Interface AuthenticationRequirements

All Superinterfaces:

public interface AuthenticationRequirements extends Serializable
An interface representing the authentication requirements that we deduce from an AuthnRequest message and the sending service provider's EntityDescriptor.
Martin Lindström
  • Method Details

    • isForceAuthn

      boolean isForceAuthn()
      Tells whether "force authentication" has been set, i.e., whether to force user authentication even though a valid user session exists.
      true if authentication should be forced, and false otherwise
    • isPassiveAuthn

      boolean isPassiveAuthn()
      Tells whether we should issue an assertion without requiring the user to authenticate again.
      true if passive authentication is required, and false otherwise
    • getEntityCategories

      @NonNull List<String> getEntityCategories()
      Gets the list of declared SAML entity categories for the relying party.
      a list of URI:s representing declared entity categories
    • getRequestedAttributes

      @NonNull Collection<RequestedAttribute> getRequestedAttributes()
      Gets the attributes requested directly in the authentication request or indirectly from the relying party metadata (AttributeConsumingService or entity category declarations).

      Note: Within the Swedish eID Framework the use of declared entity categories is the preferred way of informing the IdP about which attributes a relying party requests, see getEntityCategories().

      a collection of requested attributes
    • getAuthnContextRequirements

      @NonNull List<String> getAuthnContextRequirements()
      Gets a list of the requested authentication contexts (AuthnContextClassRef).

      The returned list is exhaustive, meaning that all possible URI:s are sent. For example if minimum comparison is declared, the list is filled with all possible URI:s.

      a list of URI:s
    • getPrincipalSelectionAttributes

      @NonNull Collection<UserAttribute> getPrincipalSelectionAttributes()
      The PrincipalSelection extension defined in Sweden Connect technical framework enables a relying party to include one or more attributes in the AuthnRequest to inform the IdP about the user that is being authenticated. This method returns this information.
      a (possibly empty) collection of "principal selection" attributes
    • getSignatureMessageExtension

      @Nullable SignatureMessageExtension getSignatureMessageExtension()
      Gets the SignatureMessageExtension which is the representation of the SignMessage extension as specified in section 3.1.2 of DSS Extension for Federated Central Signing Services.
      the sign message extension, or null if not present
    • getUserMessageExtension

      @Nullable UserMessageExtension getUserMessageExtension()
      Gets the UserMessageExtension which is the representation of the UserMessage extension as specified in User Message Extension in SAML Authentication Requests.
      the UserMessageExtension or null if not set
    • getSadRequestExtension

      @Nullable SadRequestExtension getSadRequestExtension()
      Gets the SadRequestExtension which is the representation of the SADRequest extension as specified in Signature Activation Protocol for Federated Signing.
      the SAD request extension, or null if not present