All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for KeyPairGeneratorFactory.
Abstract implementation of the PkiCredentialContainer interface for implementations that rely on an underlying Java KeyStore.
Base class for PKCS#11 configuration.
Abstract base class for classes implementing the PkiCredential interface.
Abstract implementation of the PkiCredentialContainer interface.
Abstract base class for reloadable credentials.
A basic implementation of the PkiCredential interface.
Interface for a credential monitor bean.
Monitor task for credentials.
The default implementation of the CredentialMonitorBean interface.
A default credential test function that tests a credential by getting a private key reference and signs test data using this key.
The default PKCS#11 configuration class.
Factory for elliptic curve key pair generators.
Various parameter specs for elliptic curves.
Implements a PkiCredentialContainer based on a HSM.
An in-memory implementation of the PkiCredentialContainer interface.
Key generation static constants and resources for use with the PkiCredentialContainer key generation functions.
Intarface for a factory for creating a KeyPairGenerator suitable for a specific key type.
A registry for getting a KeyPairGeneratorFactory based on a key type (see KeyGenType).
A KeyStore backed implementation of the PkiCredential and ReloadablePkiCredential interfaces.
Factory bean for creating and unlocking a KeyStore.
A credential that implements OpenSAML's X509Credential interface and wraps a PkiCredential.
Interface for a PKCS#11 configuration.
Exception class for reporting invalid PKCS#11 configuration or failures to instatiate a PKCS#11 provider.
A PKCS#11 credential implementation of the PkiCredential and ReloadablePkiCredential interfaces.
A functional interface for getting a reference to an object residing on a PKCS#11 device.
A representation of a PKI key pair that holds a private key and a X.509 certificate (or just a public key).
A utility class that can be used as a configuration properties object for representing a credential (for Spring Boot).
This interface defines the function of a multi credential container with keys that are contained and managed inside the container for its entire lifetime.
General exception for errors when managing PkiCredentials in a PkiCredentialContainer.
A utility factory that can create any type of PkiCredential class defined in this module.
Utility methods for handling private keys.
A Converter that gets the property value (e.g., classpath:signing.key) and instantiates a PrivateKey object.
A Converter that gets the property value (e.g., classpath:cert.crt) and instantiates a X509Certificate object.
An interface for credentials are "testable" and "reloadable".
Factory for RSA key pair generators.
Implements a PkiCredentialContainer based on a KeyStore that is held in memory (i.e.
A factory bean for creating X.509 certificates read from a resource.
Utility methods for working with X.509 certificates and CRL:s.