Many Swedish public organizations makes use of the Sweden Connect SAML-federation in order to offer their users the possibility to login using a Swedish eID. However, BankID, which is the largest eID-provider in Sweden does not offer a SAML IdP (Identity Provider). This has lead to that a number of different work-arounds have emerged where some organizations have purchased third-party integrations against BankID outside of the Sweden Connect-federation, others have implemented their own BankID-solutions and some have even managed to buy or build BankID IdP:s from third party vendors and joined Sweden Connect.
The aim with the SAML Identity Provider for BankID open source initiative is to offer organizations a SAML IdP that is implemented according to the Swedish eID Framework and may be used within the Sweden Connect Federation.
An organization wishing to use the open source BankID-IdP basically takes the following steps:
Make frontend changes to get an UI look and feel of the service that corresponds with the organization’s requirements.
Possibly make some back-end changes regarding specific issues (for example to have supervision or audit logging according to the organization’s requirements).
Deploy the IdP-service within the organization’s domain.
Publish SAML metadata to Sweden Connect (or other federation).
See below for instructions on how to build your own BankID SAML IdP application.
Development Guidelines for the SAML IdP for BankID
Code Documentation
Copyright © 2023-2025, Myndigheten för digital förvaltning - Swedish Agency for Digital Government (DIGG). Licensed under version 2.0 of the Apache License.