Interface AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.AssertionConsumerServiceResolver

All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.AssertionConsumerServiceResolver extends Function<List<org.opensaml.saml.saml2.metadata.AssertionConsumerService>,Object>
When the generator is about to add the AssertionConsumerServiceURL or AssertionConsumerServiceIndex attribute it will invoke the AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.getAssertionConsumerServiceResolver() method in order to get a function that given all possible AssertionConsumerService elements (found in the SP metadata) will either return a String (holding the AssertionConsumerServiceURL to use) or an Integer (holding the AssertionConsumerServiceIndex to use).

Note: The function will be called even if there is only one possible AssertionConsumerService. In those cases it is up to the function to decide whether to return a String or an Integer.