

Configuration of the BankID SAML IdP

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There are three distinct parts in configuring the BankID SAML IdP:

Also check the application.yml or sandbox.yml files for an examples of how to configure the service.

BankID Application Configuration

This section describes all settings that are specific for the BankID IdP-application. These settings comprise of configuration for the BankID integration and integration against the IdP-base.

Property Description Type Default value
bankid.service-url The URL to the BankID API. String if bankid.test-mode is false (i.e., production setup), and if bankid.test-mode is true (BankID test environment).
The root certificate of the BankID server TLS credential. A Resource pointing at an X.509 certificate. classpath:trust/bankid-trust-prod.crt if bankid.test-mode is false (production setup) and classpath:trust/bankid-trust-test.crt if bankid.test-mode is true (BankID test environment).
bankid.test-mode Should be set to true if the BankID IdP is running in “test mode”, i.e., if the test BankID RP API is used. Boolean false
Whether we are using a built-in frontend, i.e., if we are using the built in Vue frontend app, this controller redirects calls made from the underlying SAML IdP library to our frontend start page. Boolean true
bankid.start-retry-duration Duration from initial request to allow restart of the BankID session.

In practice this setting has effect on the time the user has to scan a QR-code, or to start his or her app.

The BankID session will enter the state “startFailed” if no client application connects within 30 seconds. If the current time is between start and start + startRetryDuration the application will silently start a new session. If the current time is outside this duration the user will be presented with an error. The duration will only be checked on startFailed i.e. every 30 seconds. If you want to disable silent retries set the duration to something lower than 30 seconds, e.g., 0 seconds.
Duration 3 minutes
bankid.authn.* IdP Authentication configuration. See Authentication Configuration below. IdpConfiguration -* Configuration for the Spring Boot actuator Health-endpoint. See Health Configuration below. HealthConfiguration See defaults below
bankid.session.module Configuration for which session module that should be active. Supported values are memory and redis. Set to other value if you extend the BankID IdP with your own session handling (see Writing Your Own Session Handling Module).

Deprecated. Use saml.idp.session.module instead.
String memory
bankid.audit.* Audit logging configuration.

Deprecated. Instead use the saml.idp.audit. settings. See the Audit Configuration for the SAML IdP library.
AuditConfiguration. -
bankid.ui.* Configuration concerning the BankID IdP UI (including texts displayed in the BankID app). See UI Configuration below. UiProperties See defaults below
A list of configuration elements for each Relying Party that is allowed to communicate with the BankID SAML IdP. See Relying Party Configuration below. RelyingPartyConfiguration -

Authentication Configuration

This section contains the necessary configuration for injecting the BankID authentication as part of the Spring Security SAML Identity Provider.

Property Description Type Default value
provider-name The name of the Spring authentication provider that is being used for BankID operations. This name is only used for logging and should not have to be changed. String BankID
authn-path The authentication path. Where the Spring Security flow directs the user for authentication by our implementation. Changing this will change the path for the frontend but not api calls. e.g. /context-path/authn-path for frontend and /context-path/ for api String /bankid
resume-path The resume path. Where the BankID IdP application redirects back the user after that we are done. Unless the BankID IdP is customized with advanced overrides for MVC handling this setting should not be assigned. String /resume
supported-loas[] Contains a list of the Authentication Context Class Ref URI:s (Level of assurance URI:s) that are supported by this IdP.

Note: For the BankID IdP it is recommended that only one LoA is supported.
List of strings [ "
loa/1.0/uncertified-loa3" ]1
entity-categories[] A list of the SAML entity categories that this IdP supports/declares. Read more about entity categories at Entity Categories for the Swedish eID Framework. List of strings -

[1]: BankID as a eID provider is certified according to LoA 3 (tillitsnivå 3), but unless the actual BankID IdP has been certified according to LoA 3 the “uncertified-loa3” URI should be used. Read more at If your IdP has been audited and certified according to LoA 3, the URI should be used.

Health Configuration

Configuration for health endpoints.

Property Description Type Default value
rp-certificate-warn-threshold A threshold value for when the health endpoint should issue warnings telling the a configured BankID Relying Party certificate is about to expire. Duration 14 days

For more details about health- and other monitoring endpoints, see Monitoring the BankID IdP Application.

Audit Logging Configuration

Deprecated. Instead use the saml.idp.audit. settings. See the Audit Configuration for the SAML IdP library.

Property Description Type Default value
repository Tells how the produced audit log entries should be stored. Possible values are: memory for an in-memory repository, redislist for a Redis list implementation, redistimeseries for a Redis time series implementation or other if you extend the BankID IdP with your own audit event repository implementation. See the Audit Event Logging page for details concerning the configuration and customization of audit event logging. String memory
log-file If assigned, the audit events will not only be stored according to the repository setting, but also be written to the given log file. If set, a complete path must be given. String -
supported-events[] The supported events that will be logged to the given repository (and possibly the file). List of strings All events listed in BankID Audit Events and SAML Audit Events.

UI Configuration

Property Description Type Default value
user-message-defaults.* Configuration for default text(s) to display during authentication/signing. See Default User Messages Configuration below. UserMessageProperties -
provider.svg-logotype The icon/logotype to be displayed in UI footer. This logotype should be the logotype for the provider of the service (as opposed for the logotype displayed in the left upper corner which is the logotype for the calling SP). The logotype must be in SVG format. If no logotype is assigned, the UI footer will hold no logotype. Resource -
provider.svg-favicon The favicon to be displayed in the browser tab, etc. This favicon must be in SVG format. SVG favicons are supported in Firefox and Chromium-based browsers. If no favicon is assigned, the BankID logo will be used. Resource -
provider.png-favicon The favicon to be displayed in the browser tab, etc. This favicon must be in PNG format and should be 32 x 32 pixels in dimension. PNG favicons are supported by all modern browsers, including Internet Explorer 11. If no favicon is assigned, the BankID logo will be used. Resource -* The name for the provider as a map where the keys are language codes and the values the name in respective language. This name will primarily be used at the bottom of the page in the copyright statement, but may (later) by used in other UI places as well. If no value is set, no copyright statement is displayed. Map of strings -
qr-code.* See QR Code Configuration below. QrCodeConfiguration See defaults below
show-sp-message Enables an extra informational message in the UI about which SP that ordered authentication/signature. The SP display name will be read from the SAML metadata (can be overridden in RP configuration). Boolean false
accessibility-report-link Swedish public e-services are required to include a link to the “accessibility report” (tillgänglighetsrapport) of their web site. By assigning this setting with a link, this link will be included in the device selection view of the UI. String -
user-error.* UI properties for how to display errors for the user. See User Error Configuration below. UserErrorProperties See below Optional path where CSS, message and content override files can be put. See Customizing the BankID IdP UI. String -

Note: A BankID that is “generic”, meaning that it serves Service Providers from different organizations, should enable the show-sp-message setting to provide textual information about the Service Provider that requested authentication/signing.

Default User Messages Configuration

Each Relying Party can be configured with both login texts to use during login, and also fallback texts to use if no sign message was received in the SAML request. However, an IdP supporting many RP:s may find it useful to declare default texts to use if no specific configuration exists for a particular RP.

Property Description Type Default value
login-text.* The text to display in the BankID app when the user is authenticating. See Relying Party Configuration below for how to set a text that is specific for a specific RP. DisplayText -
fallback-sign-text.* If no SignMessage was received in the SAML AuthnRequest message, and no specific text is set for an RP (see Relying Party Configuration below), this text will be displayed in the BankID app during a BankID signature operation. DisplayText -

Display Text
Property Description Type Default value
text The text string. String -
format The format on the above text string. Can be either plain_text or simple_markdown_v1 (see String plain_text

QR Code Configuration

Configuration for how to generate and display QR codes.

Property Description Type Default value
size The size in pixels (height and width) for the generated and displayed QR codes. Integer 200
image-format The image format for the generated QR code. Possible values are: JPG and PNG.

Note: SVG is also a valid value, but currently not supported by the underlying QR code generator.
String PNG
display-qr-help Tells whether we should display an intermediate view before displaying the QR-code. This page/view will contain extra help texts to assist the user in understanding the steps for scanning the QR code. Boolean false

User Error Configuration

Property Description Type Default value
contact-email E-mail address to use in the UI. For example to report errors. String -
show-contact-information Predicate that tells whether contact information should be displayed in the UI. Boolean false
show-trace-id Whether an ID should be displayed for the user when an error has occurred. Using this ID, the user can contact user support. Boolean false


        text: "I hereby sign the text that was displayed on the previous page."
        format: plain_text
        text: "*Note!*\n\nNever login using your BankID when someone is asking you to do this over the phone"
        format: simple-markdown-v1
      show-contact-information: true
      show-trace-id: true

Relying Party Configuration

Configuration for a BankID Relying Party. A BankID Relying Party can serve any number of SAML SP:s. Usually they are from the same organization. An organization that wants to use BankID both for logging in users and having users signing using a signature services will have at least two SAML SP:s connected, the ordinary SAML SP used for authentication and the Signature Service SP used for signing.

Property Description Type Default value
id The system unique ID for the Relying Party. This is will be visible in audit logs (in the rp field, see Audit Event Logging). String -
entity-ids[] A list of SAML entityID:s that belongs to this Relying Party.

If the IdP is in test mode (bankid.test-mode=true) this list may be empty, meaning that all SP:s are served. In a “real” setup, this field must be assigned with at least one entityID.
List of strings -
credential.* The BankID relying party credential. See the credentials-support library for details about the PkiCredential type and how it is configured. PkiCredentialConfigurationProperties -
user-message.* Relying Party specific display text for authentication (and signature). Overrides the default text described in the Default User Messages Configuration section above. See Relying Party User Message below. RpUserMessage See below
ui-info.* The UI info (display name and logotype URL) for a Relying Party is normally extracted from the SAML metadata, but there are cases where you may want to manually configure these data elements (for example if the metadata does not contain this information, or you simply want to override it). This element holds this information. See Relying Party UI Info below. RelyingPartyUiInfo -
bankid-requirements.* Specific BankID requirements for this Relying Party. See BankID Requirements below. BankIdRequirement See below

Relying Party User Message
Property Description Type Default value
login-text.* RP specific text to display when authenticating. See Display Text. DisplayText -
inherit-default-login-text If the default user message login text has been assigned, and a specific RP wishes to not use login messages it should set this flag to false (and not assign login-text above). Boolean true
fallback-sign-text.* RP specific text to display when signing (if no SignMessage extension was received in the AuthnRequest message). DisplayText -

Relying Party UI Info
Property Description Type Default value
display-name A mapping between language codes and display names. Map -
logotype-url The URL for the Relying Party logotype. String -
use-as-fallback Whether the data in this object should be used as a fallback to UI information gathered from the SAML metadata or not. If true, the data will only be used if data is not present in SAML metadata, and if false, the data from this object will have precedence over data found in SAML metadata. Boolean true

Also see RelyingPartyUiInfo.

BankID Requirements
Property Description Type Default value
pin-code-auth Tells whether users are required to use their PIN code during BankID authentication, even if they have biometrics activated. Boolean false
pin-code-sign Tells whether users are required to use their PIN code during BankID signing, even if they have biometrics activated. Boolean true
mrtd If true, the client needs to provide MRTD (Machine readable travel document) information to complete a BankID operation. Only Swedish passports and national ID cards are supported. Boolean false
certificate-policies[] Object identifiers for which policies that should be used. See BankID integration guide List of strings -
card-reader Requirement for which type of smart card reader that is required (for BankID on card). See BankID integration guide. String -

Also see BankIdRequirement.

Configuring a HTTP Proxy

The BankID IdP uses the system settings for HTTP proxies. Therefore there are no specific configuration for HTTP proxies.

If you require a HTTP Proxy follow the steps in Java Networking and Proxies.

SAML IdP Configuration

The BankID SAML IdP is built upon the Spring Security SAML Identity Provider module. This module is a Sweden Connect Open Source module for a generic SAML IdP that is compatible with the Sweden Connect eID Framework.

All Spring configuration settings for this module are documented here.

The application.yml contains sensible defaults and you basically need to change the following:

The BankID IdP also extends this configuration with the following setting:

Property Description Type Default value
saml.idp.replay-ttl The time-to-live for items handled by the MessageReplayChecker Duration 5 minutes

Spring Boot Configuration

The BankID SAML IdP is a Spring Boot application, and apart from the above described configuration you need to supply Spring Boot configuration. See Spring Boot Common Application Properties for a listing of available settings.

Also check the application.yml file for an example of how to configure the service.

Management and Supervision

In order for the health-endpoint and any other Spring Boot Actuator endpoints to function, the Spring Boot Actuator needs to be configured.

Recommended settings are:

    port: 8444
        - DOWN
        - OUT_OF_SERVICE
        - UP
        - WARNING
        - UNKNOWN
          WARNING: 503
      show-details: always
      enabled: true
        include: health, metrics, prometheus, loggers

Note: In order to get a “Quarkus-style” for the endpoints, it is possible to re-configure the base path for the management server. Each endpoint may also be re-named. In the example below we use /q instead of /actuator to fit Quarkus needs. We also change the endpoint name for Spring’s metrics-endpoint since it clashes with Quarkus’ that uses metrics for Prometheus.

    port: 8444
      base-path: /q
        metrics: springmetrics
        prometheus: metrics

The health-endpoint is now exposed at https://<your-domain>:8444/q/health.

Tomcat Configuration Extension

Most of Tomcat’s behaviour can be configured using Spring Boot’s configuration properties, but there is no way of setting up the Tomcat AJP protocol using Spring Boot’s settings. Therefore, we add the following configuration properties:

Property Description Type Default value
tomcat.ajp.enabled Is the Tomcat AJP protocol enabled? Boolean false
tomcat.ajp.port The Tomcat AJP port. Integer 8009
tomcat.ajp.secret The Tomcat AJP secret/password. String -
tomcat.ajp.secret-required Is AJP secret required? Boolean false

Needless to say. The above settings are only relevant if you use the Tomcat AJP protocol for your service.

Redis Configuration

If bankid.session.module is set to redis Redis will be used for session management. You will then have to configure Redis further using the Spring Boot Redis configuration.

Good resources for how to configure Redis under Spring Boot are:


      on-profile: local
      host: ${REDIS_HOST}
      port: ${REDIS_PORT:6379}
      password: supersecret
        enabled: true
        <see below>

Redis SSL/TLS Configuration Extension

Spring Boot 3.1 introduced the concept of SslBundles, where the SSL credentials are configured separately and referred to as a bundle. See the article Securing Spring Boot Applications With SSL for a good overview.

The Redis support in Spring offers possibilities to use bundles when configuring TLS for Redis connections. This is the recommended way of configuring TLS for Redis.


            alias: 1
            password: changeit
            location: classpath:redis.p12
            password: changeit
            type: pkcs12
            location: classpath:trust.p12
            password: changeit
            type: pkcs12
      port: 6379
      password: supersecret
        enabled: true
        bundle: redis
        enable-hostname-verification: true        

See the Redis Configuration in the Spring Security SAML Identity Provider for details.

The previous configuration settings for how to set up TLS for connections against the Redis server is deprecated. The only extension still remaining is:

The following settings under the key are deprecated and will be removed in future releases:

Property Description Type Default value
credential.resource The path to the KeyStore holding the client TLS credential (private key and certificate). Resource -
credential.password The password to unlock the above KeyStore.
Note: Due to Spring’s poor handling of SSL/TLS in general there is no way of having separate passwords for the store itself and the key entries of the KeyStore.
String -
trust.resource The path to the KeyStore holding the trusted certificates for verifying the server certificate in the SSL/TLS handshake. If not assigned, the system defaults are used. Resource -
trust.password The password to unlock the trust KeyStore. If this KeyStore does not have a password, no setting should be supplied. -  

The settings will be active if is set to true.

Redis Cluster Configuration

See the Redis Configuration in the Spring Security SAML Identity Provider for details on how to configure Redis Clusters NAT translation for addresses.

Adding Your Own application.yml File

To add multiple overrides for configuration properties at the same time you can do so by supplying your own application.yml file.

This file will override the base application.yml (both will be loaded).

To load an external file simply supply the application with the following environment variable


Logging Configuration

See Spring Boot Logging for general configuration about Spring Boot Logging.

Also, the BankID IdP extends these settings with the following:

To enable JSON logs, run the application with the jsonlog profile.

Configure this either by settings in the application.yml or by setting environment variable.


    active: jsonlog

Environment variable: SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=jsonlog, ...

Copyright © 2023-2025, Myndigheten för digital förvaltning - Swedish Agency for Digital Government (DIGG). Licensed under version 2.0 of the Apache License.