for key and certificate handling.
Configuration classes.
A CMC implementation of the KeyAndCertificateHandler.
Configuration for the
handler.Implementations for certificate API:s.
A simple implementation of the KeyAndCertificateHandler.
Implementation of a local CA service
Configuration for the
.API:s and types for handling of SignService clients.
Client configuration implementation.
Interfaces and classes for SignService Application Configuration.
Configuration for
.Configuration for
.Configuration for
.Common bean configuration for SignService configuration.
Configuration for
.Configuration for
.Configuration support for Spring environments.
Converters that are useful/needed when applying properties to SignService configuration properties classes.
Interfaces and implementations for the SignService context, which is the object that holds the state for ongoing
Core API:s and classes.
Custom annotations.
Definitions and interfaces for identity attributes.
Implementation classes for attribute handling.
SAML attribute definitions.
Implementations for SAML attributes.
Core interfaces and classes for handling configuration of SignService handlers and engines.
Classes adapted for using Spring framework when configuring handlers.
HTTP related API:s and classes.
Implementations that require Java's Servlet API.
Core types.
SignService engine logic.
Configuration of the SignService engine.
SignService session support.
API:s for protocol handling and definitions for protocol agnostic representations of messages.
Implementation of the DSS-extension protocol as defined in
the Swedish eID Framework.
Utility classes for working with JAXB.
Components present in Sign request and response messages.
Implementations of protocol message components.
API:s for signature objects and operations.
Configuration for the
.Default implementation of the SignService SignatureHandler.
Definitions and implementations of "signers", i.e., the components that are used to create the actual signatures.
Cryptographic support modules for signers.
Definitions and implementations for To-be-signed (TBS) processors.
Spring configuration for a SignService application.
API:s for storage.
Implementations for storage classes.