Interface AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.NameIDPolicyBuilderFunction

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public static interface AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.NameIDPolicyBuilderFunction extends Function<List<org.opensaml.saml.saml2.metadata.NameIDFormat>,org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.NameIDPolicy>
A NameIDPolicyBuilderFunction is used by the generator to create the NameIDPolicy element. As input to the function the generator supplies a list of NameIDFormat elements. This list is the intersection of what is supported by the SP and the IdP (found in metadata). Note that this list may be empty.

The NameIDPolicyResolver will be invoked with a list where the order is the same order as the NameIDFormat elements appear in the SP metadata.

If the resolver returns null, no NameIDPolicy will be included in the AuthnRequest.