Interface ClientConfiguration

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ClientConfiguration
Representation of SignService client configuration.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the unique client identifier.
    Gets a list of registered response URL:s, i.e., URL:s which the SignService may use when sending back a signature response message.
    Gets the certificate, or certificates, that we expect the client to use when signing messages.
  • Method Details

    • getClientId

      @Nonnull String getClientId()
      Gets the unique client identifier.
      the client id
    • getTrustedCertificates

      @Nonnull List<X509Certificate> getTrustedCertificates()
      Gets the certificate, or certificates, that we expect the client to use when signing messages.
      a list of certificates
    • getResponseUrls

      @Nullable List<String> getResponseUrls()
      Gets a list of registered response URL:s, i.e., URL:s which the SignService may use when sending back a signature response message.

      Note that this method may return null if the protocol states that the response URL should be supplied in a signature request message.

      a list of registered URL:s