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AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder<T> - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation
Abstract builder class for building the ValidationContext object for use as validation input to the AssertionValidator.
AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
AbstractAttributeStatementValidator - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation
Abstract validator for AttributeStatements.
AbstractAttributeStatementValidator() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAttributeStatementValidator
AbstractAuthnRequestBuilder<BUILDER> - Class in
Abstract builder for AuthnRequest messages.
AbstractAuthnRequestBuilder() - Constructor for class
AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
Abstract base class for generating AuthnRequest messages.
AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator(String, X509Credential) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator
AbstractMetadataContainer<T> - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata
Abstract base class for the MetadataContainer interface.
AbstractMetadataContainer(T, X509Credential) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Constructor assigning the encapsulated descriptor element.
AbstractMetadataProvider - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider
Abstract base class for the MetadataProvider interface.
AbstractMetadataProvider() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
AbstractMetadataProvider.EntityDescriptorIterator - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider
Iterates over EntitiesDescriptor or EntityDescriptor.
AbstractObjectValidator<T> - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation
Abstract base class for ObjectValidator.
AbstractObjectValidator() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractObjectValidator
AbstractRequestBuilder<T,BUILDER> - Class in
Abstract builder class for building request messages.
AbstractRequestBuilder() - Constructor for class
AbstractResponseValidationParametersBuilder<T> - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation
Abstract builder class for building the ValidationContext object for use as validation input to the ResponseValidator.
AbstractResponseValidationParametersBuilder() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.AbstractResponseValidationParametersBuilder
AbstractSAMLObjectBuilder<T> - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder
Abstract base class for the builder pattern.
AbstractSAMLObjectBuilder() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder.AbstractSAMLObjectBuilder
Constructor setting up the object to build.
AbstractSAMLObjectBuilder(InputStream) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder.AbstractSAMLObjectBuilder
Constructor setting up the builder with a template object that is read from an input stream.
AbstractSAMLObjectBuilder(T) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder.AbstractSAMLObjectBuilder
Constructor setting up the builder with a template object.
AbstractSAMLObjectBuilder(T, boolean) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder.AbstractSAMLObjectBuilder
Constructor setting up the builder with a template object.
AbstractSignableObjectValidator<T> - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation
Abstract object validator that supports validating signatures.
AbstractSignableObjectValidator(SignatureTrustEngine, SignaturePrevalidator) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractSignableObjectValidator
AbstractSSODescriptorBuilder<T,B> - Class in
Abstract base class for building a SSODescriptor.
AbstractSSODescriptorBuilder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
AbstractSSODescriptorBuilder(T, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructor setting up the builder with a template object.
AbstractValidationParametersBuilder<T> - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation
Abstract base class for building the ValidationContext object using a builder pattern.
AbstractValidationParametersBuilder() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
addDynamicParameter(String, Object) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Adds a dynamic validation parameter.
addDynamicParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Adds dynamic validation parameters.
addExtensions(AuthnRequestBuilder, AuthnRequestGeneratorContext, EntityDescriptor) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator
Method that adds the Extensions element to the AuthnRequest being built.
addScoping(AuthnRequestBuilder, AuthnRequestGeneratorContext, EntityDescriptor) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator
Method that adds the Scoping element to the AuthnRequest being built.
addStaticParameter(String, Object) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Adds a static validation parameter.
addStaticParameterIfMissing(String, Object) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Adds a static validation parameter if it is not set yet.
addStaticParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Adds static validation parameters.
algorithm(String) - Method in class
Assigns the algorithm.
algorithm(String) - Method in class
Assigns the algorithm.
algorithm(String) - Method in class
Assigns the algorithm.
allowCreate(Boolean) - Method in class
Assigns the AllowCreate attribute to the NameIDPolicy element.
allowedClockSkew(long) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Gives the number of milliseconds that is the maximum allowed clock skew when verifying time stamps.
allowedClockSkew(Duration) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Gives the duration that is the maximum allowed clock skew when verifying time stamps.
apply(CriteriaSet) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MDQRequestURLBuilder
AssertionConsumerServiceBuilder - Class in
A builder for AssertionConsumerService elements.
AssertionConsumerServiceBuilder() - Constructor for class
assertionConsumerServiceIndex(Integer) - Method in class
Assigns the AssertionConsumerServiceIndex attribute to the AuthnRequest object.
assertionConsumerServices(List<AssertionConsumerService>) - Method in class
Adds md:AssertionConsumerService elements to the SPSSODescriptor.
assertionConsumerServices(AssertionConsumerService...) - Method in class
assertionConsumerServiceURL(String) - Method in class
Assigns the AssertionConsumerServiceURL attribute to the AuthnRequest object.
AssertionValidationParametersBuilder - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation
Builder class for building the ValidationContext object for use as validation input to the AssertionValidator.
AssertionValidationParametersBuilder() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidationParametersBuilder
assertionValidator - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
The assertion validator.
AssertionValidator - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation
A validator for Assertion objects.
AssertionValidator(SignatureTrustEngine, SignaturePrevalidator, Collection<SubjectConfirmationValidator>, Collection<ConditionValidator>, Collection<StatementValidator>) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
assignID(EntitiesDescriptor, String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntitiesDescriptorContainer
Assigns the supplied id to the ID attribute of the descriptor.
assignID(EntityDescriptor, String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptorContainer
Assigns the supplied id to the ID attribute of the descriptor.
assignID(T, String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Assigns the supplied id to the ID attribute of the descriptor.
ASSURANCE_CERTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeConstants
The attribute name for the assurance certification attribute stored as an attribute in the entity attributes extension.
ASSURANCE_CERTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeConstants
The attribute template for the assurance certification attribute stored as an attribute in the entity attributes extension.
assuranceCertificationAttribute(String...) - Method in class
assuranceCertificationAttribute(List<String>) - Method in class
Adds an "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:attribute:assurance-certification" attribute containing the supplied URIs as attribute values.
attribute(Attribute) - Method in class
Adds an attribute to this mdattr:EntityAttributes.
AttributeBuilder - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute
Implements the build pattern to create Attribute objects.
AttributeBuilder(InputStream) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
Constructor setting up the builder with a template attribute that is read from an input stream.
AttributeBuilder(String) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
Constructor setting the attribute name.
AttributeBuilder(Attribute) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
Constructor setting up the builder given an attribute template.
AttributeConstants - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute
Attribute constants.
attributeConsumerServiceIndex(Integer) - Method in class
Assigns the AttributeConsumerServiceIndex attribute to the AuthnRequest object.
AttributeConsumingServiceBuilder - Class in
Builder for md:AttributeConsumingService elements.
AttributeConsumingServiceBuilder() - Constructor for class
attributeConsumingServices(List<AttributeConsumingService>) - Method in class
Adds md:AttributeConsumingService elements to the SPSSODescriptor.
attributeConsumingServices(AttributeConsumingService...) - Method in class
attributes(List<Attribute>) - Method in class
Creates (or replaces) the mdattr:EntityAttributes element and adds the supplied attributes.
attributes(List<Attribute>) - Method in class
Adds Attribute elements to the IDPSSODescriptor.
attributes(Attribute...) - Method in class
AttributeTemplate - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute
An attribute template is a template of a SAML attribute, i.e., it represents the name, friendly name and name format but not the value of the attribute.
AttributeTemplate(String, String) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeTemplate
Creates an attribute template with the given name and friendly name, the default name format urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri (Attribute.URI_REFERENCE) and not multi-valued.
AttributeTemplate(String, String, String) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeTemplate
Creates an attribute template with the given name, friendly name and name format.
AttributeUtils - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute
Helper methods for accessing attribute values.
AUTHN_REQUEST - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.CoreValidatorParameters
Carries a AuthnRequest object that is used in several checks of responses and assertions.
AUTHN_REQUEST_FORCE_AUTHN - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AuthnStatementValidator
Key for a validation context parameter.
AUTHN_REQUEST_ID - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.CoreValidatorParameters
Carries a String that holds the AuthnRequest ID attribute.
AUTHN_REQUEST_ISSUE_INSTANT - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AuthnStatementValidator
Key for a validation context parameter.
authnContextClassRefs(String...) - Method in class
authnContextClassRefs(List<String>) - Method in class
Assigns AuthnContextClassRef elements to the RequestedAuthnContext object.
authnContextDeclRefs(String...) - Method in class
authnContextDeclRefs(List<String>) - Method in class
Assigns AuthnContextDeclRef elements to the RequestedAuthnContext object.
authnRequest(AuthnRequest) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.AbstractResponseValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the AuthnRequest that was sent to give the message we are validating.
AuthnRequestBuilder - Class in
Builder for AuthnRequest messages.
AuthnRequestBuilder() - Constructor for class
authnRequestForceAuthn(Boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the ForceAuthn flag from the corresponding AuthnRequest.
AuthnRequestGenerator - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
Interface for generating AuthnRequest messages.
AuthnRequestGeneratorContext - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
Defines a context which can be used to control how AuthnRequestGenerator.generateAuthnRequest(String, String, AuthnRequestGeneratorContext) creates an authentication request.
AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.AssertionConsumerServiceResolver - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
When the generator is about to add the AssertionConsumerServiceURL or AssertionConsumerServiceIndex attribute it will invoke the AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.getAssertionConsumerServiceResolver() method in order to get a function that given all possible AssertionConsumerService elements (found in the SP metadata) will either return a String (holding the AssertionConsumerServiceURL to use) or an Integer (holding the AssertionConsumerServiceIndex to use).
AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.AttributeConsumingServiceIndexResolver - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
If the SP metadata contains one or more AttributeConsumingService elements, the generator needs to know whether to include the AttributeConsumingServiceIndex attribute, and if so, which index to use.
AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.AuthnRequestCustomizer - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
When the generator is done building the AuthnRequest, but before it is signed, it will ask the AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.getAuthnRequestCustomizer() method for the customizer that may operate and add customizations to the request object.
AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.HokRequirement - Enum Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
Enumeration that tells whether the Holder-of-key WebSSO profile is required, optional or not active.
AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.NameIDPolicyBuilderFunction - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
A NameIDPolicyBuilderFunction is used by the generator to create the NameIDPolicy element.
AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.RequestedAuthnContextBuilderFunction - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
The generator will need to know how to build the RequestedAuthnContext element that is to be included in the AuthnRequest.
authnRequestID(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.AbstractResponseValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the ID of the AuthnRequest that was sent to give the message we are validating.
authnRequestIssueInstant(long) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the issuance time for the corresponding AuthnRequest when validating an assertion.
authnRequestIssueInstant(Instant) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the issuance time for the corresponding AuthnRequest when validating an assertion.
authnRequestsSigned(Boolean) - Method in class
Assigns the AuthnRequestsSigned attribute of the md:SPSSODescriptor element.
AuthnStatementValidator - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation
Core statement validator for AuthnStatements.
AuthnStatementValidator() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AuthnStatementValidator


binding() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObjectBuilder
Returns the SAML binding that should be used when sending the request.
binding(String) - Method in class
Assigns the binding of the service
binding(String) - Method in class
Assigns the binding of the service
binding(String) - Method in class
Assigns the binding of the service
binding(String) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObjectBuilder
The builder is created with the SAML binding to use when sending the request message (redirect or post).
build() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder.AbstractSAMLObjectBuilder
The default implementation of this method assumes that the object has been built during assignment of its attributes and elements so it simply returns the object.
build() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder.SAMLObjectBuilder
Builds the XMLObject.
build() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Builds a ValidationContext object.
build() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.ValidationParametersBuilder
Builds a ValidationContext object.
build() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Adds default settings before invoking the super implementation.
build() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
Returns the Attribute object that has been built.
build() - Method in class
The default implementation of this method assumes that the object has been built during assignment of its attributes and elements so it simply returns the object.
build() - Method in class
The default implementation of this method assumes that the object has been built during assignment of its attributes and elements so it simply returns the object.
build(Class<T>) - Method in class
Builds and casts to the correct Scope type.
builder() - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Utility method that returns a builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a builder.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a builder.
builder() - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a builder.
builder() - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a builder.
builder() - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a builder.
builder() - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a builder.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a new DigestMethodBuilder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a builder.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a new EncryptionMethodBuilder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Utility method that creates an EntityDescriptorBuilder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a IDPSSODescriptorBuilder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a builder.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a new LogoBuilder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a builder.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a new ScopeBuilder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a new SigningMethodBuilder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a builder.
builder() - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a builder.
builder() - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a SPSSODescriptorBuilder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationParametersBuilder
Utility method that returns a builder instance.
builder(InputStream) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
Static utility method that creates a AttributeBuilder given a template attribute read from an input stream.
builder(InputStream) - Static method in class
Utility method that creates an EntityDescriptorBuilder instance from a supplied input stream.
builder(String) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
Static utility method that creates a default AttributeBuilder.
builder(String) - Static method in class
Creates a builder.
builder(String, Integer) - Static method in class
Creates a builder.
builder(Attribute) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
Static utility method that creates a AttributeBuilder given a template attribute.
builder(ContactPerson) - Static method in class
Creates a builder instance.
builder(EntityDescriptor) - Static method in class
Utility method that creates an EntityDescriptorBuilder instance from a supplied template.
builder(EntityDescriptor, boolean) - Static method in class
Utility method that creates an EntityDescriptorBuilder instance from a supplied template.
buildHttpObject() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObjectBuilder
Compiles the request by invoking, optionally signs it and encodes it according to the configured binding and returns a RequestHttpObject that can be used by the SP application to send the request to the Identity Provider.
buildObject() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeBuilder
Builds a Scope element with the default namespace prefix and element name.
buildObject(String, String, String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeBuilder
buildRequestHttpObject(AuthnRequest, String, AuthnRequestGeneratorContext, String, String, EntityDescriptor) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator
Builds a request HTTP object (including signing).
buildSignatureValidationCriteriaSet(IDPSSODescriptor) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Builds a CriteriaSet for use with signature validation.
buildSignatureValidationParametersCriterion() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Builds a signature validation criterion based on the installed security configuration.


cacheDuration(Long) - Method in class
Assigns the cacheDuration attribute for the EntityDescriptor.
cacheDuration(Duration) - Method in class
Assigns the cacheDuration attribute for the EntityDescriptor.
certificate(InputStream) - Method in class
Assigns an input stream to a certificate resource that is to be used as a X.509 data element of the KeyInfo element within the key descriptor.
certificate(String) - Method in class
Assigns a certificate (in Base64-encoded format) to be used as a X.509 data element of the KeyInfo element within the key descriptor.
certificate(X509Certificate) - Method in class
Assigns a certificate to be used as a X.509 data element of the KeyInfo element within the key descriptor.
certificate(X509Credential) - Method in class
Assigns a certificate in OpenSAML credential format to be used as a X.509 data element of the KeyInfo element within the key descriptor.
check(ValidationResult) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.ValidationSupport
Checks if the result is VALID.
checkReplay(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay.InMemoryReplayChecker
Checks if the supplied message ID already has been processed within the time the replay checker keeps the processed items in its cache.
checkReplay(String) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay.MessageReplayChecker
Checks if the supplied message ID already has been processed within the time the replay checker keeps the processed items in its cache.
checkReplay(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay.MessageReplayCheckerImpl
Checks if the supplied message ID already has been processed within the time the replay checker keeps the processed items in its cache.
checkReplay(SAMLObject) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay.InMemoryReplayChecker
Checks if the supplied message contains an ID that already has been processed within the time the replay checker keeps the processed items in its cache.
checkReplay(SAMLObject) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay.MessageReplayChecker
Checks if the supplied message contains an ID that already has been processed within the time the replay checker keeps the processed items in its cache.
checkReplay(SAMLObject) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay.MessageReplayCheckerImpl
Checks if the supplied message contains an ID that already has been processed within the time the replay checker keeps the processed items in its cache.
checkSetterPreconditions() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Helper for a setter method to check the standard preconditions.
clientCertificate(X509Certificate) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the client certificate to be used for HoK validation.
cloneDescriptor() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Returns a deep clone of the descriptor element that is encapsulated by this object.
cloneDescriptor() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.MetadataContainer
Returns a deep clone of the descriptor element that is encapsulated by this object.
company(String) - Method in class
Assigns the Company element.
comparison(AuthnContextComparisonTypeEnumeration) - Method in class
Assigns the Comparison attribute to the RequestedAuthnContext object.
CompositeMetadataProvider - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider
A metadata provider that collects its metadata from multiple sources (providers).
CompositeMetadataProvider(String, List<MetadataProvider>) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
Constructs a composite metadata provider by assigning it a list of provider instances that it shall read its metadata from.
conditions(Conditions) - Method in class
Assigns a Conditions element to the AuthnRequest object.
conditionValidators - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Registered Condition validators.
consent(String) - Method in class
Assigns the Consent attribute of the request.
ContactPersonBuilder - Class in
A builder for ContactPerson elements.
ContactPersonBuilder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
ContactPersonBuilder(ContactPerson) - Constructor for class
Creates a builder from an object template.
contactPersons(List<ContactPerson>) - Method in class
Assigns the ContactPerson elements to the entity descriptor.
contactPersons(ContactPerson...) - Method in class
CoreValidatorParameters - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation
Core parameter keys used to store and retrieve static and dynamic parameters within a ValidationContext.
createAssertionValidator(SignatureTrustEngine, SignaturePrevalidator) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Sets up the assertion validator.
createBuilder() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeTemplate
Based on the attribute template an AttributeBuilder object is created.
createDefaultHttpClient() - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.HTTPMetadataProvider
Creates a default HttpClient instance that uses system properties and sets a SSLSocketFactory that is configured in a "no trust" mode, meaning that all peer certificates are accepted and no hostname check is made.
createDefaultHttpClient(KeyStore, HostnameVerifier) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.HTTPMetadataProvider
Creates a HttpClient instance that sets up a trust manager that accepts all certificates supplied in the trustKeyStore parameter.
createFilter() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Creates the filter(s) that this instance should be configured with.
createFilter() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
Returns null since the CompositeMetadataResolver doesn't perform any filtering.
createMetadataResolver(boolean, boolean, MetadataFilter) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Creates the specific MetadataResolver instance for the provider implementation.
createMetadataResolver(boolean, boolean, MetadataFilter) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
Creates the specific MetadataResolver instance for the provider implementation.
createMetadataResolver(boolean, boolean, MetadataFilter) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.FilesystemMetadataProvider
Creates the specific MetadataResolver instance for the provider implementation.
createMetadataResolver(boolean, boolean, MetadataFilter) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.HTTPMetadataProvider
Creates the specific MetadataResolver instance for the provider implementation.
createMetadataResolver(boolean, boolean, MetadataFilter) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MDQMetadataProvider
Creates the specific MetadataResolver instance for the provider implementation.
createMetadataResolver(boolean, boolean, MetadataFilter) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.ProxyMetadataProvider
Creates the specific MetadataResolver instance for the provider implementation.
createMetadataResolver(boolean, boolean, MetadataFilter) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.StaticMetadataProvider
Creates the specific MetadataResolver instance for the provider implementation.
createResponseValidator(SignatureTrustEngine, SignaturePrevalidator) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Sets up the response validator.
createValueObject(Class<T>) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
Creates an AttributeValue object of the given class.
createValueObject(QName, Class<T>) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
Creates an AttributeValue object of the given class and schema type.


decodeResponse(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Decodes the received SAML response message into a Response object.
decrypter - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
The decrypter instance.
DEFAULT_ALLOWED_CLOCK_SKEW - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationSettings
The default allowed clock skew (in milliseconds) - 30 seconds.
DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR_ID_SIZE - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Default size for the ID attribute string.
DEFAULT_ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME - Static variable in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.Scope
Element local name.
DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME - Static variable in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.Scope
Default element name.
DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_TAG - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.LocalizedString
Default language tag.
DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_RECEIVED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractObjectValidator
The default value for how old a received message is allowed to be.
DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_RESPONSE - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationSettings
The default age for a response message that we allow (in milliseconds) - 3 minutes.
DEFAULT_MAX_SESSION_AGE - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationSettings
Default max session age (in milliseconds) - 1 hour.
DEFAULT_NAME_FORMAT - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
The default name format for the attribute being built.
DEFAULT_UPDATE_FACTOR - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
The default update factor for the metadata - 0,75 (75%), i.e.
DEFAULT_VALIDITY - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
The default validity for metadata - one week.
DefaultAuthnRequestGenerator - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
A default implementation of the AuthnRequestGenerator where a metadata resolver is used to locate metadata.
DefaultAuthnRequestGenerator(String, X509Credential, MetadataResolver) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.DefaultAuthnRequestGenerator
DefaultAuthnRequestGenerator(EntityDescriptor, X509Credential, MetadataResolver) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.DefaultAuthnRequestGenerator
descriptions(List<LocalizedString>) - Method in class
Assigns the descriptions.
descriptions(List<LocalizedString>) - Method in class
Assigns the descriptions.
descriptions(LocalizedString...) - Method in class
descriptions(LocalizedString...) - Method in class
descriptor - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
The encapsulated descriptor element.
destination(String) - Method in class
Assigns the Destination attribute of the request.
destroyMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Destroys the metadata resolver.
destroyMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
Destroys the metadata resolver.
destroyMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.FilesystemMetadataProvider
Destroys the metadata resolver.
destroyMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.HTTPMetadataProvider
Destroys the metadata resolver.
destroyMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MDQMetadataProvider
Destroys the metadata resolver.
destroyMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.ProxyMetadataProvider
Destroys the metadata resolver.
destroyMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.StaticMetadataProvider
Destroys the metadata resolver.
digestMethod(String) - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a DigestMethod.
DigestMethodBuilder - Class in
A builder for alg:DigestMethod elements.
DigestMethodBuilder() - Constructor for class
DiscoveryResponseBuilder - Class in
DiscoveryResponseBuilder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
DiscoveryResponseBuilder(String, Integer) - Constructor for class
Constructor setting the location and the index.
displayNames(List<LocalizedString>) - Method in class
Assigns the display names.
displayNames(LocalizedString...) - Method in class
doDestroy() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
doInitialize() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
doInitialize() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator
DONT_USE - Enum constant in enum class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.HokRequirement
The holder-of-key profile will never be used.
dynamicParameter(String, Object) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Generic method that adds a dynamic validation parameter.


emailAddresses(String...) - Method in class
emailAddresses(List<String>) - Method in class
Assigns the EmailAddress elements.
encryptionMethod(String) - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a EncryptionMethod element having only its Algorithm attribute assigned.
encryptionMethod(String, Integer) - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a EncryptionMethod element.
EncryptionMethodBuilder - Class in
A builder for md:EncryptionMethod elements.
EncryptionMethodBuilder() - Constructor for class
encryptionMethods(String...) - Method in class
encryptionMethods(List<String>) - Method in class
Assigns a list of encryption methods.
encryptionMethods(EncryptionMethod...) - Method in class
encryptionMethodsExt(List<EncryptionMethod>) - Method in class
Assigns a list of encryption methods.
endpoint(String) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObjectBuilder
For testing purposes
EntitiesDescriptorContainer - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata
A MetadataContainer for EntityDescriptor elements.
EntitiesDescriptorContainer(EntitiesDescriptor, X509Credential) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntitiesDescriptorContainer
Constructor assigning the encapsulated descriptor element.
ENTITY_CATEGORY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeConstants
The attribute name for the entity category attribute stored as an attribute in the entity attributes extension.
ENTITY_CATEGORY_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeConstants
The attribute template for the entity category attribute stored as an attribute in the entity attributes extension.
EntityAttributesBuilder - Class in
A builder for EntityAttributes objects.
EntityAttributesBuilder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
entityCategoriesAttribute(String...) - Method in class
entityCategoriesAttribute(List<String>) - Method in class
Adds an "" attribute containing the supplied URIs as attribute values.
EntityDescriptorBuilder - Class in
A builder for creating EntityDescriptor objects.
EntityDescriptorBuilder() - Constructor for class
Constructor setting up the builder with no template.
EntityDescriptorBuilder(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Constructor setting up the builder with a template EntityDescriptor that is read from a resource.
EntityDescriptorBuilder(EntityDescriptor) - Constructor for class
EntityDescriptorBuilder(EntityDescriptor, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructor setting up the builder with a template EntityDescriptor.
EntityDescriptorContainer - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata
A MetadataContainer for EntityDescriptor elements.
EntityDescriptorContainer(EntityDescriptor, X509Credential) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptorContainer
Constructor assigning the encapsulated descriptor element.
EntityDescriptorIterator(XMLObject) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider.EntityDescriptorIterator
EntityDescriptorIterator(XMLObject, QName) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider.EntityDescriptorIterator
EntityDescriptorUtils - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata
Utility methods for accessing metadata elements.
entityID() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObjectBuilder
Returns the entityID of the Service Provider that this builder is serving.
entityID(String) - Method in class
Assigns the entityID for the EntityDescriptor.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.LocalizedString
Determines if two LocalizedStrings are equal, that is, if both thier localized string and language have case-sentivite equality.
EXPECTED_ISSUER - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.CoreValidatorParameters
Carries a String that holds the entityID of the expected issuer of a element.
expectedIssuer(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.AbstractResponseValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the expected issuer to be used when checking the issuer of an element.
extension(XMLObject) - Method in class
Adds an extension to this Extensions object.
extension(XMLObject...) - Method in class
Adds one, or more, extensions to this Extensions object.
extensions(List<XMLObject>) - Method in class
Adds the extensions (overwrites any previous extensions).
extensions(List<XMLObject>) - Method in class
Adds the extensions (overwrites any previous extensions).
extensions(XMLObject...) - Method in class
extensions(XMLObject...) - Method in class
extensions(Extensions) - Method in class
Assigns an Extensions element to the request.
extensions(Extensions) - Method in class
Assigns metadata extensions.
extensions(Extensions) - Method in class
Assigns metadata extensions.
ExtensionsBuilder - Class in
Builder for Extensions objects.
ExtensionsBuilder - Class in
Builder for metadata Extensions objects.
ExtensionsBuilder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
ExtensionsBuilder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
ExtensionsBuilder(Extensions, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructor setting up the builder with a template object.


FilesystemMetadataProvider - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider
A metadata provider that reads its metadata from a file.
FilesystemMetadataProvider(File) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.FilesystemMetadataProvider
Constructor assigning the file holding the metadata.
filterRole(QName) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider.EntityDescriptorIterator
forceAuthn(Boolean) - Method in class
Assigns the ForceAuthn attribute to the AuthnRequest object.
format(String) - Method in class
Assigns the Format attribute to the NameIDPolicy element.
friendlyName(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
Assigns the attribute friendly name.
friendlyName(String) - Method in class
Assigns the attribute friendly name.


generateAuthnRequest(String, String, AuthnRequestGeneratorContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator
Generates a SAML authentication request message.
generateAuthnRequest(String, String, AuthnRequestGeneratorContext) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGenerator
Generates a SAML authentication request message.
generateAuthnRequest(EntityDescriptor, String, AuthnRequestGeneratorContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator
Generates a SAML authentication request message.
generateAuthnRequest(EntityDescriptor, String, AuthnRequestGeneratorContext) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGenerator
Generates a SAML authentication request message.
get() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.SerializableOpenSamlObject
Gets the OpenSAML object.
getAllowedClockSkew() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationSettings
Returns the allowed clock skew.
getAllowedClockSkew(ValidationContext) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractObjectValidator
Returns the duration that is the maximum allowed clock skew that we accept when comparing time stamps.
getAssertion() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResult
Gets the Assertion from the response.
getAssertion() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResultImpl
Gets the Assertion from the response.
getAssertionConsumerServiceResolver() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext
Gets the AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.AssertionConsumerServiceResolver to use for resolving which AssertionConsumerService to use and whether to produce an AssertionConsumerServiceURL or AssertionConsumerServiceIndex attribute.
getAssertionValidationParametersBuilder() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
getAssuranceCertificationUris(EntityDescriptor) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptorUtils
Extracts the string values found in the assurance certification (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:attribute:assurance-certification) attribute under a EntityAttributes element found in the extensions element of the supplied entity descriptor.
getAssuranceCertificationUris(EntityDescriptor, AuthnRequestGeneratorContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator
Gets the assurance certification URI:s for the IdP metadata.
getAttribute(String, List<Attribute>) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeUtils
Returns an attribute with a given name from an attribute list.
getAttributeConsumingServiceIndexResolver() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext
Gets the resolver function for determining how to create the AttributeConsumingServiceIndex attribute.
getAttributes() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResult
Gets the attributes that are part of the attribute statement of the assertion.
getAttributes() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResultImpl
Gets the attributes that are part of the attribute statement of the assertion.
getAttributeStringValue(Attribute) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeUtils
Given a single-valued string attribute, this method returns its string value.
getAttributeStringValues(Attribute) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeUtils
Given an attribute holding string values this method will return a list of these values.
getAttributeValue(Attribute, Class<T>) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeUtils
Given a single-valued attribute, this method returns its value (of the given type).
getAttributeValues(Attribute, Class<T>) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeUtils
Returns the attribute values of the given type.
getAuthnContextClassUri() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResult
Gets the URI for the AuthnContextClassRef element that holds the "level of assurance" under which the authentication was made.
getAuthnContextClassUri() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResultImpl
Gets the URI for the AuthnContextClassRef element that holds the "level of assurance" under which the authentication was made.
getAuthnInstant() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResult
Gets the authentication instant.
getAuthnInstant() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResultImpl
Gets the authentication instant.
getAuthnRequest(String) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingInput
Returns the authentication request message that corresponds to the response message being processed.
getAuthnRequestCustomizer() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext
getAuthnRequestIssueInstant(ValidationContext) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AuthnStatementValidator
Gets the issue instant of the AuthnRequest from the validation context.
getBinding(SingleSignOnService) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator
Utility method that, given a SingleSignOnService, gets the binding URI (redirect/post).
getClientCertificate() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingInput
If the Holder-of-key WebSSO profile is in use, the client presented certificate is required.
getClientIpAddress() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingInput
If the validation should perform a check of the Address(es) found in the assertion, this method should return the address of the client, otherwise return null.
getConfigResources() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.config.XMLObjectProviderInitializer
getDefaultElementName() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder.AbstractSAMLObjectBuilder
Gets the default element name for the object.
getDefaultElementName() - Method in class
Gets the default element name for the object.
getDescriptor() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Returns the metadata element that is encapsulated by this object.
getDescriptor() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.MetadataContainer
Returns the metadata element that is encapsulated by this object.
getDestinationUrl() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.PostRequestHttpObject
Returns the URL to where we are sending the request.
getDestinationUrl() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RedirectRequestHttpObject
Returns the URL to where we are sending the request.
getDestinationUrl() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObject
Returns the URL to where we are sending the request.
getDigestMethods(EntityDescriptor) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptorUtils
Returns a (possibly) empty list of alg:DigestMethod elements.
getDynamicParameter(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Gets a dynamic parameter.
getEntityCategories(EntityDescriptor) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptorUtils
Extracts the string values found in the entity category ( attribute under a EntityAttributes element found in the extensions element of the supplied entity descriptor.
getEntityDescriptor(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Returns the entity descriptor identified by the given entityID.
getEntityDescriptor(String) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProvider
Returns the entity descriptor identified by the given entityID.
getEntityDescriptor(String, QName) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Returns the entity descriptor identified by the given entityID and given role.
getEntityDescriptor(String, QName) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProvider
Returns the entity descriptor identified by the given entityID and given role.
getExtensionsBuilder() - Method in class
Based on the contents of this object, an ExtensionsBuilder is returned.
getExtensionsBuilder() - Method in class
Based on the contents of this object, an ExtensionsBuilder is returned.
getForceAuthnAttribute() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext
Gets the ForceAuthn attribute value.
getForceAuthnFlag(ValidationContext) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AuthnStatementValidator
Gets the ForceAuthn flag from the validation context.
getFriendlyName() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeTemplate
Get the friendly name of this attribute template.
getHokAssertionConsumerService(SPSSODescriptor, String) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.HolderOfKeyMetadataSupport
Given an SPSSODescriptor element and a binding URI, the method locates a matching AssertionConsumerService Holder-of-key element.
getHokAssertionConsumerServices(SPSSODescriptor) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.HolderOfKeyMetadataSupport
Given an SPSSODescriptor element the method locates all AssertionConsumerService elements that have a Binding attribute set to "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:profiles:holder-of-key:SSO:browser", i.e., an endpoint for Holder-of-key.
getHokRequirement() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext
Gets the SP requirement for using the Holder-of-key profile.
getHoKSingleSignOnService(IDPSSODescriptor, String) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.HolderOfKeyMetadataSupport
Given an IDPSSODescriptor element and a binding (redirect/post), the method locates a matching SingleSignOnService Holder-of-key element.
getHokSingleSignOnServices(IDPSSODescriptor) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.HolderOfKeyMetadataSupport
Given an IDPSSODescriptor element the method locates all SingleSignOnService elements that have a Binding attribute set to "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:profiles:holder-of-key:SSO:browser", i.e., a service element for Holder-of-key.
getHttpHeaders() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.PostRequestHttpObject
Returns a mapping of header names and values that should be used when sending the request.
getHttpHeaders() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RedirectRequestHttpObject
Returns a mapping of header names and values that should be used when sending the request.
getHttpHeaders() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObject
Returns a mapping of header names and values that should be used when sending the request.
getID() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
Returns the identifier for the provider.
getID() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.FilesystemMetadataProvider
Returns the identifier for the provider.
getID() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.HTTPMetadataProvider
Returns the identifier for the provider.
getID() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MDQMetadataProvider
Returns the identifier for the provider.
getID() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProvider
Returns the identifier for the provider.
getID() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.ProxyMetadataProvider
Returns the identifier for the provider.
getID() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.StaticMetadataProvider
Returns the identifier for the provider.
getID(Assertion) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Returns the Assertion ID.
getID(Response) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
Returns the ID of the signable object.
getID(EntitiesDescriptor) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntitiesDescriptorContainer
Returns the ID attribute of the supplied descriptor.
getID(EntityDescriptor) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptorContainer
Returns the ID attribute of the supplied descriptor.
getID(T) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractSignableObjectValidator
Returns the ID of the signable object.
getID(T) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Returns the ID attribute of the supplied descriptor.
getIdentityProviders() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Utility method that returns a list of entity descriptors for Identity Providers found in the metadata.
getIdentityProviders() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProvider
Utility method that returns a list of entity descriptors for Identity Providers found in the metadata.
getIdpMetadata(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator
Gets the IdP metadata for the given entityID.
getIdpMetadata(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.DefaultAuthnRequestGenerator
Gets the IdP metadata for the given entityID.
getIdSize() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Returns the size of the ID attribute that is generated.
getInResponseTo() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResult
Gets the InResponseTo attribute from the response that was processed.
getInResponseTo() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResultImpl
Gets the InResponseTo attribute from the response that was processed.
getIsPassiveAttribute() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext
Gets the IsPassive attribute value.
getIssueInstant() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResult
Gets the issuance instant of the response.
getIssueInstant() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResultImpl
Gets the issuance instant of the response.
getIssuer() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResult
Gets the entityID of the issuing IdP.
getIssuer() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResultImpl
Gets the entityID of the issuing IdP.
getIssuer() - Method in exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseStatusErrorException
Gets the issuer of the response.
getIssuer(Assertion) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Returns the Assertion issuer.
getIssuer(Response) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
Returns the issuer of the signable object.
getIssuer(T) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractSignableObjectValidator
Returns the issuer of the signable object.
getLanguage() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.LocalizedString
Gets the language of the string.
getLastUpdate() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Returns the time the currently available metadata was last updated.
getLastUpdate() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
Returns the time the currently available metadata was last updated.
getLastUpdate() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProvider
Returns the time the currently available metadata was last updated.
getLocalString() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.LocalizedString
Gets the localized string.
getLogString(EntitiesDescriptor) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntitiesDescriptorContainer
Returns the Name attribute.
getLogString(EntityDescriptor) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptorContainer
Returns the entityID attribute.
getLogString(T) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Returns a log string of the supplied descriptor.
getMaxAcceptedSsoSessionTime(ValidationContext) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AuthnStatementValidator
Gets the maximum time we allow for SSO sessions.
getMaxAgeReceivedMessage(ValidationContext) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractObjectValidator
Returns the duration that a received message (or element) is allowed to less than the current time.
getMaxAgeResponse() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationSettings
Returns the maximum allowed "age" of a response message.
getMaxSessionAge() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationSettings
Returns the maximum session age allowed for SSO.
getMetadata() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Returns the XML element making up the metadata for the federation.
getMetadata() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
Collects all metadata from all underlying providers and creates an EntitiesDescriptor element.
getMetadata() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MDQMetadataProvider
Gets all EntityDescriptor objects available in the cache and adds them to a EntitiesDescriptor object.
getMetadata() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProvider
Returns the XML element making up the metadata for the federation.
getMetadata(String) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.PeerMetadataResolver
Returns the metadata EntityDescriptor for the given entityID.
getMetadata(String, QName) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Gets the metadata for the given entityID and role (type).
getMetadataCertificates(SSODescriptor, UsageType) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptorUtils
Utility that extracs certificates found under the KeyDescriptor elements of a metadata record.
getMetadataDOM() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Returns the DOM element making up the metadata for the federation.
getMetadataDOM() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProvider
Returns the DOM element making up the metadata for the federation.
getMetadataExtension(Extensions, Class<T>) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptorUtils
Finds the first extension matching the supplied type.
getMetadataExtension(Extensions, QName) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptorUtils
Finds the first extension matching the supplied QName.
getMetadataExtensions(Extensions, Class<T>) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptorUtils
Finds all extensions matching the supplied type.
getMetadataExtensions(Extensions, QName) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptorUtils
Finds all extensions matching the supplied QName.
getMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
Returns the underlying OpenSAML metadata resolver.
getMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.FilesystemMetadataProvider
Returns the underlying OpenSAML metadata resolver.
getMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.HTTPMetadataProvider
Returns the underlying OpenSAML metadata resolver.
getMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MDQMetadataProvider
Returns the underlying OpenSAML metadata resolver.
getMetadataResolver() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProvider
Returns the underlying OpenSAML metadata resolver.
getMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.ProxyMetadataProvider
Returns the underlying OpenSAML metadata resolver.
getMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.StaticMetadataProvider
Returns the underlying OpenSAML metadata resolver.
getMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.DefaultAuthnRequestGenerator
Gets the metadata resolver that this generator uses to find IdP (and SP) metadata.
getMethod() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.PostRequestHttpObject
Returns the HTTP method that should be used to send the request, via the user agent, to the Identity Provider.
getMethod() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RedirectRequestHttpObject
Returns the HTTP method that should be used to send the request, via the user agent, to the Identity Provider.
getMethod() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObject
Returns the HTTP method that should be used to send the request, via the user agent, to the Identity Provider.
getName() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeTemplate
Get the name of this attribute template.
getNameFormat() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeTemplate
Get the name format of this attribute template.
getNameIDPolicyBuilderFunction() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext
Gets the builder for creating a NameIDPolicy element.
getObjectName() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractSignableObjectValidator
Returns the name of the object being validated, e.g.
getObjectName() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Returns the name of the object being validated, e.g.
getObjectName() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
Returns the name of the object being validated, e.g.
getObjectType() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder.AbstractSAMLObjectBuilder
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class
Returns the object type.
getOrderedChildren() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeImpl
getOverrideSignCredential() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext
The AuthnRequestGenerator is normally configured with a signing credential (AuthnRequestGenerator#getSignCredential()}.
getPossibleAssertionConsumerServices(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator
Extracts all possible SP AssertionConsumerService endpoints.
getPreferredBinding() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext
Gets the binding to use when generating a request (redirect/POST).
getProviders() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
Gets the underlying providers.
getReceiveInstant() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingInput
Returns the timestamp when the response was received.
getReceiveInstant(ValidationContext) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractObjectValidator
Returns the timestamp for when the message being validated was received.
getReceiveURL() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingInput
Returns the URL on which the response message was received.
getRegexp() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeImpl
Gets the regexp attribute value.
getRegexp() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.Scope
Gets the regexp attribute value.
getRegexpXSBoolean() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeImpl
Gets the regexp attribute value.
getRegexpXSBoolean() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.Scope
Gets the regexp attribute value.
getRequest() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.PostRequestHttpObject
Returns the actual request (for easy access to its elements).
getRequest() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RedirectRequestHttpObject
Returns the actual request (for easy access to its elements).
getRequest() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObject
Returns the actual request (for easy access to its elements).
getRequestedAuthnContextBuilderFunction() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext
Gets the builder function for creating the RequestedAuthnContext element to add to the AuthnRequest.
getRequestParameters() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.PostRequestHttpObject
If the RequestHttpObject.getMethod() returns "POST" the request should be posted to the Identity Provider.
getRequestParameters() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RedirectRequestHttpObject
If the RequestHttpObject.getMethod() returns "POST" the request should be posted to the Identity Provider.
getRequestParameters() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObject
If the RequestHttpObject.getMethod() returns "POST" the request should be posted to the Identity Provider.
getRequestRelayState(String) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingInput
Returns the RelayState that was included in the request (or null if none was sent).
getResponse() - Method in exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingException
Gets the Response that was processed when the error was reported.
getResponse() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResult
Gets the actual Response object.
getResponse() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResultImpl
Gets the actual Response object.
getResponse() - Method in exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseStatusErrorException
Gets the Response object that was processed.
getResponseId() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResult
Gets the ID of the Response message that was processed.
getResponseId() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResultImpl
Gets the ID of the Response message that was processed.
getResponseId() - Method in exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseStatusErrorException
Returns the ID of the Response.
getResponseIssueInstant(ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
getResult() - Method in exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.ValidationSupport.ValidationResultException
Returns the validation result.
getScopedDomain(String) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.ScopeUtils
Gets the domain part (value@domain) from a scoped attribute value.
getScopeExtensions(EntityDescriptor) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.ScopeUtils
Given an (IdP) EntityDescriptor, the method finds all shibmd:Scope elements.
getSendUrl() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.PostRequestHttpObject
Returns the complete URL that the SP application should use when the user agent is sent to the Identity Provider.
getSendUrl() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RedirectRequestHttpObject
Returns the complete URL that the SP application should use when the user agent is sent to the Identity Provider.
getSendUrl() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObject
Returns the complete URL that the SP application should use when the user agent is sent to the Identity Provider.
getServicedStatement() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAttributeStatementValidator
getServiceProviders() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Utility method that returns a list of entity descriptors for Service Providers found in the metadata.
getServiceProviders() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProvider
Utility method that returns a list of entity descriptors for Service Providers found in the metadata.
getSignatureSigningConfiguration() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext
If a signature configuration, other than the default (SecurityConfigurationSupport.getGlobalSignatureSigningConfiguration()) should be used to sign the request this method should return this configuration.
getSignatureValidationCriteriaSet(T, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractSignableObjectValidator
Get the criteria set that will be used in evaluating the Assertion signature via the supplied trust engine.
getSignatureVerificationCertificates() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Gets the certificate that is to be used when verifying the signature on downloaded metadata.
getSignCredential() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator
Gets the signing credential to be used when signing the AuthnRequest messages.
getSignCredential() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGenerator
Gets the signing credential to be used when signing the AuthnRequest messages.
getSigningMethods(EntityDescriptor) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptorUtils
Returns a (possibly) empty list of alg:SigningMethod elements.
getSingleSignOnService(EntityDescriptor, AuthnRequestGeneratorContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator
Returns the SingleSignOnService element to use when sending the request to the IdP.
getSpEntityID() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator
Gets the entityID for the service provider that this generator services.
getSpEntityID() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGenerator
Gets the entityID for the service provider that this generator services.
getSpMetadata() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AbstractAuthnRequestGenerator
Gets the metadata for the SP that this generator services.
getSpMetadata() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.DefaultAuthnRequestGenerator
Gets the metadata for the SP that this generator services.
getSpMetadata(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Gets the SAML metadata for a given SP.
getSSODescriptor(EntityDescriptor) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptorUtils
Returns the SSODescriptor for the supplied SP or IdP entity descriptor.
getStaticParameter(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Gets a static parameter.
getStatus() - Method in exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseStatusErrorException
Returns the status object.
getSubjectNameID() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResult
Gets the NameID for the subject.
getSubjectNameID() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResultImpl
Gets the NameID for the subject.
getThis() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Returns 'this' object.
getThis() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Returns 'this' object.
getThis() - Method in class
In order for us to be able to make chaining calls we need to return the concrete type of the builder.
getThis() - Method in class
In order for us to be able to make chaining calls we need to return the concrete type of the builder.
getThis() - Method in class
In order for us to be able to make chaining calls we need to return the concrete type of the builder.
getThis() - Method in class
In order for us to be able to make chaining calls we need to return the concrete type of the builder.
getThis() - Method in class
In order for us to be able to make chaining calls we need to return the concrete type of the builder.
getThis() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationParametersBuilder
Returns 'this' object.
getUpdateFactor() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Returns the factor (between 0 and 1) that is used to compute whether it is time to update the contained descriptor.
getUpdateFactor() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.MetadataContainer
Returns the factor (between 0 and 1) that is used to compute whether it is time to update the contained descriptor.
getValidity() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Returns the duration of the validity that the encapsulated descriptor has.
getValidity() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.MetadataContainer
Returns the duration of the validity that the encapsulated descriptor has.
getValue() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeImpl
getVersion() - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.LibraryVersion
Gets the version string.
givenName(String) - Method in class
Assigns the GivenName element.


hashCode() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.LocalizedString
hasNext() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider.EntityDescriptorIterator
height(Integer) - Method in class
Assigns the height of the Logo.
HOK_PROFILE_ACTIVE - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Tells whether the AuthnRequest corresponding to this assertion was sent to the IdP's holder of key-endpoints, i.e., whether the Holder-of-key profile is in use.
HOK_PROTOCOL_BINDING_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.HolderOfKeyMetadataSupport
The QName for the HoK ProtocolBinding attribute.
HOK_WEBSSO_PROFILE_URI - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.HolderOfKeyMetadataSupport
URI identifier for the Holder-of-key profile URI.
hokPostBinding() - Method in class
Shortcut to assign the Binding attribute to Holder-of-key and the hoksso:ProtocolBinding attribute to the POST binding.
hokPostBinding() - Method in class
Shortcut to assign the Binding attribute to Holder-of-key and the hoksso:ProtocolBinding attribute to the POST binding.
hokRedirectBinding() - Method in class
Shortcut to assign the Binding attribute to Holder-of-key and the hoksso:ProtocolBinding attribute to the Redirect binding.
hokRedirectBinding() - Method in class
Shortcut to assign the Binding attribute to Holder-of-key and the hoksso:ProtocolBinding attribute to the Redirect binding.
HolderOfKeyMetadataSupport - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata
Support methods for holder-of-key specific metadata elements.
HTTPMetadataProvider - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider
A provider that downloads metadata from a HTTP resource.
HTTPMetadataProvider(String, String) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.HTTPMetadataProvider
Creates a provider that periodically downloads data from the URL given by metadataUrl.
HTTPMetadataProvider(String, String, HttpClient) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.HTTPMetadataProvider
Creates a provider that periodically downloads data from the URL given by metadataUrl.


id(String) - Method in class
Assigns the ID attribute of the request.
id(String) - Method in class
Assigns the ID attribute for the EntityDescriptor.
IDP_METADATA - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.CoreValidatorParameters
Carries a EntityDescriptor that holds the IdP metadata.
idpEntityID() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObjectBuilder
Returns the entityID for the IdP to which we are constructing the request.
idpEntry(String, String, String) - Static method in class
Creates an IDPEntry element.
idpList(String, List<IDPEntry>) - Method in class
Adds the IDPList element.
idpList(String, IDPEntry...) - Method in class
idpMetadata(EntityDescriptor) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the SP metadata.
IDPSSODescriptorBuilder - Class in
Builder for IDPSSODescriptor objects.
IDPSSODescriptorBuilder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
IDPSSODescriptorBuilder(IDPSSODescriptor, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructor setting up the builder with a template object.
idSize - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
The size of the ID attribute string.
IF_AVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.HokRequirement
The Holder-of-key profile will be used if the IdP supports it.
includeOnlyIDPs() - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProviderPredicates
Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the supplied entity descriptor represents an IdP.
includeOnlyIDPsAndMe(String) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProviderPredicates
Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the supplied entity descriptor represents an IdP or if the entity descriptor is "my" entry (typically the SP).
includeOnlySPs() - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProviderPredicates
Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the supplied entity descriptor represents an SP.
index(Integer) - Method in class
Assigns the index for the service.
index(Integer) - Method in class
Assigns the Index attribute.
index(Integer) - Method in class
Adds discovery index.
informationURLs(List<LocalizedString>) - Method in class
Assigns the information URL:s.
informationURLs(LocalizedString...) - Method in class
initialize() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
initializeMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Initializes the metadata resolver.
initializeMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
Initializes the metadata resolver.
initializeMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.FilesystemMetadataProvider
Initializes the metadata resolver.
initializeMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.HTTPMetadataProvider
Initializes the metadata resolver.
initializeMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MDQMetadataProvider
Initializes the metadata resolver.
initializeMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.ProxyMetadataProvider
Initializes the metadata resolver.
initializeMetadataResolver() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.StaticMetadataProvider
Initializes the metadata resolver.
InMemoryReplayChecker - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay
An in-memory based message replay checker implementation.
InMemoryReplayChecker() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay.InMemoryReplayChecker
inResponseTo(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
isAuthorized(Attribute, List<XMLObject>) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.ScopeUtils
Predicate that tells if a scoped attribute is "authorized", i.e., if its scope is listed in the supplied list of shibmd:Scope elements (gotten from the IdP metadata).
isDefault(Boolean) - Method in class
Sets the isDefault attribute of the service.
isDefault(Boolean) - Method in class
Sets the isDefault attribute of the service.
isHoKAssertionConsumerService(AssertionConsumerService) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.HolderOfKeyMetadataSupport
Predicate that tells if the supplied AssertionConsumerService is a HoK endpoint.
isHoKSingleSignOnService(SingleSignOnService) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.HolderOfKeyMetadataSupport
Predicate that tells if the supplied SingleSignOnService is a HoK endpoint.
isIDP(EntityDescriptor) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProviderPredicates
Tells whether the supplied entity descriptor is an IdP.
isInitialized() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
isMatch(XMLObject, String) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.ScopeUtils
Given a shibmd:Scope element, the method tests whether the value of the (scoped) attribute matches the scope.
isMatch(XMLObject, Attribute) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.ScopeUtils
Given a shibmd:Scope element, the method tests whether the value of the (scoped) attribute matches the scope.
isPassive(Boolean) - Method in class
Assigns the IsPassive attribute to the AuthnRequest object.
isRequired(Boolean) - Method in class
Assigns the isRequired attribute value.
isRequireSignedAssertions() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationSettings
Do we require signed assertions?
isSP(EntityDescriptor) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProviderPredicates
Tells whether the supplied entity descriptor is an SP.
isStrictValidation() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationSettings
Predicate telling whether strict validation should be performed.
isStrictValidation(ValidationContext) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractObjectValidator
Tells whether this validator runs in "strict" mode.
issueInstant(Instant) - Method in class
Assigns the issue instant.
issuer(String) - Method in class
Assigns the Issuer element of the request by adding an Issuer element having the nameID format urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity.
issuer(Issuer) - Method in class
Assigns the Issuer element of the request.
iterator() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider.EntityDescriptorIterator
iterator() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Returns an iterator for all entity descriptors held by the provider.
iterator() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProvider
Returns an iterator for all entity descriptors held by the provider.
iterator(QName) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Returns an iterator for all entity descriptors having the given role.
iterator(QName) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProvider
Returns an iterator for all entity descriptors having the given role.


KeyDescriptorBuilder - Class in
A builder for KeyDescriptor elements.
KeyDescriptorBuilder() - Constructor for class
keyDescriptors(List<KeyDescriptor>) - Method in class
Adds the key descriptor elements.
keyDescriptors(KeyDescriptor...) - Method in class
keyName(String) - Method in class
Assigns the key name of the KeyInfo element within the key descriptor.
keySize(Integer) - Method in class
Assigns the size in bits for the key.
keywords(String...) - Method in class
keywords(List<String>) - Method in class
Assigns a set of keywords that do not have the language tag.
keywords(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class
Assigns the keywords.


language(String) - Method in class
Assigns the language tag of the Logo.
LibraryVersion - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common
Internal class used for serialization across library classes.
LocalizedString - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils
Utility class for a localized string.
LocalizedString() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.LocalizedString
Default constructor.
LocalizedString(String) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.LocalizedString
Creates an instance by parsing the source string that must be on the format <lang-tag>-<string according to language>.
LocalizedString(String, String) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.LocalizedString
LocalizedString(String, Locale) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.LocalizedString
location(String) - Method in class
Assigns the location URI.
location(String) - Method in class
Adds discovery response location.
location(String) - Method in class
Assigns the location URI.
location(String) - Method in class
Assigns the location URI.
logo(String, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class
Utility method that builds a mdui:Logo object.
logo(String, String, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class
Utility method that builds a mdui:Logo object.
LogoBuilder - Class in
A builder for mdui:Logo elements.
LogoBuilder() - Constructor for class
logos(List<Logo>) - Method in class
Assigns the logotypes.
logos(Logo...) - Method in class


marshall() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Marshals the encapsulated descriptor into its XML representation.
marshall() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.MetadataContainer
Marshals the encapsulated descriptor into its XML representation.
marshallAttributes(XMLObject, Element) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeMarshaller
marshallElementContent(XMLObject, Element) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeMarshaller
MAX_ACCEPTED_SSO_SESSION_TIME - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AuthnStatementValidator
Key for a validation context parameter.
MAX_AGE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.CoreValidatorParameters
Carries a Duration holding the duration that is the max age of a received message.
maxAcceptedSsoSessionTime(long) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the maximum session time that we, as a SP, can accept when receiving assertions based on older authentications (SSO).
maxAcceptedSsoSessionTime(Duration) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the maximum session time that we, as a SP, can accept when receiving assertions based on older authentications (SSO).
maxAgeReceivedMessage(long) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Gives the maximum age (difference between issuance time and the validation time) that a received message is allowed to have.
maxAgeReceivedMessage(Duration) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Gives the maximum age (difference between issuance time and the validation time) that a received message is allowed to have.
maxKeySize(Integer) - Method in class
Assigns the maximum size in bits for the key.
MDQMetadataProvider - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider
A MetadataProvider that supports the MDQ specification.
MDQMetadataProvider(String, HttpClient, String) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MDQMetadataProvider
Constructor setting up a MetadataProvider that uses the MDQ protocol to download metadata for requested entities.
MDQRequestURLBuilder - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider
Function which examines an entity ID from supplied criteria and returns a metadata request URL for MDQ.
MDQRequestURLBuilder(String) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MDQRequestURLBuilder
messageReplayChecker - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
The replay checker.
MessageReplayChecker - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay
Interface for protecting against SAML message replay attacks.
MessageReplayCheckerImpl - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay
Message replay checker implementation using OpenSAML's ReplayCache as an underlying cache.
MessageReplayCheckerImpl(ReplayCache, String) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay.MessageReplayCheckerImpl
MessageReplayException - Exception Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay
Exception class that indicates a message replay attack.
MessageReplayException(String) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay.MessageReplayException
Constructor taking an error message.
MetadataContainer<T> - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata
An interface that encapsulates an EntityDescriptor or EntitiesDescriptor in a container and defines useful method - mainly for publishing the metadata for an entity or a federation.
metadataCredentialResolver - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Used to locate certificates from the IdP metadata.
MetadataProvider - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider
An interface that offers methods that operate on one or several metadata sources.
MetadataProviderPredicates - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider
A number of predicates that may be installed as filters for a metadata provider.
metadataResolver - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Metadata resolver for finding IdP and SP metadata.
minKeySize(Integer) - Method in class
Assigns the minimum size in bits for the key.


name(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
Assigns the attribute name.
nameFormat(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
Assigns the attribute name format.
nameFormat(String) - Method in class
Assigns the attribute name format.
nameIDFormats(String...) - Method in class
nameIDFormats(List<String>) - Method in class
Assigns the md:NameIDFormat elements.
nameIDPolicy(NameIDPolicy) - Method in class
Assigns a NameIDPolicy element to the AuthnRequest object.
NameIDPolicyBuilder - Class in
Builder class for NameIDPolicy elements.
NameIDPolicyBuilder() - Constructor for class
next() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider.EntityDescriptorIterator


oAEPparams(String) - Method in class
Assigns the OAEP parameters.
object() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder.AbstractSAMLObjectBuilder
Returns the object being built.
ObjectValidator<T> - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation
Interface for validation of XML and SAML objects.
organization(Organization) - Method in class
Assigns the Organization element to the entity descriptor.
OrganizationBuilder - Class in
A builder for Organization elements.
OrganizationBuilder() - Constructor for class
organizationDisplayNames(List<LocalizedString>) - Method in class
Assigns the OrganizationDisplayName elements.
organizationDisplayNames(LocalizedString...) - Method in class
organizationNames(List<LocalizedString>) - Method in class
Assigns the OrganizationName elements.
organizationNames(LocalizedString...) - Method in class
organizationURLs(List<LocalizedString>) - Method in class
Assigns the OrganizationURL elements.
organizationURLs(LocalizedString...) - Method in class


PeerMetadataResolver - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata
Simple functional interface for obtaining the peer metadata.
performSignature() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObjectBuilder
Predicate that tells whether the request being created will be signed or not.
performSignature(boolean) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObjectBuilder
The RequestBuilder reads the federation metadata and determines that a request should be signed if based on requirements from the IdP and SP.
performSignatureValidation(T, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractSignableObjectValidator
Handles the actual signature validation.
postBinding() - Method in class
Shortcut for assigning the SAML POST binding to the service.
postBinding() - Method in class
Shortcut for assigning the SAML POST binding to the service.
postBinding() - Method in class
Shortcut for assigning the SAML POST binding to the service.
postProtocolBinding() - Method in class
Assigns SAMLConstants.SAML2_POST_BINDING_URI to the ProtocolBinding attribute of the AuthnRequest object.
PostRequestHttpObject<T> - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
A RequestHttpObject for sending using HTTP POST.
PostRequestHttpObject(T, String, X509Credential, String, EntityDescriptor) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.PostRequestHttpObject
Constructor that puts together the resulting object.
PostRequestHttpObject(T, String, X509Credential, String, EntityDescriptor, SignatureSigningConfiguration) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.PostRequestHttpObject
Constructor that puts together the resulting object.
privacyStatementURLs(List<LocalizedString>) - Method in class
Assigns the privacy statement URL:s.
privacyStatementURLs(LocalizedString...) - Method in class
processAttribute(XMLObject, Attr) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeUnmarshaller
processElementContent(XMLObject, String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeUnmarshaller
processSamlResponse(String, String, ResponseProcessingInput, ValidationContext) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessor
Processes a SAML response including signature validation and assertion decryption.
processSamlResponse(String, String, ResponseProcessingInput, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Processes a SAML response including signature validation and assertion decryption.
protocolBinding(String) - Method in class
Assigns the ProtocolBinding attribute to the AuthnRequest object.
protocolBinding(String) - Method in class
If the SAML holder-of-key profile is used, the Binding attribute should be assigned "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:profiles:holder-of-key:SSO:browser" and the actual binding should be assigned to the hoksso:ProtocolBinding attribute.
protocolBinding(String) - Method in class
If the SAML holder-of-key profile is used, the Binding attribute should be assigned "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:profiles:holder-of-key:SSO:browser" and the actual binding should be assigned to the hoksso:ProtocolBinding attribute.
providerName(String) - Method in class
Assigns the ProviderName attribute to the AuthnRequest object.
proxyCount(Integer) - Method in class
Assigns the ProxyCount attribute.
ProxyMetadataProvider - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider
A metadata provider that is constructed by assigning an OpenSAML MetadataResolver instance.
ProxyMetadataProvider(MetadataResolver) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.ProxyMetadataProvider
Constructor assigning the OpenSAML metadata resolver that this instance should proxy.


RECEIVE_INSTANT - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.CoreValidatorParameters
Carries a Instant holding the timestamp for when a message being validated was received.
RECEIVE_URL - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.CoreValidatorParameters
Carries a String that holds the URL on which a message was received.
receiveInstant(long) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Sets the receive instant (i.e., when a message being validated was received).
receiveInstant(Instant) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Sets the receive instant (i.e., when a message being validated was received).
receiveUrl(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.AbstractResponseValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the URL on which the message was received.
redirectBinding() - Method in class
Shortcut for assigning the SAML Redirect binding to the service.
redirectBinding() - Method in class
Shortcut for assigning the SAML Redirect binding to the service.
redirectBinding() - Method in class
Shortcut for assigning the SAML Redirect binding to the service.
RedirectRequestHttpObject<T> - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
A RequestHttpObject for sending using HTTP GET (redirect binding).
RedirectRequestHttpObject(T, String, X509Credential, String, EntityDescriptor) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RedirectRequestHttpObject
Constructor that puts together the resulting object.
RedirectRequestHttpObject(T, String, X509Credential, String, EntityDescriptor, SignatureSigningConfiguration) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RedirectRequestHttpObject
Constructor that puts together the resulting object.
refresh() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Refresh the metadata handled by the provider.
refresh() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProvider
Refresh the metadata handled by the provider.
regexp(Boolean) - Method in class
Assigns the regexp attribute.
REGEXP_ATTRIB_NAME - Static variable in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.Scope
The regexp attribute name.
relayState() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObjectBuilder
Returns the SAML RelayState that has been configured for this builder.
relayState(String) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObjectBuilder
Installs the SAML RelayState to use when sending the request.
request() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObjectBuilder
Returns a reference to the request object that this builder object is handling.
request(T) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObjectBuilder
Replaces the request object that this builder currently is processing with a new and updated object.
RequestedAttributeBuilder - Class in
Builder for md:RequestedAttribute elements.
RequestedAttributeBuilder(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor setting the attribute name.
requestedAttributes(List<RequestedAttribute>) - Method in class
Assigns the md:RequestedAttribute elements.
requestedAttributes(RequestedAttribute...) - Method in class
requestedAuthnContext(RequestedAuthnContext) - Method in class
Assigns a RequestedAuthnContext element to the AuthnRequest object.
RequestedAuthnContextBuilder - Class in
A builder for RequestedAuthnContext elements.
RequestedAuthnContextBuilder() - Constructor for class
requesterIDs(String...) - Method in class
requesterIDs(List<String>) - Method in class
Assigns RequesterID elements.
RequestGenerationException - Exception Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
Exception class for indicating errors during a request generation.
RequestGenerationException(String) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestGenerationException
Constructor taking an error message.
RequestGenerationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestGenerationException
Constructor taking an error message and the cause of the error.
RequestHttpObject<T> - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
Defines an interface that represents an object that holds data necessary for the SP application to transmit a request message to an IdP.
RequestHttpObjectBuilder<T> - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
A generic request builder that is used to create Request messages.
REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.HokRequirement
The SP will always use HoK - A call to AuthnRequestGenerator.generateAuthnRequest(String, String, AuthnRequestGeneratorContext) for an IdP that does not support this profile will fail.
requireEncryptedAssertions - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Do we require assertions to be encrypted? The default is true.
RESPONSE_ISSUE_INSTANT - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Carries a Instant holding the issue instant of the Response that contained the assertion being validated.
responseIssueInstant(long) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the issue instant from the Response message that contained the assertion being validated.
responseIssueInstant(Instant) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the issue instant from the Response message that contained the assertion being validated.
responseLocation(String) - Method in class
Assigns the response location URI.
ResponseProcessingException - Exception Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response
Exception class for the SAML response processor.
ResponseProcessingException(String) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingException
Constructor taking an error message.
ResponseProcessingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingException
Constructor taking an error message and the cause of the error.
ResponseProcessingException(String, Throwable, Response) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingException
Constructor taking an error message, the cause of the error and the response.
ResponseProcessingException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingException
Constructor taking an error message and the response.
ResponseProcessingInput - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response
Represents the input passed along with a SAML Response to the ResponseProcessor.
ResponseProcessingResult - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response
Interface that describes the result of a response processing operation.
ResponseProcessingResultImpl - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response
Implementation of the ResponseProcessingResult interface.
ResponseProcessingResultImpl(Response, Assertion) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessingResultImpl
ResponseProcessor - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response
Interface for a SAML response processor.
ResponseProcessorImpl - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response
Response processor for SAML Response messages.
ResponseProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
ResponseStatusErrorException - Exception Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response
Exception that indicates a non-successful status code received in a Response message.
ResponseStatusErrorException(Response) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseStatusErrorException
ResponseStatusErrorException(Status, String, String) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseStatusErrorException
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ResponseValidationException - Exception Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation
Exception class for response validation errors.
ResponseValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationException
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Also supply the response message
ResponseValidationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationException
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Also supply the response message
ResponseValidationException(String, Throwable, Response) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationException
Constructor taking an error message, the cause of the error and the response being processed.
ResponseValidationException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationException
Constructor taking an error message and the response being processed.
ResponseValidationParametersBuilder - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation
Builder class for building the ValidationContext object for use as validation input to the ResponseValidator.
ResponseValidationParametersBuilder() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationParametersBuilder
responseValidationSettings - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Static response validation settings.
ResponseValidationSettings - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation
Configuration settings for response and assertion validation.
ResponseValidationSettings() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationSettings
responseValidator - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
The response validator.
ResponseValidator - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation
Response validator that ensures that a Response element is valid according to the 2.0 SAML Core specification and makes checks based on the supplied validation context parameters described below.
ResponseValidator(SignatureTrustEngine, SignaturePrevalidator) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
roleDescriptors(List<RoleDescriptor>) - Method in class
Adds the supplied SSO descriptors.
roleDescriptors(RoleDescriptor...) - Method in class


SamlLog - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils
Utilities for logging SAML messages.
SAMLObjectBuilder<T> - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder
Interface for a builder pattern according to:
SAMLObjectBuilderRuntimeException - Exception Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder
Runtime exception class for errors when using builders.
SAMLObjectBuilderRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder.SAMLObjectBuilderRuntimeException
Constructor assigning the error message.
SAMLObjectBuilderRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder.SAMLObjectBuilderRuntimeException
Constructor assinging the error message and the cause of the error.
SAMLObjectBuilderRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder.SAMLObjectBuilderRuntimeException
Constructor assigning the cause of the error
Scope - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope
The Shibboleth Scope metadata extension.
ScopeBuilder - Class in
Builder for Scope elements.
ScopeBuilder - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl
Builder for Scope elements.
ScopeBuilder() - Constructor for class
ScopeBuilder() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeBuilder
ScopeImpl - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl
Implementation of the Scope element.
ScopeImpl(String, String, String) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeImpl
ScopeMarshaller - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl
Marshaller for the Scope element.
ScopeMarshaller() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeMarshaller
ScopeUnmarshaller - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl
Unmarshaller for the Scope element.
ScopeUnmarshaller() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeUnmarshaller
ScopeUtils - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope
Utility methods for validating a scoped attribute against a shibmd:Scope element.
scoping(Scoping) - Method in class
Assigns a Scoping element to the AuthnRequest object.
ScopingBuilder - Class in
Builder class for Scoping elements.
ScopingBuilder() - Constructor for class
se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common - package se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common
se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder - package se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.builder
Package containing base interfaces and classes for the builder pattern where SAMLObjects are built by cascading calls.
se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils - package se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils
Utility classes.
se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation - package se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation
Interfaces and classes for validation of XML and SAML objects.
se.swedenconnect.opensaml.config - package se.swedenconnect.opensaml.config
Contains initializing interfaces and classes and support classes for working with OpenSAML objects.
se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation - package se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation
Interfaces and classes for validation of SAML Assertions.
se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute - package se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute
Package containing interfaces and classes handling SAML v2 Attributes. - package
Builder classes for core SAML classes.
se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata - package se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata
Extended SAML metadata support. - package
Classes for creating metadata elements using the builder pattern.
se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider - package se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider
This library introduces the concept of a "metadata provider" which is a wrapper around a MetadataResolver and allows for easier access to SAML metadata.
se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope - package se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope
Support for the Shibboleth Scope metadata element extension.
se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl - package se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl
Implementation classes for the Scope element.
se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request - package se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request
Interfaces and classes for handling SAML requests.
se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response - package se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response
Interfaces and classes for working with SAML responses.
se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay - package se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay
Support for handling message replay attacks.
se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation - package se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation
Support for validation of SAML response messages.
securityConfiguration - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Custom security configuration.
SERIAL_VERSION_UID - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.LibraryVersion
Global serialization value for library classes.
SerializableOpenSamlObject<T> - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils
Utility class for storing OpenSAML objects in a serializable manner.
SerializableOpenSamlObject(T) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.SerializableOpenSamlObject
serviceNames(List<LocalizedString>) - Method in class
Assigns the service names.
serviceNames(LocalizedString...) - Method in class
setAllowedClockSkew(Duration) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationSettings
Assigns the allowed clock skew.
setCacheDuration(Duration) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
Assigns the cacheDuration to assign to the aggregated metadata (returned via CompositeMetadataProvider.getMetadata()).
setDecrypter(SAMLObjectDecrypter) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Assigns the decrypter instance.
setExclusionPredicates(List<Predicate<EntityDescriptor>>) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Assigns a list of exclusion predicates that will be applied to downloaded metadata.
setExclusionPredicates(List<Predicate<EntityDescriptor>>) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
It is not possible to set configuration for metadata for a CompositeMetadataResolver.
setFailFastInitialization(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Sets whether problems during initialization should cause the provider to fail or go on without metadata.
setFailFastInitialization(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
It is not possible to set configuration for metadata for a CompositeMetadataResolver.
setID(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.StaticMetadataProvider
Assigns the ID for the provider.
setIdSize(int) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Assigns the size of the ID attribute that is generated.
setInclusionPredicates(List<Predicate<EntityDescriptor>>) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Assigns a list of inclusion predicates that will be applied to downloaded metadata.
setInclusionPredicates(List<Predicate<EntityDescriptor>>) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
It is not possible to set configuration for metadata for a CompositeMetadataResolver.
setLanguage(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.LocalizedString
Sets the language of the string.
setLocalizedString(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.LocalizedString
Sets the localized string.
setMaxAgeResponse(Duration) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationSettings
Assigns the maximum allowed "age" of a response message
setMaxSessionAge(Duration) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationSettings
Assigns the maximum session age allowed for SSO.
setMessageReplayChecker(MessageReplayChecker) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Assigns the message replay checker to use.
setMetadata(XMLObject) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Assigns the metadata that was downloaded.
setMetadata(XMLObject) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MDQMetadataProvider
Assigns the metadata that was downloaded.
setMetadataResolver(MetadataResolver) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Assigns the metadata resolver to use.
setPerformSchemaValidation(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Assigns whether XML schema validation should be performed on downloaded metadata.
setPerformSchemaValidation(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
It is not possible to set configuration for metadata for a CompositeMetadataResolver.
setRegexp(Boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeImpl
Sets the regexp attribute value.
setRegexp(Boolean) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.Scope
Sets the regexp attribute value.
setRegexp(XSBooleanValue) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeImpl
Set the regexp attribute value.
setRegexp(XSBooleanValue) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.Scope
Set the regexp attribute value.
setReplayCache(ReplayCache) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay.MessageReplayCheckerImpl
Assigns the replay cache to use when checking against replay attacks.
setReplayCacheExpiration(long) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay.InMemoryReplayChecker
Assigns the number of milliseconds each stored ID should be kept in the cache.
setReplayCacheExpiration(long) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay.MessageReplayCheckerImpl
Assigns the number of milliseconds each stored ID should be kept in the cache.
setReplayCacheName(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.replay.MessageReplayCheckerImpl
Assigns the name of the replay cache.
setRequireEncryptedAssertions(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Assigns whether require assertions to be encrypted? The default is true.
setRequireSignedAssertions(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationSettings
Assigns whether we require signed assertions.
setRequireValidMetadata(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Sets whether the metadata returned by queries must be valid.
setRequireValidMetadata(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
It is not possible to set configuration for metadata for a CompositeMetadataResolver.
setResponseValidationSettings(ResponseValidationSettings) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Assigns the response validation settings.
setSecurityConfiguration(SecurityConfiguration) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Assigns a custom SecurityConfiguration for the processor.
setSignatureVerificationCertificate(X509Certificate) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Assigns the certificate that is to be used when verifying the signature on downloaded metadata.
setSignatureVerificationCertificate(X509Certificate) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
It is not possible to set configuration for metadata for a CompositeMetadataResolver.
setSignatureVerificationCertificates(List<X509Certificate>) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
Assigns the certificates that are to be used when verifying the signature on downloaded metadata.
setSigningConfiguration(SignatureSigningConfiguration) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Assigns a custom SignatureSigningConfiguration.
setStrictValidation(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationSettings
Assigns telling whether strict validation should be performed.
setUpdateFactor(float) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Assigns the factor (between 0 and 1) that is used to compute whether it is time to update the contained descriptor.
setUriComparator(URIComparator) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
Assigns a custom URIComparator to be used when checking URL:s against eachother.
setValidity(Duration) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Assigns the duration of the validity that the encapsulated EntityDescriptor should have.
setValidity(Duration) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.CompositeMetadataProvider
Assigns how long the aggregated metadata (returned via CompositeMetadataProvider.getMetadata()) should be valid.
setValue(String) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.scope.impl.ScopeImpl
sign() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Signs the encapsulated descriptor using the signature credentials configured for this object.
sign() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.MetadataContainer
Signs the encapsulated descriptor using the signature credentials configured for this object.
signatureCredentials - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
The signature credentials for signing the metadata entry.
signatureCredentials() - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObjectBuilder
Returns the signature credentials this builder object has been configured to use during request signing.
signatureCredentials(X509Credential) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RequestHttpObjectBuilder
Using this method the signature credentials for the builder object may be changed.
signaturePrevalidator - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractSignableObjectValidator
SAML signature profile validator.
signatureProfileValidator - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Validator for checking the a Signature is correct with respect to the standards.
signatureRequired(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Tells whether we require an object being validated to be signed.
signatureTrustEngine - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
The signature trust engine to be used when validating signatures.
signatureValidationCriteriaSet(CriteriaSet) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Gives the trust basis criteria set to use when verifying signatures (SignatureTrustEngine.validate).
signingConfiguration - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Optional signing configuration.
signingMethod(String) - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a SigningMethod element having only its Algorithm attribute assigned.
signingMethod(String, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class
Utility method that creates a SigningMethod element.
SigningMethodBuilder - Class in
A builder for alg:SigningMethod elements.
SigningMethodBuilder() - Constructor for class
SingleLogoutServiceBuilder - Class in
A builder for SingleLogoutService elements.
SingleLogoutServiceBuilder() - Constructor for class
singleLogoutServices(List<SingleLogoutService>) - Method in class
Adds md:SingleLogoutService elements to the SSODescriptor.
singleLogoutServices(SingleLogoutService...) - Method in class
SingleSignOnServiceBuilder - Class in
A builder for SingleSignOnService elements.
SingleSignOnServiceBuilder() - Constructor for class
singleSignOnServices(List<SingleSignOnService>) - Method in class
Adds md:SingleSignOnService elements to the IDPSSODescriptor.
singleSignOnServices(SingleSignOnService...) - Method in class
SP_METADATA - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.CoreValidatorParameters
Carries a EntityDescriptor that holds the SP metadata.
spMetadata(EntityDescriptor) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the SP metadata.
spNameQualifier(String) - Method in class
Assigns the SPNameQualifier attribute to the NameIDPolicy element.
SPSSODescriptorBuilder - Class in
A builder for SPSSODescriptor objects.
SPSSODescriptorBuilder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
SPSSODescriptorBuilder(SPSSODescriptor, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructor setting up the builder with a template object.
ssoDescriptor(SSODescriptor) - Method in class
Adds one SSO descriptor (which is the most common case).
StaticMetadataProvider - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider
A MetadataProvider that is given an object representing SAML metadata (EntityDescriptor or EntitiesDescriptor).
StaticMetadataProvider(EntitiesDescriptor) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.StaticMetadataProvider
Constructor that takes an EntitiesDescriptor object.
StaticMetadataProvider(EntityDescriptor) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.StaticMetadataProvider
Constructor that takes an {link EntityDescriptor} object.
StaticMetadataProvider(Element) - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.StaticMetadataProvider
Constructor that takes a DOM element representing the metadata.
staticParameter(String, Object) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Generic method that adds a static validation parameter.
statusToString(Status) - Static method in exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseStatusErrorException
Returns a textual representation of the status.
STD_PREFIX - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.CoreValidatorParameters
The standard prefix for all SAML 2 parameters defined in this set.
STRICT_VALIDATION - Static variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.CoreValidatorParameters
Carries a Boolean specifying whether the validation is strict or not.
strictValidation(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractValidationParametersBuilder
Tells whether strict validation should be performed.
subject(Subject) - Method in class
Assigns a Subject element to the AuthnRequest object.
subjectConfirmationCheckAddess(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
subjectConfirmationValidators - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Registered SubjectConfirmation validators.
subjectLocalityCheckAddress(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
surname(String) - Method in class
Assigns the SurName element.


telephoneNumbers(String...) - Method in class
telephoneNumbers(List<String>) - Method in class
Assigns the TelephoneNumber elements.
toString() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.LocalizedString
toString() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.PostRequestHttpObject
toString() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.RedirectRequestHttpObject
toString() - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidationSettings
toString(T) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.SamlLog
Returns the given SAML object in its "pretty print" XML string form.
toStringSafe(T) - Static method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.utils.SamlLog
The same as Object.toString() but the method never throws (returns the empty string instead).
trustEngine - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractSignableObjectValidator
Trust engine for signature evaluation.
type(ContactPersonTypeEnumeration) - Method in class
Assigns the type of contact person.


UIInfoBuilder - Class in
A builder for creating UIInfo objects.
UIInfoBuilder() - Constructor for class
update(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Updates the encapsulated descriptor with a newly generated ID, a validity time according to this object's configuration, and then optionally signs the record.
update(boolean) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.MetadataContainer
Updates the encapsulated descriptor with a newly generated ID, a validity time according to this object's configuration, and then optionally signs the record.
updateFactor - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
The update factor.
updateRequired(boolean) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
Predicate that returns true if the contained descriptor needs to be updated regarding its signature status and validity.
updateRequired(boolean) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.MetadataContainer
Predicate that returns true if the contained descriptor needs to be updated regarding its signature status and validity.
url(String) - Method in class
Assigns the URL of the Logo.
use(UsageType) - Method in class
Assigns the usage type for the key descriptor.


validAddresses(String...) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the valid addresses that we allow the user agent to have.
validAddresses(InetAddress...) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the valid addresses that we allow the user agent to have.
validate(Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Validates the assertion.
validate(AuthnStatement, Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AuthnStatementValidator
Validates the AuthnStatement.
validate(Response, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
Validates the given object.
validate(Statement, Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAttributeStatementValidator
Validates that all required attributes were received in the AttributeStatement.
validate(Statement, Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AuthnStatementValidator
validate(T, ValidationContext) - Method in interface se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.ObjectValidator
Validates the given object.
validateAssertion(Assertion, Response, ResponseProcessingInput, EntityDescriptor, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Validates the assertion.
validateAssertions(Response, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
Validates the Assertion and/or EncryptedAssertion element.
validateAuthnContext(AuthnStatement, Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AuthnStatementValidator
Default implementation will only assert that the AuthnContext element is present.
validateAuthnInstant(AuthnStatement, Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AuthnStatementValidator
Validates the AuthnInstant of the AuthnStatement.
validateConditions(Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Validates the Conditions elements of the assertion.
validateConditionsTimeBounds(Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Validates the NotBefore and NotOnOrAfter Conditions constraints on the assertion.
validateConsent(Response, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
Validates the Consent attribute.
validateDestination(Response, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
Ensures that the Destination attribute is present and matches the URL on which we received the message.
validateExtensions(Response, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
Validates the Extensions element.
validateHolderOfKeyRequirement(Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Performs initial validation concerning the Holder-of-key WebSSO Profile.
validateID(Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Validates that the Assertion object has an ID attribute.
validateID(Response, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
Validates that the Response object has an ID attribute.
validateInResponseTo(Response, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
Ensures that the InResponseTo attribute is present and that it matches the ID of the AuthnRequest.
validateIssueInstant(Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Validates that the Assertion object has a IssueInstant attribute and checks that its value is OK.
validateIssueInstant(Response, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
Validates that the Response object has a IssueInstant attribute and that it is not too old given the CoreValidatorParameters.MAX_AGE_MESSAGE and CoreValidatorParameters.RECEIVE_INSTANT context parameters.
validateIssuer(Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Ensures that the Issuer element is present and matches the expected issuer (if set in the context under the CoreValidatorParameters.EXPECTED_ISSUER key).
validateIssuer(Response, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
Ensures that the Issuer element is present and matches the expected issuer (if set in the context under the CoreValidatorParameters.EXPECTED_ISSUER key).
validateRelayState(Response, String, ResponseProcessingInput) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Validates the received relay state matches what we sent.
validateRequiredAttributes(List<Attribute>, AttributeStatement, Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAttributeStatementValidator
Validates that the attribute statement contains all attributes that we require.
validateResponse(Response, String, ResponseProcessingInput, EntityDescriptor, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.ResponseProcessorImpl
Validates the response including its signature.
validateSessionIndex(AuthnStatement, Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AuthnStatementValidator
Default implementation does not perform any checks and returns ValidationResult.VALID.
validateSessionNotOnOrAfter(AuthnStatement, Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AuthnStatementValidator
Default implementation does not perform any checks and returns ValidationResult.VALID.
validateSignature(T, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.AbstractSignableObjectValidator
Validates the signature of the assertion, if it is signed.
validateSsoAndSession(Instant, AuthnStatement, Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AuthnStatementValidator
Makes checks for SSO and session lengths.
validateStatements(Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Validates the statements of the assertion using the registered StatementValidator instance.
validateStatus(Response, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
Validates that the Response object has a Status attribute.
validateSubject(Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Validates the Subject element of the assertion.
validateSubjectConfirmations(Assertion, List<SubjectConfirmation>, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Validates the subject confirmations and for the one that is confirmed, it is saved in the validation context under the SAML2AssertionValidationParameters.CONFIRMED_SUBJECT_CONFIRMATION key.
validateVersion(Assertion, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AssertionValidator
Validates that the Response object has a valid Version attribute.
validateVersion(Response, ValidationContext) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.response.validation.ResponseValidator
Validates that the Response object has a valid Version attribute.
ValidationParametersBuilder - Interface in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation
Interface for a ValidationContext builder.
ValidationResultException(ValidationResult) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.ValidationSupport.ValidationResultException
ValidationSupport - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation
Support methods and functions for validator implementations.
ValidationSupport.ValidationResultException - Exception Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation
Exception class that should be used internally by validators to process errors.
ValidatorException - Exception Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation
Generic exception class for validator errors.
ValidatorException(String) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.ValidatorException
Constructor accepting an error message.
ValidatorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.ValidatorException
Constructor accepting an error message and the cause of the error.
ValidatorException(ValidationContext) - Constructor for exception class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.common.validation.ValidatorException
Constructor that initializes based on the supplied ValidationContext.
validAudiences(String...) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the entityID:s of the valid audiences.
validity - Variable in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AbstractMetadataContainer
The validity time for created entries.
validRecipients(String...) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.assertion.validation.AbstractAssertionValidationParametersBuilder
Assigns the valid URLs for the intended recipients.
validUntil(Instant) - Method in class
Assigns the valid until time.
value(String) - Method in class
Assigns the value.
value(String...) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
Assigns one (or more) attribute string values.
value(List<String>) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
value(T) - Method in class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.attribute.AttributeBuilder
Assigns an attribute value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.HokRequirement
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.saml2.request.AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.HokRequirement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
version(int, int) - Method in class
Assigns the version attribute for the request.
version(String) - Method in class
Assigns the version attribute for the request.


wantAssertionsSigned(Boolean) - Method in class
Assigns the WantAssertionsSigned attribute of the md:SPSSODescriptor element.
wantAuthnRequestsSigned(Boolean) - Method in class
Assigns the WantAuthnRequestsSigned attribute of the md:IDPSSODescriptor element.
width(Integer) - Method in class
Assigns the width of the Logo.


XMLObjectProviderInitializer - Class in se.swedenconnect.opensaml.config
XMLObject provider initializer for this module.
XMLObjectProviderInitializer() - Constructor for class se.swedenconnect.opensaml.config.XMLObjectProviderInitializer
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