Interface AuthnRequestGeneratorContext

public interface AuthnRequestGeneratorContext
Defines a context which can be used to control how AuthnRequestGenerator.generateAuthnRequest(String, String, AuthnRequestGeneratorContext) creates an authentication request.
Martin Lindström (
  • Method Details

    • getPreferredBinding

      default String getPreferredBinding()
      Gets the binding to use when generating a request (redirect/POST).

      This binding will be used in all cases except when the IdP does not support the binding.

      The default implementation returns "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect".

      the preferred binding
    • getHokRequirement

      default AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.HokRequirement getHokRequirement()
      Gets the SP requirement for using the Holder-of-key profile. The default is that the SP does not support HoK.
      a HoK requirement
    • getForceAuthnAttribute

      default Boolean getForceAuthnAttribute()
      Gets the ForceAuthn attribute value.

      The default implementation returns true.

      If null is returned, the ForceAuthn attribute will not be included.

      the ForceAuthn attribute
    • getIsPassiveAttribute

      default Boolean getIsPassiveAttribute()
      Gets the IsPassive attribute value.

      The default implementation returns null.

      If null is returned, the IsPassive attribute will not be included.

      the IsPassive attribute
    • getSignatureSigningConfiguration

      default org.opensaml.xmlsec.SignatureSigningConfiguration getSignatureSigningConfiguration()
      If a signature configuration, other than the default (SecurityConfigurationSupport.getGlobalSignatureSigningConfiguration()) should be used to sign the request this method should return this configuration.

      The default implementation returns null.

      the signature configuration, or null
    • getAssertionConsumerServiceResolver

      default AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.AssertionConsumerServiceResolver getAssertionConsumerServiceResolver()
      Gets the AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.AssertionConsumerServiceResolver to use for resolving which AssertionConsumerService to use and whether to produce an AssertionConsumerServiceURL or AssertionConsumerServiceIndex attribute.

      The default implementation will return a AssertionConsumerServiceURL based on (1) isDefault attribute and (2) the lowest Index.

      a function for resolving AssertionConsumerService elements
    • getAttributeConsumingServiceIndexResolver

      default AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.AttributeConsumingServiceIndexResolver getAttributeConsumingServiceIndexResolver()
      Gets the resolver function for determining how to create the AttributeConsumingServiceIndex attribute.

      The default implementation returns null, meaning that no attribute is added.

      a resolver function
    • getNameIDPolicyBuilderFunction

      default AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.NameIDPolicyBuilderFunction getNameIDPolicyBuilderFunction()
      Gets the builder for creating a NameIDPolicy element.

      The default implementation will use the first NameIDFormat in the list and create a NameIDPolicy element with this value as the Format attribute and the AllowCreate set to true. If the supplied list is empty, the format will be set to urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified.

      a builder function
    • getRequestedAuthnContextBuilderFunction

      default AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.RequestedAuthnContextBuilderFunction getRequestedAuthnContextBuilderFunction()
      Gets the builder function for creating the RequestedAuthnContext element to add to the AuthnRequest.

      The default implementation will create a RequestedAuthnContext object with exact matching and all assurance certification URI:s included in the supplied list.

      a function that returns a RequestedAuthnContext (or null).
    • getAuthnRequestCustomizer

      default AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.AuthnRequestCustomizer getAuthnRequestCustomizer()
      Gets the AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.AuthnRequestCustomizer.

      The default implementation returns a NO-OP consumer, meaning no customizations are done.

      a consumer working on the AuthnRequest object being built
    • getOverrideSignCredential

      default getOverrideSignCredential()
      The AuthnRequestGenerator is normally configured with a signing credential (AuthnRequestGenerator#getSignCredential()}. This method exist so that we may override the default credential. Mainly for testing purposes.

      The default implementation returns null.

      the signing credential to use, or null if no override should be done