Interface Saml2IdpConfigurerAdapter

public interface Saml2IdpConfigurerAdapter
Since Spring have deprecated the use of WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter and thinks that the setup of a SecurityFilterChain should be component based, we have lost the easy way of modifying a Spring Security configuration without having to dig really deep into how a particular feature is configured. So, we introduce the Saml2IdpConfigurerAdapter that may be implemented in order to make adjustments to the default SAML IdP settings.

Implement any number of Saml2IdpConfigurerAdapter instances and have them registered as beans. After that Import the Saml2IdpConfiguration class and a SAML IdP SecurityFilterChain is created.

Martin Lindström
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    configure( http, Saml2IdpConfigurer configurer)
    Configures the settings of the Saml2IdpConfigurer.
  • Method Details

    • configure

      void configure( http, Saml2IdpConfigurer configurer)
      Configures the settings of the Saml2IdpConfigurer.
      http - the HTTP security object
      configurer - the Saml2IdpConfigurer