All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract builder class for building the ValidationContext object for use as validation input to the AssertionValidator.
Abstract validator for AttributeStatements.
Abstract builder for AuthnRequest messages.
Abstract base class for generating AuthnRequest messages.
Abstract base class for the MetadataContainer interface.
Abstract base class for the MetadataProvider interface.
Iterates over EntitiesDescriptor or EntityDescriptor.
Abstract base class for ObjectValidator.
Abstract builder class for building request messages.
Abstract builder class for building the ValidationContext object for use as validation input to the ResponseValidator.
Abstract base class for the builder pattern.
Abstract object validator that supports validating signatures.
Abstract base class for building a SSODescriptor.
Abstract base class for building the ValidationContext object using a builder pattern.
A builder for AssertionConsumerService elements.
Builder class for building the ValidationContext object for use as validation input to the AssertionValidator.
A validator for Assertion objects.
Implements the build pattern to create Attribute objects.
Attribute constants.
Builder for md:AttributeConsumingService elements.
An attribute template is a template of a SAML attribute, i.e., it represents the name, friendly name and name format but not the value of the attribute.
Helper methods for accessing attribute values.
Builder for AuthnRequest messages.
Interface for generating AuthnRequest messages.
Defines a context which can be used to control how AuthnRequestGenerator.generateAuthnRequest(String, String, AuthnRequestGeneratorContext) creates an authentication request.
When the generator is about to add the AssertionConsumerServiceURL or AssertionConsumerServiceIndex attribute it will invoke the AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.getAssertionConsumerServiceResolver() method in order to get a function that given all possible AssertionConsumerService elements (found in the SP metadata) will either return a String (holding the AssertionConsumerServiceURL to use) or an Integer (holding the AssertionConsumerServiceIndex to use).
If the SP metadata contains one or more AttributeConsumingService elements, the generator needs to know whether to include the AttributeConsumingServiceIndex attribute, and if so, which index to use.
When the generator is done building the AuthnRequest, but before it is signed, it will ask the AuthnRequestGeneratorContext.getAuthnRequestCustomizer() method for the customizer that may operate and add customizations to the request object.
Enumeration that tells whether the Holder-of-key WebSSO profile is required, optional or not active.
A NameIDPolicyBuilderFunction is used by the generator to create the NameIDPolicy element.
The generator will need to know how to build the RequestedAuthnContext element that is to be included in the AuthnRequest.
Core statement validator for AuthnStatements.
A metadata provider that collects its metadata from multiple sources (providers).
A builder for ContactPerson elements.
Core parameter keys used to store and retrieve static and dynamic parameters within a ValidationContext.
A default implementation of the AuthnRequestGenerator where a metadata resolver is used to locate metadata.
A builder for alg:DigestMethod elements.
A builder for md:EncryptionMethod elements.
A MetadataContainer for EntityDescriptor elements.
A builder for EntityAttributes objects.
A builder for creating EntityDescriptor objects.
A MetadataContainer for EntityDescriptor elements.
Utility methods for accessing metadata elements.
Builder for Extensions objects.
Builder for metadata Extensions objects.
A metadata provider that reads its metadata from a file.
Support methods for holder-of-key specific metadata elements.
A provider that downloads metadata from a HTTP resource.
Builder for IDPSSODescriptor objects.
An in-memory based message replay checker implementation.
A builder for KeyDescriptor elements.
Internal class used for serialization across library classes.
Utility class for a localized string.
A builder for mdui:Logo elements.
A MetadataProvider that supports the MDQ specification.
Function which examines an entity ID from supplied criteria and returns a metadata request URL for MDQ.
Interface for protecting against SAML message replay attacks.
Message replay checker implementation using OpenSAML's ReplayCache as an underlying cache.
Exception class that indicates a message replay attack.
An interface that encapsulates an EntityDescriptor or EntitiesDescriptor in a container and defines useful method - mainly for publishing the metadata for an entity or a federation.
An interface that offers methods that operate on one or several metadata sources.
A number of predicates that may be installed as filters for a metadata provider.
Builder class for NameIDPolicy elements.
Interface for validation of XML and SAML objects.
A builder for Organization elements.
Simple functional interface for obtaining the peer metadata.
A RequestHttpObject for sending using HTTP POST.
A metadata provider that is constructed by assigning an OpenSAML MetadataResolver instance.
A RequestHttpObject for sending using HTTP GET (redirect binding).
Builder for md:RequestedAttribute elements.
A builder for RequestedAuthnContext elements.
Exception class for indicating errors during a request generation.
Defines an interface that represents an object that holds data necessary for the SP application to transmit a request message to an IdP.
A generic request builder that is used to create Request messages.
Exception class for the SAML response processor.
Represents the input passed along with a SAML Response to the ResponseProcessor.
Interface that describes the result of a response processing operation.
Implementation of the ResponseProcessingResult interface.
Interface for a SAML response processor.
Response processor for SAML Response messages.
Exception that indicates a non-successful status code received in a Response message.
Exception class for response validation errors.
Builder class for building the ValidationContext object for use as validation input to the ResponseValidator.
Configuration settings for response and assertion validation.
Response validator that ensures that a Response element is valid according to the 2.0 SAML Core specification and makes checks based on the supplied validation context parameters described below.
Utilities for logging SAML messages.
Interface for a builder pattern according to:
Runtime exception class for errors when using builders.
The Shibboleth Scope metadata extension.
Builder for Scope elements.
Builder for Scope elements.
Implementation of the Scope element.
Marshaller for the Scope element.
Unmarshaller for the Scope element.
Utility methods for validating a scoped attribute against a shibmd:Scope element.
Builder class for Scoping elements.
Utility class for storing OpenSAML objects in a serializable manner.
A builder for alg:SigningMethod elements.
A builder for SingleLogoutService elements.
A builder for SingleSignOnService elements.
A builder for SPSSODescriptor objects.
A MetadataProvider that is given an object representing SAML metadata (EntityDescriptor or EntitiesDescriptor).
A builder for creating UIInfo objects.
Interface for a ValidationContext builder.
Support methods and functions for validator implementations.
Exception class that should be used internally by validators to process errors.
Generic exception class for validator errors.
XMLObject provider initializer for this module.