

SAML Identity Provider for BankID

License Maven Central


Many Swedish public organizations makes use of the Sweden Connect SAML-federation in order to offer their users the possibility to login using a Swedish eID. However, BankID, which is the largest eID-provider in Sweden does not offer a SAML IdP (Identity Provider). This has lead to that a number of different work-arounds have emerged where some organizations have purchased third-party integrations against BankID outside of the Sweden Connect-federation, others have implemented their own BankID-solutions and some have even managed to buy or build BankID IdP:s from third party vendors and joined Sweden Connect.

The aim with the SAML Identity Provider for BankID open source initiative is to offer organizations a SAML IdP that is implemented according to the Swedish eID Framework and may be used within the Sweden Connect Federation.

An organization wishing to use the open source BankID-IdP basically takes the following steps:

See below for instructions on how to build your own BankID SAML IdP application.


Copyright © 2023-2025, Myndigheten för digital förvaltning - Swedish Agency for Digital Government (DIGG). Licensed under version 2.0 of the Apache License.