Interface SigningCertificateRequirements

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public interface SigningCertificateRequirements extends Serializable
When sending a SignRequest, a sign requester specifies a set of requirements for the signature certificate that is generated by the sign service. This class represents these requirements.
  • Method Details

    • getSigningCertificateProfile

      String getSigningCertificateProfile()
      The requirements of a signing certificate may be represented using a profile. This profile may cover things like certificate types and attribute mappings (see getCertificateType() and getAttributeMappings()) but also more fine-grained settings of how a signing certificate is created such as one or more certificate policies.
      the profile or null if none has been given
    • getCertificateType

      CertificateType getCertificateType()
      Gets the requested certificate type.
      the requested certificate type, or null if not set
    • getAttributeMappings

      List<CertificateAttributeMapping> getAttributeMappings()
      Gets the requested mappings between the signer's authentication attributes and attributes that are to be placed in the issued signature certificate.

      If a profile is given that regulates the attribute mappings, this list is not required.

      a list of mapping directives of how to map from user/signer attributes to signature certificate attributes, or null if no mapping has been provided